MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

One important thing to note is that Pate has been hinting for awhile about FSU and Clemson leaving. But now he is talking about FSU, Clemson, UNC and MIAMI leaving to another conference. And when he hints on TV, that means people behind the scenes have already been having the conversations.
Hinting is putting it mildly. He is pretty much letting it be known that the big brands in the ACC are gone sooner rather than later but his sources are asking him to hold back on details. The guys from Footballville said they are hearing rumblings about the SEC.
Interesting that the ACC seems to be having some real issues with the venue issue and it is starting to look more like their early "pre-emptive filing" might be ruled to be just that, and also void due to not having followed conference protocol and and not having received member approval. They are asking the court to deny virtually every FSU request for information ... and there is a long list. One ITEM of interest to ALL ACC members is the request for all communications from every member of the Swofford family regarding the 2010 media contract renewal and Raycom being "inserted" into the agreement. If the FSU case ends up in Leon County and the hints at gross impropriety are investigated you could end up potentially with criminal proceedings against the Swofford's. This might be further pressure for a settlement, blow up the ACC, have each of the SEC, B10 and B12 take 4 schools, and shut this thing down.
Hopefully the P2 (and more importantly, the TV Execs) have gotten the memo that they're on the hook for taking 8 ACC schools when this all implodes. Being that only 4 of the PAC 12 made it to the P2 (and that's with 2 taking partial shares), 8 ACC schools seems a bit high, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
Hopefully the P2 (and more importantly, the TV Execs) have gotten the memo that they're on the hook for taking 8 ACC schools when this all implodes. Being that only 4 of the PAC 12 made it to the P2 (and that's with 2 taking partial shares), 8 ACC schools seems a bit high, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.
It is all pure speculation of course. So many "sources" have speculated that the P2 would expand in two waves. One now and then again in 28-29, to end up at 24 in each or 24 in the B10 and 22 in the SEC. Then the CFP money distribution issue was tabled, unequal distribution by conference, etc., and seemingly a more aggressive timetable on "P2" reality. That just might drive the two conferences to "rip off the bandaid" and get over the tedious legal actions and discussions of HOW schools are going to fund the ACC exit and media rights buy backs. The easy way ... have B10 take ND, FSU, Miami, Ga Tech ... the SEC take Clemson, UNC, UVA, Va Tech, and then the B12 can take Louisville, Pitt, Duke, Syracuse (mainly for BB), and also add UCONN to be THE BB conference. No more angst regarding venture capital firms lending money etc. Dissolve the ACC, the conference is NO LONGER NEEDED or desired by it's "members".
It is all pure speculation of course. So many "sources" have speculated that the P2 would expand in two waves. One now and then again in 28-29, to end up at 24 in each or 24 in the B10 and 22 in the SEC. Then the CFP money distribution issue was tabled, unequal distribution by conference, etc., and seemingly a more aggressive timetable on "P2" reality. That just might drive the two conferences to "rip off the bandaid" and get over the tedious legal actions and discussions of HOW schools are going to fund the ACC exit and media rights buy backs. The easy way ... have B10 take ND, FSU, Miami, Ga Tech ... the SEC take Clemson, UNC, UVA, Va Tech, and then the B12 can take Louisville, Pitt, Duke, Syracuse (mainly for BB), and also add UCONN to be THE BB conference. No more angst regarding venture capital firms lending money etc. Dissolve the ACC, the conference is NO LONGER NEEDED or desired by it's "members".
I can see this. However, I can also see NCSU in the Big 12 and if for some reason if ND figures a way to stay independent, BIG takes Duke.
Swofford issued a DEMAND to ESPN in 2010 ... Raycom has to be part of the new contract or there is no contract. The FSU filings have indicated that the cost of inserting Raycom to the media deal has been $82 million per year in money basically diverted to keep Raycom as part of the deal. That alone is over $1.12 billion dollars in lost revenue to ACC members from 2010-2024. Swofford ran all of the ACC banking through his daughter's bank. Any annual "management fee"?

