MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

In my view, Manny was the worst of our post-Coker coaches. The cultural rot we'd experienced over the past two decades hit rock bottom, and his recruiting was abysmal. We had a lot of cancers in that locker room.

I do think that everyone, Mario included, underestimated how bad the state of our program was and how long the rebuild would take. Factor in two bad coordinator hires, injuries (especially at QB), and a broken locker room, and you get the 2022 season.

Nobody could've anticipated how bad TVD would be (albeit he was playing through some bad injuries). Because of his play we lost the NCST game, almost lost to UVA, and he's the second biggest reason why we lost to GT (that loss is on Mario's massive mistake; but we're not even in that position if TVD has even an average game). He's also the reason we had to start a true freshman against Clemson and FSU. We probably beat a Top 5 FSU with an average QB. All in all, with an average QB, we're a 9-3 team last year. The hope is that with an elite QB like Cam Ward we can be a 10-11 win team.
Look at the games TVD played well in, the 1st 4 & the last 2 our O looked good. In those middle games, blame Dawson all you want, but I would sit there & wonder what the **** do you call since you can't trust TVD at all. Ward will make this team much better on his own, but he as more talent at the U then he ever has at Wash. State.
I don't call people names on here... (Unless you call me names) My history will show that.

But the single fact that mouth-breathers are still posting that mongoloids genetics stuff and following it as a factual rumor really shows how dumb people are on here

I don't know what will happen. None of us do.

But genitalia doesn't know either.
In my view, Manny was the worst of our post-Coker coaches. The cultural rot we'd experienced over the past two decades hit rock bottom, and his recruiting was abysmal. We had a lot of cancers in that locker room.

I do think that everyone, Mario included, underestimated how bad the state of our program was and how long the rebuild would take. Factor in two bad coordinator hires, injuries (especially at QB), and a broken locker room, and you get the 2022 season.

Nobody could've anticipated how bad TVD would be (albeit he was playing through some bad injuries). Because of his play we lost the NCST game, almost lost to UVA, and he's the second biggest reason why we lost to GT (that loss is on Mario's massive mistake; but we're not even in that position if TVD has even an average game). He's also the reason we had to start a true freshman against Clemson and FSU. We probably beat a Top 5 FSU with an average QB. All in all, with an average QB, we're a 9-3 team last year. The hope is that with an elite QB like Cam Ward we can be a 10-11 win team.
3 runs up the gut to nowhere but we’ll see
How could he have known TVD would have a mental breakdown mid season? no one saw that coming. So why would he go spend a bunch of money in the portal for a problem he didnt think he would have. He had so many holes to fill already. All these posts go back to one thing. Mannys horrible recruiting bit Mario in the ***. If he was doing such a great job he wouldnt have gotten sht canned.

You trust your eyes… did you watch 2022… that’s how he should have known…
He wants to be a media player in all this so badly that he’s making stuff up now. All of the sudden he thinks he’s an expert in the ACC too. As the days go by his credibility continues to take a dump.
Also in that same post where he talks about us being at the bottom of the ACC, he posted a graphic that has us in the Top 4 of the conference… Absolute clown post. 🤡

He’s drinking too much of the FSU koolaid over there on warchant.
We can’t self destruct like this again.. If people want to harass Mario and his family through their nightmares like he stole their wife’s panties… Let them.

People in the know see his flaws, see he’s made productive decisions to improve those areas.

Whether it translates in 2024? We all expect it will.

It’s a no lose situation for them.: Because they get to stomp on the high ground as the antagonists if it all falls apart; but if we win big we don’t care enough to say permanently banned you full time beta cuck.:..
you mean the handful of games, he played behind the bad oline that Mario had to completely overhaul? The line that started 3 center body types because wait for it....the same recurring theme. Mannys sht recruiting.
The guy was also hurt most of that season. Mario basically made an eval off of a great 2021 and a mostly injured 22. Just didn't work out. Happens to us all in life.
GT - Mario win #8
Rutgers - Mario win #9

Sitting on the lead with a clenched **** is on Mario. Not replacing TVD is on Mario. Playing TVD when he sucks is on Mario…

Making excuses for Mario that were never made for other coaches is on MariBros…
I hope someone in your professional life holds you as accountable as you do Mario. I root for the man because currently he is the head coach of my favorite team in sports not because he can do no wrong, but your repetitive garbage is almost worse than the absurdities read in Gator years.
GT - Mario win #8
Rutgers - Mario win #9

Sitting on the lead with a clenched **** is on Mario. Not replacing TVD is on Mario. Playing TVD when he sucks is on Mario…

Making excuses for Mario that were never made for other coaches is on MariBros…
who was he supposed to play at QB?
I hope someone in your professional life holds you as accountable as you do Mario. I root for the man because currently he is the head coach of my favorite team in sports not because he can do no wrong, but your repetitive garbage is almost worse than the absurdities read in Gator years.

12-13. Last regime was held to a standard that any competent coach should win 10 games in the ACC at Miami. Standard should be the same especially given the stakes of conference realignment , experience and resources at his disposal.
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Ask Ibis what got his panties twisted again? Stop drinking that hard liquor Ibis without water, you get ****y/sloppy after 10pm.


Cheers to your low standards of 12-13 and the ACC or Big XII…

I’ll take high proof, wins and the B1G for my university…
I’ve only read a few of his posts on today’s hearing (can’t speak to how accurate his play by play is without reading the trial transcript or listening to a playback). However, I do consider him a biased source (hence the tweet below). Not saying to disregard what he says, just that people shouldn’t take it at face value because of potential bias. Trust but verify. I’d say the same if Miami had filed suit and we had our own guy doing the same thing.

If your lawyer is wearing a bow tie you’re for sure going to jail.