MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Let me begin by saying I detest everything about the ACC and I hope it burns to the ground.

Anyway, after the Clemson lawsuit and the ACC reciprocating I hope the big donors begin to blow up the phones at UM but I don’t know. 🤷

I think if we were available the B1G would consider us. I don’t think the SEC would and if they did UF would do their best to block us from being accepted (I also hope we beat the jorts off em later this year).

At this point this thread just seems to be a bunch of wishful thinking. All the people on here so certain we are going to the B1G and even mentioning which teams we will be joining with. I wish I had that confidence in where we may land. I hope we are “moving in silence” as some have said and have a lawsuit on deck for the right moment but watching us vote for those three new schools to the ACC and Rad’s comments makes me wonder. I’ve seen too much from UM the last 20 years that made me scratch my head.

I am curious to know if we voted for the amended ACC lawsuit against FSU and the lawsuit against Clemson? If anyone has that information, please share.

I’ll finish by saying I don’t like the way college football is heading and like everyone here I hope we land in a good place.
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‘Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.’​

You aren’t that smart and neither is 8d chess Dan lol

More Ken than Oppenheimer

Ryan Gosling Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards
I’m trying hard not to be a doomer about this but all the posts about us have secret plans feel like pure hopium. Everything we’ve seen jives with the past 20 years of UM administration: inept and completely lacking in foresight
It's not that we have secret plans. It's not even that we have some secret invite from the conferences (we don't). It's that a team's position in conference realignment isn't predicated by public action or perception. People think FSU and Clemson have conference invites because they're being the most public/loud in their actions. The fact is that up until the Clemson suit, you had a bunch of realignment "insiders" saying that Clemson didn't have an invite anywhere and that they were quiet on the realignment front. Now post-filing suit, everyone's saying they have to have an invite and are moving quick. That's not necessarily the case at all.

The only thing that's rapidly changed throughout this whole re-alignment discussion is public perception. That's it. It's not to say we have a spot in the P2 secured or anything. Only that the people running the show in our FB program understand how important re-alignment is. This isn't the Miami of the late 2000s or 2010s. We actually have some pretty competent FB, legal, and business minds steering the ship on this issue.
All that’s good and I don’t disagree but when someone asks you how you’re doing you can say “I’m great hbu” you don’t have to say “OMG IM SO AMAZING BEST day EVER” to avoid getting sued

We're good, though. DanRad was just playing in the interview.

There are many ways to skin this cat, but all he had to say is "no comment" or "like everyone, we are monitoring the situation." Knowing how every word is being dissected (acknowledging it is irrelevant for realignment purposes), there is absolutely no reason nor anything to gain by saying a word more than that.

If I had wanted to troll the "Don't worry, we have competent leadership" crowd by writing a parody post where I pretend to be Rad expressing his absolute belief in the viability of the ACC and his commitment to staying in it, it would be indistinguishable from that actual post.
You aren’t that smart and neither is 8d chess Dan lol

More Ken than Oppenheimer

Ryan Gosling Oscars GIF by The Academy Awards

It's true, I am math-tarded. I'm helpless without a calculator. But I think you are starting to see that I've been right about Dan Rad.
Look at Oregon State, Cal, Stanford, Arizona etc..... You have what happens when you are reactive instead of proactive.

There was no amount of proactive behavior that was getting any Pac-12 schools besides Oregon and Washington into the Big Ten last summer.

I do think Stanford and Cal will end up in the B1G once the ACC falls apart and after Miami and ND have joined
If I had wanted to troll the "Don't worry, we have competent leadership" crowd by writing a parody post where I pretend to be Rad expressing his absolute belief in the viability of the ACC and his commitment to staying in it, it would be indistinguishable from that actual post.
I said this to someone in message, if you are the B10 and we are having these conversations with Rudy leading the charge, then Rad says that, does the B10 wonder whether we are aligned and serious? There were all sorts of discussions about the university leadership rowing in different directions when Epstein and company were making their own statements, but Rad is essentially doing the same thing, assuming we are in discussions quietly. He needs to have the microphone taken away, especially if the drivers are above him.

With that said, at a certain point when you approve new conference members, approve the meeting to file the counter-suit, make this comment (and others), it becomes hard to think we are not on the outside looking in. 9 times out of 10 the simplest and most obvious explanation is the correct one. Here, that is we do not have a P2 landing spot and it takes some mental gymnastics to get to any other end point.
It's not that we have secret plans. It's not even that we have some secret invite from the conferences (we don't). It's that a team's position in conference realignment isn't predicated by public action or perception. People think FSU and Clemson have conference invites because they're being the most public/loud in their actions. The fact is that up until the Clemson suit, you had a bunch of realignment "insiders" saying that Clemson didn't have an invite anywhere and that they were quiet on the realignment front. Now post-filing suit, everyone's saying they have to have an invite and are moving quick. That's not necessarily the case at all.

The only thing that's rapidly changed throughout this whole re-alignment discussion is public perception. That's it. It's not to say we have a spot in the P2 secured or anything. Only that the people running the show in our FB program understand how important re-alignment is. This isn't the Miami of the late 2000s or 2010s. We actually have some pretty competent FB, legal, and business minds steering the ship on this issue.
It is one thing to be silent like Clemson was and like we were. Clemson also voted against the expansion of membership. It is another thing to make some grand statement like Radakovich did. I was fine with us being quiet and handling our business behind closed doors. I was not fine with Rad's statement, and when you look at it with everything else, there is a consistent story being told.
He had an interesting take this morning on his show on YouTube, Peek Around the Corner w/Greg Flugaur.
Around the 18:30 he rips Genetics. I’m beginning to like this guy a lot more.

Compare what Rad just said with the UNC Chancellor said.

"It's a moment of extreme flux for college sports, possibly the greatest moment of instability that we've seen in a long time. It's going to be important for the leadership at Carolina, not just me but everyone involved, to make sure that when the dust settles Carolina's better off."

Thats not remotely close to something that will get UNC sued, but it tells the ACC (and worried fans) that the school is going to do what it has to do to survive.
He had an interesting take this morning on his show on YouTube, Peek Around the Corner w/Greg Flugaur.
Around the 18:30 he rips Genetics. I’m beginning to like this guy a lot more.
He is a clown operating in his basement ... he and Genetics have been in a ****ing match for a couple of years. Twitter warriors both. If you want to listen to a legit JOURNALIST on Youtube ... Josh Pate is the guy. He is an actual professional journalist, was a news and sports anchor on an affiliate in Nashville and has built quite a following in the coaching community and media community.
He is a clown operating in his basement ... he and Genetics have been in a ****ing match for a couple of years. Twitter warriors both. If you want to listen to a legit JOURNALIST on Youtube ... Josh Pate is the guy. He is an actual professional journalist, was a news and sports anchor on an affiliate in Nashville and has built quite a following in the coaching community and media community.

Pate discussed his acc power rankings a few weeks back, and had UM ranked 4th behind FSU, Clemson, and NC State. This is after getting Cam Ward. I curious if you agree with his assessment that as of right now, NC St is a better program than Miami.