MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I think most of us enjoy your contributions and post on the site. However, I don't think you really have a leg to stand on implying someone is posting conspiracy theories when you've posted many times in this thread that we have a locked in spot with the B1G. You've kind of backed off lately on being so confident as that looks shaky at best right now.
a conspiracy theory and actual facts evolving are not the same thing but believe what you want. I still believe we will be in big ten and I never said it would be before 2026/7 barring some miracle and NO one was expecting Oregon and wash to take half shares at the time which is really the only reason doubt was injected imo. My issue more lately has been with Dan being way more political than required. I can disagree with his strategy on that front but it doesn’t make it wrong yet.

The problem with this and ever message board is people acting like life doesn’t have changes which may alter a path even if the destination is the same which is fundamentally different that absurd conspiracy theories but y’all have fun with that.
Dear lord. I can’t imagine a world in which we’re riding FSuckU coattails to the B10 as good. That would be so EMBARRASSING to have become little brother
Whatever. Who gives a **** if you’re buying into what they say as if fsu has voting rights in who comes with them to a conference they don’t have a vote in. They don’t.

USC said same thing about ucla but ucla contacted B1G first just as a random example of narrative vs fact
Interesting comments in the Warchant 1900 page thread on Realignment made by a poster who supposedly has MEDIA contacts. He is one of the more prominent, respected posters on the site, especially regarding the Noles leaving the ACC.

"At least 8 schools now have landing spots outside the ACC ..not all 8 are fully satisfied with their deals to jump. The B12 is preparing to cherry pick once the heavyweights announce ... Duke is high on their list".

There were then a lot of comments / observations that in order to get all 8-10 on board to dissolve the conferences / media partners might have to make some concessions, ie, partnering Nc State with UNC in order to expedite the change, and possibly partnering Miami with FSU, even if it is at less than full share for a period, in order to get the votes needed to dissolve and save everybody $$$. There is simply too much smoke from serious individuals to believe that status quo will be maintained. It just feels like something concrete will happen before the July1 date that Cal/Stan/SMU are slated to join the ACC. Adios ACC.
Miami not even with a B12 Christmas Card...


You heard me.

What about generally in non profit entities/corporations in terms of majority members voting to dissolve? (If you know off hand)
Generally is for the organization to decide in its organizing documents. I believe that is the case in NC. Their code provides for procedures if the organization does not state for itself. However, depending on how the events are ordered, the conference would have to provide notice to the NC Attorney General if it is going to dispose of substantially all of its assets as part of the dissolution.
Programs like Bama and UGA have a great deal of assistances. Doesn’t hurt…
Depends on who they are. If it is UF picking at the scrap yard of the SunBelt, it probably doesn't move the needle. If it is Bama with former head coaches and NFL coaches as analysts, then that helps. They called Sarkisian up from the bullpen the week of the championship game. Maybe two other schools would have that luxury after their OC went on a bender following the semis.
Whatever. Who gives a **** if you’re buying into what they say as if fsu has voting rights in who comes with them to a conference they don’t have a vote in. They don’t.

USC said same thing about ucla but ucla contacted B1G first just as a random example of narrative vs fact
That's a new one. Haven't heard from anybody that FSU "has a vote" on who comes with them. This entire process is driven by the media partners and what they decide, maybe with some limited input from the conferences.
That's a new one. Haven't heard from anybody that FSU "has a vote" on who comes with them. This entire process is driven by the media partners and what they decide, maybe with some limited input from the conferences.
Ultimately, if the networks want a team in a conference, the conference is probably going to take them. USC was apparently vehemently against bringing Oregon and Washington to the BIG, and yet it happened. I do think it helps us that networks are driving realignment, because we do have a good market and have the potential to be a very good product. We already beat half the BIG in TV numbers and home game attendance (and that's with a bad product). If we can take the next step this year, it'll be a big help.
a conspiracy theory and actual facts evolving are not the same thing but believe what you want. I still believe we will be in big ten and I never said it would be before 2026/7 barring some miracle and NO one was expecting Oregon and wash to take half shares at the time which is really the only reason doubt was injected imo. My issue more lately has been with Dan being way more political than required. I can disagree with his strategy on that front but it doesn’t make it wrong yet.

The problem with this and ever message board is people acting like life doesn’t have changes which may alter a path even if the destination is the same which is fundamentally different that absurd conspiracy theories but y’all have fun with that.

