MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Look how U-Dub and Oregon handled their situation for those 13 months between USC and UCLA announcing they were leaving for the B1G and the Huskies and Ducks doing the same.

Lay low and do few interviews — and on those occasions express loyalty to and belief in the Pac-12. Substitute ACC for Pac-12 and we've got DanRad's game plan.

Let FSU and Clemson do what they need to do to get to the SEC.

We're gonna do what we need to do to get to the B1G
Excellent comparison. I just can’t believe Rad doesn’t have a game plan. He’s been around a long time and should know the landscape as well as anyone. Doesn’t mean it won’t be easy but sometimes laying low and letting others stir the pot can result in beneficial results eventually.
Look how U-Dub and Oregon handled their situation for those 13 months between USC and UCLA announcing they were leaving for the B1G and the Huskies and Ducks doing the same.

Lay low and do few interviews — and on those occasions express loyalty to and belief in the Pac-12. Substitute ACC for Pac-12 and we've got DanRad's game plan.

Let FSU and Clemson do what they need to do to get to the SEC.

We're gonna do what we need to do to get to the B1G
All that’s good and I don’t disagree but when someone asks you how you’re doing you can say “I’m great hbu” you don’t have to say “OMG IM SO AMAZING BEST day EVER” to avoid getting sued
Look how U-Dub and Oregon handled their situation for those 13 months between USC and UCLA announcing they were leaving for the B1G and the Huskies and Ducks doing the same.

Lay low and do few interviews — and on those occasions express loyalty to and belief in the Pac-12. Substitute ACC for Pac-12 and we've got DanRad's game plan.

Let FSU and Clemson do what they need to do to get to the SEC.

We're gonna do what we need to do to get to the B1G
the biggest diff is that the pac 12 had their GOR ending and no conference ties beyond this past season. OU and Texas had like 2 years left on their GOR when they made the switch. USC and UCLA had a year left. far different situations than what the canes or any ACC school is dealing with right now with currently 12 years left on the GOR
Look how U-Dub and Oregon handled their situation for those 13 months between USC and UCLA announcing they were leaving for the B1G and the Huskies and Ducks doing the same.

Lay low and do few interviews — and on those occasions express loyalty to and belief in the Pac-12. Substitute ACC for Pac-12 and we've got DanRad's game plan.

Let FSU and Clemson do what they need to do to get to the SEC.

We're gonna do what we need to do to get to the B1G
Look at Oregon State, Cal, Stanford, Arizona etc..... You have what happens when you are reactive instead of proactive.
Look at Oregon State, Cal, Stanford, Arizona etc..... You have what happens when you are reactive instead of proactive.
Those schools were pretty much screwed no matter what happened. This is the problem, there will be solid brands that will be left out of the Big 2, while crap like Northwestern and Vanderbilt will get to ride coattails. None of this makes any sense whatsoever.
Those schools were pretty much screwed no matter what happened. This is the problem, there will be solid brands that will be left out of the Big 2, while crap like Northwestern and Vanderbilt will get to ride coattails. None of this makes any sense whatsoever.
None of us knows which side of the aisle we will end up on. Drawing conclusions is just a sport CIS has perfected.
Most are simply stating the "Miami hasn't won anything on over 20 years, has a fanbase that doesn't go to games, has no stadium, and doesn't have a good football coach". Heard that one at a bar in Seminole country two days ago from a lady who had a brother that played for the Noles in the 80's and has a son and nephew on the present roster. "Y'all need a football coach, that guy you have in't gettin it done".
Yeah, unfortunately, doesn't sound so much fear of competition with the addition of Miami, but rather fear that Miami would end up being another mouth to feed.

Need to start winning.
Don’t like the super strong endorsement but not having a landing spot (publicly known) prevents FOX and Big 10 from being sued. Also, BIG could be hoping to get us on a half revenue type deal when they think we’re desperate.
"We're incredibly solid with the ACC"...until FSU and Clemson are gone. Then we're not.

I agree it was completely unnecessary, but also know not to believe what people say in public. As another tweet said, no need to risk a countersuit from the ACC right now. Let FSU and Clemson do the dirty work and set precedent and then follow suit. If they are stuck, Miami is now favored more in the conference. If they get out, they have legal precedent to follow.

This honestly sounded like when coaches ask recruits to send out messages of their commitment, regardless of how solid they are with their commitment. You best believe once the conference starts losing their top "recruits," others will bail. Just ask UF and FSU how it works.

I just can't believe, especially coming from Clemson, this is how he truly feels. I can't believe he doesn't understand the implications—financially and competitively—if the FSU/Clemson bail and we get stuck.


PS, Genetics knows nothing. He changes his tune every 24 hours based on the latest report or quote.
Focused on Miami AD remarks and UNC bot comments and meeting. Some In the beginning but Jump to 17 minutes or so in for a Miami focus. TIFWIW

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Yeah, unfortunately, doesn't sound so much fear of competition with the addition of Miami, but rather fear that Miami would end up being another mouth to feed.

Need to start winning.
Yet those same conferences have no problem carrying crap like Northwestern, Vanderbilt, and other schools that can't, nor will ever have any kind of significant success in football. UCLA hasn't been relevant in football for almost 35 years, and their basketball program is very hit and miss at this point. Explain why the B1G let them in. Northwestern is historically bad in EVERYTHING.

Let's keep it real. None of this is about competitive balance. It's about money, and even though Miami has been mediocre for the last two decades, we're still a valuable sports property in both eyeballs and interest. That said, who knows what will happen. The SEC may take FSU and Clemson, and the B1G may not expand. The SEC may not take anyone, same with the B1G, leaving everyone to create new conferences. Who knows?
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The opener against UF is huge and this is the season we need to start beating FSU again. ACC Championship win is a necessity. Was listening to Josh Pate and he is hinting that it is highly likely that ESPN will not choose to extend (whether that extension option is even legal today is another issue), and the ACC will be in a complete free fall ... with ESPN moving 4 or more to the SEC while a few head to the B10. I just wish that Radacovitch was more "neutral" in his public comments than strongly supportive of the ACC, which has shown to be a trash conference that has been operated with little or no regard for the member schools.
Agreed they need to start winning, but not sure one strong season will quell any doubts. ACC Championship is a necessity?
Agreed they need to start winning, but not sure one strong season will quell any doubts. ACC Championship is a necessity?
One strong season may not move the needle competitively, but look at 2017 and how much TV coverage we got when we actually won. Now do that with a fun QB of Ward's caliber. Show conferences—and, more importantly, networks—the value of a strong Miami to ratings, then yeah, one year could make a huge difference. Though I think everyone knows the eyes Miami draws. That's why I don't buy we wouldn't have a spot somewhere; Miami is good for TV.