MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Yeah thats exactly my concern. Almost 20 years of incompetence at all levels of leadership, now we just have to hope Dan Rad saves the day. But Dan Rad is one of the key reasons we're in the situation in the first place as he was a huge supporter of the GOR and ESPN deal while at Clemson. So really, our program depends on Rad doing a 180 and admitting one of his biggest career achievements was actually an unmitigated disaster.

Is it possible? Yes. Does it require putting blind faith in an administration that has an extensive track record of making lazy, short-sighted decisions? Also yes.


Canes fans everywhere stand with Matt Lee wondering what the **** we’re doing…
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These are the 7 most likely to have a P2 spot. So this shouldn’t be a surprise

The way this is written, I just imagine a bunch of people standing around a table examining the document with white gloves and magnifying glasses like it's the Shroud of Turin.
I agree with Pate's assessment. The fact is that NCST is 17-9 over the past three seasons. Meanwhile, Miami is 12-13 over the same period. I think with Ward we have a higher ceiling than any other team in the ACC (elite QB play elevates all), but it's reasonable to have us at #4. We've underperformed for the past twenty years. Better to underrate a team than overrate it. Won't be a miss on his part if he puts us at #4 and we finally over perform and end up higher.
It was not NC State, he had ND, UNC, FSU then Miami. Next group was Clemson, UVA then NC State.
Agree with everything you said. I really hope we’re pro FSU and Clemson’s efforts and acting as a covert party (for now) to their public efforts.

I always go back to the early 2022 leaks/news of Miami seeking ACC buyout options as evidence that we want out ASAP. Things quickly went silent and dried but I hope there was volition to that and we’ve always working to move.

It’s probably all just blind hope on my part.

You don’t think Miami becoming good again in football and being on an upward trajectory wouldn’t help boost its share of tv money and offer to join BigTen????

FSU and Clemson are squirming now to get out cause they know they are trending down

These are not the only or most major components, but it’s a factor
You don’t think Miami becoming good again in football and being on an upward trajectory wouldn’t help boost its share of tv money and offer to join BigTen????

FSU and Clemson are squirming now to get out cause they know they are trending down

These are not the only or most major components, but it’s a factor
It certainly can't hurt, and is something we desperately need. I completely agree that FSU and Clemson need to strike while the iron is hot (now). I'm a fan, so I am biased, but I would think the re-focus and investment into the football program 2 years ago should carry more weight to the B1G and SEC than a one-off 10-win season and NY6 bowl. Perhaps that is what Rad and Rudy are selling to them because they currently can't sell recent prolonged success in football (that should come with the aforementioned reinvestment, just will take time to prove out).

I can't understand how an AAU University, with 5 national championships, and a monopoly on major college sports in the Miami area isn't a shoo-in for a Power 2 conference. I suppose we have preconceived/negative sentiments as headwinds to traditional schools in the B1G and SEC, but it's up to our administration to show them otherwise and get us in the P2.
Then Sh*t the bed at the end of the season....completely meaningless
I understand that. But that's not the point here. The point is we are a huge ratings draw when we're good and you don't have to go back 25 years to see proof of that. That is why people shouldn't be doubting we will have a spot in the power 2 when the time comes.
I don’t trust our leadership given the history. I’d have much preferred to see him make the statement that UNC’s Chancellor made but I’ll hope like **** that he’s playing some kind of 3D chess that ends in an aha moment. 😳
I understand your point, and don’t necessarily disagree, but a better analogy is to compare what Radakovich said to the North Carolina athletic Director, which was basically another flavor of what Dan said. a better comp would be the head of our board of trustees or at least the one who oversees sports making a comment at some point
I’m really trying to be a better person but a part of me wants Miami to be the school that ends the ACC.

Father Of The Bride Evil Laugh GIF
Like why does RAD come out and say that? He’s a mouthpiece. Got to be PR related right? Kind of like JAY Powell signaling to the market pre fed meetings. What is he telling us?
I understand your point, and don’t necessarily disagree, but a better analogy is to compare what Radakovich said to the North Carolina athletic Director, which was basically another flavor of what Dan said. a better comp would be the head of our board of trustees or at least the one who oversees sports making a comment at some point
Did the UNC AD make a statement in this same timeframe? If so, I’d like to compare. If not, then these are the statements coming from the respective schools at this time.

Look, in some ways I find it hard to believe that given the situation, that Miami isn’t a take for anyone but the ACC and B12, but then again, Oregon and Washington were takes over Miami. And the Washington selection is what scares me because that tells me that the BIG and SEC put a premium on big state universities, especially the flagship schools.

So UNC and UVA would knock us down as would FSU, Clemson and possibly Cal/Berkeley as well. Then you get the Super-Private schools like Duke and Stanford with their academics and their resources which gel nicely with Northwestern.

And UNC and UVA will likely be tied to a P2 landing spot for NCSt and VT. No one’s carrying us along and we’re not a big state school nor an elite private school. We aren’t such a slam dunk.
I try to be fair Because I don’t wear orange and green glasses in this crap. I don’t care if that’s a public optics to cover the fact that you’re being conniving and backstabbing in the background or even if you believe it in the worst case scenario that you don’t have a move to make. That quote sucks on every single level and is completely unnecessary regardless of which fork in the road you’re on.

Have we ever flown a plane for an athletic Director if necessary?

Literally hate everything about that no matter what background is or is not going on.

It could be pledge undying loyalty as you get ready to betray ceasar because “we had no choice” but to kill him but….
Ralph Fiennes Trust GIF by Searchlight Pictures
I think folks forget what Rad was saying about hiring Zo right up until the point he got hired. He has to be politically correct in the public eye until the bomb drops. Folks also forget that public universities have to be transparent. Private universities don't. Anybody heard a peep out of ND.

A lot of folks in here b!tching and complaining or expecting the worst because they have been trained to be that way by the suckage the U football has been for over 20 years.

They must be missing that The U is actually committed to winning the past couple of years. Simple math will tell folks how many teams these conferences need to get to 20 a piece and that the U is at least top 5. They must have missed how quickly teams from the PAC 12 got jacked by the B1G when it imploded.
Did the UNC AD make a statement in this same timeframe? If so, I’d like to compare. If not, then these are the statements coming from the respective schools at this time.

Look, in some ways I find it hard to believe that given the situation, that Miami isn’t a take for anyone but the ACC and B12, but then again, Oregon and Washington were takes over Miami. And the Washington selection is what scares me because that tells me that the BIG and SEC put a premium on big state universities, especially the flagship schools.

So UNC and UVA would knock us down as would FSU, Clemson and possibly Cal/Berkeley as well. Then you get the Super-Private schools like Duke and Stanford with their academics and their resources which gel nicely with Northwestern.

And UNC and UVA will likely be tied to a P2 landing spot for NCSt and VT. No one’s carrying is along and we’re not a big state school nor an elite private school. We aren’t such a slam dunk.

Good at a lot of things not ELITE at anything. I get your point.