MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

UM should file now, putting more pressure ON the ACC, also officially getting in line TO take a spot in the B10, and getting more official momentum going to potentially have the 8 votes to dissolve the ACC prior to July 1, 2024 when the Cal/StanSMU come aboard. ESPN isn't extending, the current media deal ends after the 2026 football season. UM needs to grow a pair of balls and officially enter the fray. There is no place to go but UP.

I have a hack theory that either Miami or UNC will file on ACC media days in the summer. If the magnificent 7 are in cahoots, and if the thinking goes that you want to put maximum pressure on the ACC to force them to negotiate on favorable terms to you, then there's value in a drip-drip-drip chinese water torture strategy, staying constantly in the news cycle.

From that tinfoil perspective, it makes sense to have a new member of the magnificent 7 sue the ACC every couple of months, spreading out the pain for the ACC and increasing the news exposure. And it would be valuable to have someone sue them right during the ACC media days to cast a cloud on the whole event and steal the news cycle.

That would maximize the pressure, as opposed to having everyone sue at the same time and having the news forget about it after a couple months of boring legal fights.
I have a hack theory that either Miami or UNC will file on ACC media days in the summer. If the magnificent 7 are in cahoots, and if the thinking goes that you want to put maximum pressure on the ACC to force them to negotiate on favorable terms to you, then there's value in a drip-drip-drip chinese water torture strategy, staying constantly in the news cycle.

From that tinfoil perspective, it makes sense to have a new member of the magnificent 7 sue the ACC every couple of months, spreading out the pain for the ACC and increasing the news exposure. And it would be valuable to have someone sue them right during the ACC media days to cast a cloud on the whole event and steal the news cycle.

That would maximize the pressure, as opposed to having everyone sue at the same time and having the news forget about it after a couple months of boring legal fights.
It is a LOT easier to simply have 8 schools to vote to dissolve the ACC ...then there is NOTHING to negotiate ... it is relatively clear sailing. No exit fee, no GOR, everybody agrees to play the 2024 schedule as is, and during the course of the year all find a new conference affiliation. Some might not be happy, but Wake Forest and BC will need to be in smaller regional conferences that actually reflect their viewership and TV following, they can't continue to be subsidized by major programs.
It is a LOT easier to simply have 8 schools to vote to dissolve the ACC ...then there is NOTHING to negotiate ... it is relatively clear sailing. No exit fee, no GOR, everybody agrees to play the 2024 schedule as is, and during the course of the year all find a new conference affiliation. Some might not be happy, but Wake Forest and BC will need to be in smaller regional conferences that actually reflect their viewership and TV following, they can't continue to be subsidized by major programs.

I have a hard time believing that's possible before February. I've never been a believer in that strategy.
Guess Whos Back Crypto GIF by DONUTs
You would have thought that being out of action for a long sabbatical would have created a bit of rust and maybe a slow grind to full speed but NO....this break clearly invigorated and refocused the Sensei. He has sharpened his iron and is ready for anything anyone can throw at him. I feel for those who may unwittingly wander into his path.
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I'm starting to hate today. April Fools.

Saw several tweet Wazzu & Oregon St to ACC.
I mean seriously dude you should know better you’ve been reading this thread - and no that’s not remotely Possible to go about having happen right now
People want us to file suit because it would be a public signal and proof that we're taking some sort of action on the re-alignment issue. It's a comforting action, not one that would necessarily assist us (in this moment at least) in making our way to the P2.

We've certainly done things behind the scene (again, there are a very tight group of people who are running the show on this issue and they do not leak). However, I understand the impatience on this issue, especially when one of our biggest rivals is a bull in the china shop on this. If we filed suit against the ACC today, much of the complaint would be identical to FSU's. It wouldn't be surprising for such a case to be consolidated. What happens with that FSU case is important to us.

However, there's a few pathways to leaving this conference. A suit isn't a prerequisite to getting out of it and moving to the P2. Could we ultimately file a suit against the ACC? Sure, it can definitely happen. As things stand though, I'm not expecting it anytime soon.
It is a LOT easier to simply have 8 schools to vote to dissolve the ACC ...then there is NOTHING to negotiate ... it is relatively clear sailing. No exit fee, no GOR, everybody agrees to play the 2024 schedule as is, and during the course of the year all find a new conference affiliation. Some might not be happy, but Wake Forest and BC will need to be in smaller regional conferences that actually reflect their viewership and TV following, they can't continue to be subsidized by major programs.

It's probably not nearly as easy as it sounds. Again, I haven't seen the actual GOR, but from what we know it was basically copied directly from the Big 12's GOR, word for word. The Big 12 GOR (and likely the ACC GOR) have a catch 22 for voting for dissolution. Only "disinterested" parties are allowed to vote for dissolution. If a team wants to join another conference, it is considered an "interested" party and no longer gets a vote. So if you have 8 teams that have spots in other conferences, none of the 8 teams are allowed are allowed to vote for dissolution because they are "interested parties."