If this ends up in a Leon County court I believe the judge will be interested in transparency and discovery requests being honored. That will be a disaster for the ACC and potentially have serious repercussions for the Swofford's. Given the other issues being currently discussed with CFP money distribution, P2 potentially pulling away from the NCAA, etc., I am hoping that they just agree to let multiple schools leave the ACC, perhaps paying the exit fee, with full media rights, as of 2027. Then they can focus on restructuring the ACC or a merger with the B12 and let FSU, Miami, ND, Clemson, Ga Tech, Va Tech, UNC/ UVA go where they belong in the P2. Doubt it happens that cleanly ... but something will happen for sure.

Been saying this for a while: The dealings between John Swofford and ESPN are a smoking gun — quite possibly the smoking gun.

Swofford ran the ACC like his own enterprise with no checks and balances because the school presidents were too naive and/or disinterested to keep an eye on his business dealings. ESPN kept Raycom — where Swofford's son was (and still is) an executive — involved in the 2010 media deal upon the specific request of John Swofford himself.

And who knows? That deal might only be the tip of the iceberg

ACC could be willing to let FSU leave on the cheap just to keep John Swofford or any of his associates at the time from having to get on the stand and spill the beans.

Problem for Jim Phillips is that Miami and others are looking to hit the exit ramp, too
Gotta think D-day is when judge rules on venue and discovery requests. If it goes FSU’s way, the ACC (at the request of ESPN) would be smart to quickly cut bait with teams that have a place to go now and work to salvage a reimagined ACC/G5 conference - ESPN can make them the highest paid G5 conference as incentive. ESPN doesn’t want to be dragged into the court proceedings. They didn’t do anything wrong, but association with ACC could be damaging.

ACC shouldn’t have any allegiance to Swofford at this point. Their only hope is if judge rules in ACC favor on both venue and discovery requests.
Gotta think D-day is when judge rules on venue and discovery requests. If it goes FSU’s way, the ACC (at the request of ESPN) would be smart to quickly cut bait with teams that have a place to go now and work to salvage a reimagined ACC/G5 conference - ESPN can make them the highest paid G5 conference as incentive. ESPN doesn’t want to be dragged into the court proceedings. They didn’t do anything wrong, but association with ACC could be damaging.

ACC shouldn’t have any allegiance to Swofford at this point. Their only hope is if judge rules in ACC favor on both venue and discovery requests.
Given that the ACC wants to keep the media agreement with ESPN a secret .... who knows "who did what"? There might be some crazy preferential treatment for NC schools (that had been alluded to by one "source"). The CFP negotiations is the perfect venue for the "powers that be" to hammer out a "realignment deal".
One important thing to note is that Pate has been hinting for awhile about FSU and Clemson leaving. But now he is talking about FSU, Clemson, UNC and MIAMI leaving to another conference. And when he hints on TV, that means people behind the scenes have already been having the conversations.
He’s said something of the sort including UNC and Miami about 3 times recently. We’re among the coveted “big brands” in the ACC, therefore, we’ll be among the first to be selected by a P2 conference.
One important thing to note is that Pate has been hinting for awhile about FSU and Clemson leaving. But now he is talking about FSU, Clemson, UNC and MIAMI leaving to another conference. And when he hints on TV, that means people behind the scenes have already been having the conversations.
jim carrey disbelief GIF
Yep, just reiterated the point to all the "we are doomed" folks. There are things occurring in the background that we don't know about. But if Pate is openly talking about Miami leaving, then maybe that adds to what others on here have been saying ....:noidea:

Here’s the reality with the “things occurring in the background” - Miami has been so bad and dumb at things for so long, it is hard to convince many people that those things happening in the background are truly good for the university and us as alumni and/or fans…
Yep, just reiterated the point to all the "we are doomed" folks. There are things occurring in the background that we don't know about. But if Pate is openly talking about Miami leaving, then maybe that adds to what others on here have been saying ....:noidea: