MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Interesting comments in the Warchant 1900 page thread on Realignment made by a poster who supposedly has MEDIA contacts. He is one of the more prominent, respected posters on the site, especially regarding the Noles leaving the ACC.

"At least 8 schools now have landing spots outside the ACC ..not all 8 are fully satisfied with their deals to jump. The B12 is preparing to cherry pick once the heavyweights announce ... Duke is high on their list".

There were then a lot of comments / observations that in order to get all 8-10 on board to dissolve the conferences / media partners might have to make some concessions, ie, partnering Nc State with UNC in order to expedite the change, and possibly partnering Miami with FSU, even if it is at less than full share for a period, in order to get the votes needed to dissolve and save everybody $$$. There is simply too much smoke from serious individuals to believe that status quo will be maintained. It just feels like something concrete will happen before the July1 date that Cal/Stan/SMU are slated to join the ACC. Adios ACC.
Interesting comments in the Warchant 1900 page thread on Realignment made by a poster who supposedly has MEDIA contacts. He is one of the more prominent, respected posters on the site, especially regarding the Noles leaving the ACC.

"At least 8 schools now have landing spots outside the ACC ..not all 8 are fully satisfied with their deals to jump. The B12 is preparing to cherry pick once the heavyweights announce ... Duke is high on their list".

There were then a lot of comments / observations that in order to get all 8-10 on board to dissolve the conferences / media partners might have to make some concessions, ie, partnering Nc State with UNC in order to expedite the change, and possibly partnering Miami with FSU, even if it is at less than full share for a period, in order to get the votes needed to dissolve and save everybody $$$. There is simply too much smoke from serious individuals to believe that status quo will be maintained. It just feels like something concrete will happen before the July1 date that Cal/Stan/SMU are slated to join the ACC. Adios ACC.

I'm sure Duke is high on Big 12 list but doubt high on Duke's list
Im not familiar with NC state case law. (Wake Forest pretty much does not teach state law at all)
a lot of law schools dont really go fully into state law outside of a few electives or classes depending on the school (some do a procedure (crim and civ) class). one whole section of the bar is national so you can really prep for the state law nuances (aside from LA which is their own french code) during bar prep.
Interesting comments in the Warchant 1900 page thread on Realignment made by a poster who supposedly has MEDIA contacts. He is one of the more prominent, respected posters on the site, especially regarding the Noles leaving the ACC.

"At least 8 schools now have landing spots outside the ACC ..not all 8 are fully satisfied with their deals to jump. The B12 is preparing to cherry pick once the heavyweights announce ... Duke is high on their list".

There were then a lot of comments / observations that in order to get all 8-10 on board to dissolve the conferences / media partners might have to make some concessions, ie, partnering Nc State with UNC in order to expedite the change, and possibly partnering Miami with FSU, even if it is at less than full share for a period, in order to get the votes needed to dissolve and save everybody $$$. There is simply too much smoke from serious individuals to believe that status quo will be maintained. It just feels like something concrete will happen before the July1 date that Cal/Stan/SMU are slated to join the ACC. Adios ACC.

The B12 seems to be leveraging their conference to be a Basketball power as well. So the Duke move makes sense. Hopefully our media market and location for recruiting gets us into one of the Power 2. If this option is truly legit for them to dissolve the time to do it would be now for certain before the other three join.
Interesting comments in the Warchant 1900 page thread on Realignment made by a poster who supposedly has MEDIA contacts. He is one of the more prominent, respected posters on the site, especially regarding the Noles leaving the ACC.

"At least 8 schools now have landing spots outside the ACC ..not all 8 are fully satisfied with their deals to jump. The B12 is preparing to cherry pick once the heavyweights announce ... Duke is high on their list".

There were then a lot of comments / observations that in order to get all 8-10 on board to dissolve the conferences / media partners might have to make some concessions, ie, partnering Nc State with UNC in order to expedite the change, and possibly partnering Miami with FSU, even if it is at less than full share for a period, in order to get the votes needed to dissolve and save everybody $$$. There is simply too much smoke from serious individuals to believe that status quo will be maintained. It just feels like something concrete will happen before the July1 date that Cal/Stan/SMU are slated to join the ACC. Adios ACC.