Ironically, if UM doesn't have a spot in the P2 and shows that through its actions like not filing a lawsuit against the ACC , it might be considered a "disinterested party" and get to keep its vote. But if the ACC did copy the Big 12 GOR as was reported years ago, then FSU and Clemson will not be allowed a vote.
It's probably not nearly as easy as it sounds. Again, I haven't seen the actual GOR, but from what we know it was basically copied directly from the Big 12's GOR, word for word. The Big 12 GOR (and likely the ACC GOR) have a catch 22 for voting for dissolution. Only "disinterested" parties are allowed to vote for dissolution. If a team wants to join another conference, it is considered an "interested" party and no longer gets a vote. So if you have 8 teams that have spots in other conferences, none of the 8 teams are allowed are allowed to vote for dissolution because they are "interested parties."

Ironically, if UM doesn't have a spot in the P2 and shows that through its actions like not filing a lawsuit against the ACC , it might be considered a "disinterested party" and get to keep its vote. But if the ACC did copy the Big 12 GOR as was reported years ago, then FSU and Clemson will not be allowed a vote.
As long as a program hasn't provided notice that they are leaving they have a right to vote on substantive matters. Clemson and FSU can certainly vote along with 6 others to dissolve the ACC. Also, it wouldn't be in the GOR, those terms would have to be in the conference bylaws. The ACC GOR has been presented on this forum several times and is a very simple document.
Counterpoint - Does having a wink-wink nudge-nudge landing spot impact that strategy? Let's say the B10 really is only taking two and it winds up being FSU/ND and the SEC isn't interested. Of course if we have a guaranteed landing spot then this should be a no-brainer and is fireable if it isn't. I, personally would still file, as I would rather be in the B12 long term than the ACC if the P2 are off the table.

I do not believe it has an impact, and I'll tell you why.

First, if F$U-Clemson leave, it's highly unlikely for ESPN to re-up. So I would argue that being COMPLETELY free, even if it means that a new "smaller" ACC has to go out on its own, is better than having "big daddy ACC" continuing to "own our rights" and shopping us around to, oh, I don't know, RAYCOM...

Second, I would argue that even in a "we're only taking 2" Big 10 scenario, the AVAILABILITY of Miami and others might force the issue. For instance, it might "only" be 2 now that F$U and Clemson are the only ones suing (and ND is big enough to do whatever the **** they want), but it might become 4 or 6 once there are some valuable chips on the table.

I had a similar conversation with some lawyers/accountants/tax people about 15 years ago when there were only 3 remaining NON-ISC/NON-SMI speedways still owned by other entities. Because of the way NASCAR race dates were awarded (and held), I'm like "we have to win 2 out of the next 3". At a certain point, you have to overpay/over-offer when the last available chips are up for grabs.

The game is going to be over soon, and we're still watching everyone else play their hands...
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You would have thought that being out of action for a long sabbatical would have created a bit of rust and maybe a slow grind to full speed but NO....this break clearly invigorated and refocused the Sensei. He has sharpened his iron and is ready for anything anyone can throw at him. I feel for those who may unwittingly wonder into his path.

That's the deadline for ESPN to extend. If you bust up the ACC while ESPN still has the option available, then they can sue

That is correct.

However, I'd point out that the ACC Commissioner gave a unilateral extension to ESPN, something NOT voted on by the general membership.

Soooo...a court may very well find that ESPN no longer has any time to exercise the option.
I believe there IS a case that, even if the P2 each add two ACC programs, there is a strong case that Miami will be in that mix. What does UM offer:

1. AAU ... and Clemson is way down the list of even sniffing AAU while FSU is very close.
2. TV market ... large market in South Florida ... and even take in the regions that B10 alums
are moving to ... Orlando to Key West ... both coasts. Huge B10 country.
3. Brand Recognition. UM is still a huge draw and what Mario has been doing has gotten
recruit attention. A 247 survey of 2000 D1 recruits last Summer had UM in #4 out of 10,
ahead of FSU, in hot football brands.
4. Rivalry games ... the B10 values those games because they draw NATIONAL ATTENTION
and can be marketed. Miami / FSU; Catholics and Convicts; UM / Nebraska etc.

I could see a situation in which UNC / Clemson end up in the SEC and FSU / Miami end up in the B10. Those are THE TOP 4 period. Any involvement of NcState / UVA / Va Tech would be all politics. It really is up to UM to make sure THEY WANT out and the let the B10 know it ... get some back channelled confirmations and FILE a legal action. If we get lucky and get 8 votes to dissolve, fine, no exit cost. If not, we are at least initiating the move OUT the door.