Most logical individuals understand that things change in life. However, nothing that has posted in this thread has been proven fact. It's been rumors mostly by a few individuals supposedly in the know that could also be considered theories. Conspiracy perhaps. Regardless, it's pretty obviously things have changed so nothing should be eliminated off the table is all I'm saying. At the end of the day all of us want the same thing and that is what is best for our beloved program. I truly hope what your saying is fact and we've got a really good chance of making it into the P2 because if we don't it's truly going to be difficult to keep up.
is there any "tampering/conspiring" rules in the ACC contract that they could use to bite us in the ***? Or are we clear to be meeting with the other universities??
is there any "tampering/conspiring" rules in the ACC contract that they could use to bite us in the ***? Or are we clear to be meeting with the other universities??

I have a feeling the colluding complications could be bigger than just conference rules. I feel like these "out of the P2" teams are going to file a lawsuit against these conferences and ESPN/FOX when it's all said and done. It seems like there's certainly market collusion and teams certainly seem like they'll be able to claim damages.
I have a feeling the colluding complications could be bigger than just conference rules. I feel like these "out of the P2" teams are going to file a lawsuit against these conferences and ESPN/FOX when it's all said and done. It seems like there's certainly market collusion and teams certainly seem like they'll be able to claim damages.
Damages will be very difficult to establish, especially if ESPN simply states they are not extending the media agreement past June 30, 2027. They had the option to extend in 2021 ... and they chose not to. There is no media agreement past June 30, 2027, just 3 more seasons, and we are entering 2024, and if teams "leaving" leave for 2027. No damages.
ESPN might actually want the ACCN to be shut down so they can focus investments on the SEC which is their stated priority property. This isn't happening in a vacuum ... there IS media partner input. I believe that ESPN has NO interest in extending the media agreement past its current expiration date of June 30, 2027. The conference will lose key brands in 25 and 26, and whoever is left will be joined by G5 programs added to backfill. Any new media offer for the period 2027 and on ... will be a fraction of the current one and nobody on a national level will even see an ACC game after that, except on limited regional streaming services.

SEC is definitely their priority property but the ACC also makes them a ton of money. I don't like ESPN, but the fact is they gambled with the deal and won. At the time they made the deal, they offered the ACC more than what other conferences were getting because they expected college football to continue to grow. The risk was that the conference could be garbage in 10 years, with almost no viewers. If the worst came to pass, they would still be paying the 40-50 million per acc team, even if losing money. The bet paid off for them.

Other conferences built in shorter windows so they could re-negotiate, but the trade off is they take on more risk of having some bad years, and the next time they don't make as much money (or the major networks have made deals with more lucrative conferences and aren't interested in the price the conference is asking). It's like a 22 year old NFL player signing a 3 year deal worth 30 million instead of a 5 year deal worth 45 million. He's gambling he's going to have 3 great years and be in line for a megacontract when he's 25, but trading the chance of having guaranteed income.

SEC obviously isn't going to add all the ACC teams to the SEC, so they would probably add 2 teams. That means 12 teams would go to other conferences and they would lose out on the revenue (or at best a fraction of what they got if ESPN has revenue sharing with other networks). The amount of money ESPN would make by shifting 2 top market teams to the SEC isn't going to make up for the amount of money lost by the other 12 teams going to other networks. They aren't going to let the ACC dissolve to try to get out of the contract. I think you are wrong that ESPN has no interest in extending the media agreement. ESPN would have a huge amount of interest in forcing the remaining acc teams to stay in the conference and take less money than just letting 12 teams walk. And unsurprisingly, their astute lawyers thought of this contingency. This is why the ESPN lawyers actually built into the contract that if the number of ACC teams drops below 15, ESPN has the right to renegotiate the media deal and lower the payouts.
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Damages will be very difficult to establish, especially if ESPN simply states they are not extending the media agreement past June 30, 2027. They had the option to extend in 2021 ... and they chose not to. There is no media agreement past June 30, 2027, just 3 more seasons, and we are entering 2024, and if teams "leaving" leave for 2027. No damages.

The damages would be whatever that team will end up making versus what they were making with Clemson, FSU, and whoever else in the ACC. I would argue, the collusion between networks and conferences allowed them to establish better payouts for certain schools and more lucrative deals for themselves where, if they were operating in a vacuum and not with each other, they likely wouldn't have received those payouts. The harmed teams would have had a better chance at either keeping the conference whole, and keeping the value, or getting a better deal on the exit.

If the balance in payouts to schools is a function of higher earning schools being evenly distributed amongst conferences, you have a case where networks and conferences colluded to consolidate to better their own situations.

It may be why Miami has zero interest in speaking about any of this.