Call me a skeptic on any conversation where they think Duke goes to the big 12 short of the entire ACC and big east also simultaneously dying even in diminished forms. Duke makes Miami feel like a Kansas school

I mean in reality, nothing would shock me, but this would come as close to shocking me in the entire realignment scenario

I’m also not buying that not only do 8 have a landing spot, but they also understand what their deal to jump is because while they might have a wink and a nod, any conversations that got to that level would open them up - meaning the conferences - to massive lawsuits by the ACC or at least the members that didn’t have a spot.
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Call me a skeptic on any conversation where they think Duke goes to the big 12 short of the entire ACC and big east also simultaneously dying even in diminished forms. Duke makes Miami feel like a Kansas school

I mean in reality, nothing with shock me, but this would come as close to shocking me in the entire realignment scenario

I’m also not buying that not only do 8 have a landing spot, but they also understand what their deal to jump is because while they might have a wink and a nod, any conversations that got to that level would open them up - meaning the conferences - to massive lawsuits by the ACC or at least the members that didn’t have a spot.
Fact is there is a lot going on and none of us are aware of what constraints have been potentially removed BY the media partners and conferences as a result of the CFP agreement that was just signed. There might be a very good reason that the CFP agreement had to be hashed out first, possibly with some concessions being made by both media partners (ie Fox agreeing not to bid) and conferences. One "rumor" floating around is "CFP agreement has provisions that permit the P2 to raid the rest of the P4 with no repercussions".
I'm hopeful we land in the B1G but how would we feel about the following hypothetical:

Miami lands in the B1G as part of a package deal that includes fsu (no fsu, no Miami). The package deal further provides fsu with a full share, while we agree to accept a half share for x number of years.

If that happens, we immediately become little brother. That ****es me off, yet the alternative (BIG 12) is less attractive.
I'm hopeful we land in the B1G but how would we feel about the following hypothetical:

Miami lands in the B1G as part of a package deal that includes fsu (no fsu, no Miami). The package deal further provides fsu with a full share, while we agree to accept a half share for x number of years.

If that happens, we immediately become little brother. That ****es me off, yet the alternative (BIG 12) is less attractive.
We could get a half share or 3/4 share for 3-4 years. That would give us more than we get in the current ACC agreement, and we are in the B10 for recruiting and big game programming. Might even be a scaled payout. 50% year 1; 60% year 2; 75% year 3; 100% year 4. Also could have a performance clause. Big thing is getting TO the P2 and not be relegated to the B12. That is a literal death sentence.
Interesting comments in the Warchant 1900 page thread on Realignment made by a poster who supposedly has MEDIA contacts. He is one of the more prominent, respected posters on the site, especially regarding the Noles leaving the ACC.

"At least 8 schools now have landing spots outside the ACC ..not all 8 are fully satisfied with their deals to jump. The B12 is preparing to cherry pick once the heavyweights announce ... Duke is high on their list".

There were then a lot of comments / observations that in order to get all 8-10 on board to dissolve the conferences / media partners might have to make some concessions, ie, partnering Nc State with UNC in order to expedite the change, and possibly partnering Miami with FSU, even if it is at less than full share for a period, in order to get the votes needed to dissolve and save everybody $$$. There is simply too much smoke from serious individuals to believe that status quo will be maintained. It just feels like something concrete will happen before the July1 date that Cal/Stan/SMU are slated to join the ACC. Adios ACC.

Is ESPN not incentivized to hamper any movement from the ACC to the BIG10, since FOX has that contract?
Fact is there is a lot going on and none of us are aware of what constraints have been potentially removed BY the media partners and conferences as a result of the CFP agreement that was just signed. There might be a very good reason that the CFP agreement had to be hashed out first, possibly with some concessions being made by both media partners (ie Fox agreeing not to bid) and conferences. One "rumor" floating around is "CFP agreement has provisions that permit the P2 to raid the rest of the P4 with no repercussions".
lol ok

“Hey everyone listen you can give me less money than everyone else’s but I still give you permission to kill me without getting arrested”

There is not a lawyer for a company like ESPN, or Fox, and most likely for the power two that would sign off on the provision being in a contract and open themselves up does lawsuits from other members who have no idea that was put into it. I will bet you everything I own everything you own and everything that everyone on this board on that that is not in the deal.

There may be provisions, for what happens if new members join a power to conference in terms of the revenue share, which is a complete and totally separate issue, even if dependent upon realignment. There is a look at that well-known already that readdress is allocation in 2028 or sooner if realignment happens. How people got from that to what you were telling us here is beyond me.

I had no idea that Q had branched out

Q Alphabet GIF by Mr A Hayes
Is ESPN not incentivized to hamper any movement from the ACC to the BIG10, since FOX has that contract?
The implications are that everything changed during the media company discussions / negotiations regarding the CFP structure and payout. There were comments from multiple fronts that "realignment is on hold until after the CFP deal is done .. then things will begin to happen".

One comment was that in the "talks" FOX agreed not to bid on the new deal in exchange for certain concessions from ESPN regarding ACC teams changing conferences. It is clear that the media companies are driving realignment, and they might have actually laid out the teams that they would "prefer" getting aligned with the B10 and SEC. To facilitate that, with schools NOT having to pay the $120M conference exit fee, the cleanest method is to have confirmed homes for 8 or more ACC schools, the votes needed to dissolve. Then the ACC might RE-STRUCTURE after those 8-10 leave, backfilling with G5 programs, and get a media deal that is representative of the conference make up. Or ... just shut it down. It would mean several join the B12 and schools like Wake and BC, join smaller regional conferences.
I think one thing that helps us here, with regard to the networks driving realignment, is that we have as good of a market as anyone in the country. Also, it's been noted by a few people on here and on other boards (who at least say they're in the know), that Fox wants us.

It doesn't really matter if we go into the B10 at a reduced share. Like someone else said there can be a performance clause that helps us shorten that timeline, and ultimately the goal is just getting in to begin with.
lol ok

“Hey everyone listen you can give me less money than everyone else’s but I still give you permission to kill me without getting arrested”

There is not a lawyer for a company like ESPN, or Fox, and most likely for the power two that would sign off on the provision being in a contract and open themselves up does lawsuits from other members who have no idea that was put into it. I will bet you everything I own everything you own and everything that everyone on this board on that that is not in the deal.

There may be provisions, for what happens if new members join a power to conference in terms of the revenue share, which is a complete and totally separate issue, even if dependent upon realignment. There is a look at that well-known already that readdress is allocation in 2028 or sooner if realignment happens. How people got from that to what you were telling us here is beyond me.

I had no idea that Q had branched out

Q Alphabet GIF by Mr A Hayes

I think most of us enjoy your contributions and post on the site. However, I don't think you really have a leg to stand on implying someone is posting conspiracy theories when you've posted many times in this thread that we have a locked in spot with the B1G. You've kind of backed off lately on being so confident as that looks shaky at best right now.
I am not “telling you anything” outside of reporting some of the comments and “theories” that are being discussed elsewhere on realignment threads by individuals from programs involved in trying to exit the ACC.
lol ok

“Hey everyone listen you can give me less money than everyone else’s but I still give you permission to kill me without getting arrested”

There is not a lawyer for a company like ESPN, or Fox, and most likely for the power two that would sign off on the provision being in a contract and open themselves up does lawsuits from other members who have no idea that was put into it. I will bet you everything I own everything you own and everything that everyone on this board on that that is not in the deal.

There may be provisions, for what happens if new members join a power to conference in terms of the revenue share, which is a complete and totally separate issue, even if dependent upon realignment. There is a look at that well-known already that readdress is allocation in 2028 or sooner if realignment happens. How people got from that to what you were telling us here is beyond me.

I had no idea that Q had branched out

Q Alphabet GIF by Mr A Hayes
Dear lord. I can’t imagine a world in which we’re riding FSuckU coattails to the B10 as good. That would be so EMBARRASSING to have become little brother
Who gives a **** how we get on the lifeboat? We've been sht for 20 years! If we keep stacking talent and improving on a bigger stage it won't matter in a few years regardless.