MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Just saw some comments according to Clemson Wire that the Clemson attorneys are gearing up for action against the ACC and a possible exit from the ACC. Is Dan working with the UM legal team to follow suit? Need to demonstrate to the B10 that Miami is interested.
Does Miami have to file suit to get out the ACC in order to show they are interested in the B10? I'm sure Miami has demonstrated they are interested in the B10, if they are indeed interested.

Any school that files suit to get out of the ACC without an agreement in hand for a landing place in one of the P2 conferences needs to get new leadership. Although, the thought of FSU paying tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars to get out of the ACC only to not have a landing spot in one of the P2 does bring a smile to my face. They are not that stupid......or are they?
Does Miami have to file suit to get out the ACC in order to show they are interested in the B10? I'm sure Miami has demonstrated they are interested in the B10, if they are indeed interested.

Any school that files suit to get out of the ACC without an agreement in hand for a landing place in one of the P2 conferences needs to get new leadership. Although, the thought of FSU paying tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars to get out of the ACC only to not have a landing spot in one of the P2 does bring a smile to my face. They are not that stupid......or are they?

Can we need new leadership and have an agreement in hand…
I don't believe Miami has the option of going the SEC route and I do believe the B10 having more OTA broadcast partners, not just relying on ESPN, is going to have more OTA prime time national broadcast spots that they can fill with major matchups that will dominate air time. USC / FSU / ND / PSU / OSU ... and it starts this fall with the Friday Night B10 games. National conference vs regional SEC, the B10 isn't going to be far behind the SEC if at all.

I believe we've been over with but there is no evidence that the SEC is not an option. I understand that there are a lot of transplants in Miami from the northeast but geographically Miami is in the heart of SEC country, so either conference makes sense. We won't know until we know but if I were in Miami's shoes, I would be backchanneling both conferences because taking partial shares is a nonstarter... especially if FSU gets full shares, that would just be embarrassing. **** that.
Just saw some comments according to Clemson Wire that the Clemson attorneys are gearing up for action against the ACC and a possible exit from the ACC. Is Dan working with the UM legal team to follow suit? Need to demonstrate to the B10 that Miami is interested.
Dude this is old news. It’s regurgitating from Ross article which is a recap of previously stated reporting

The only real new thing in that article is the revenue split discussion and the backlash on the automatic byes
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Still say Miami's best bet to get picked up by one of the P2 is to win and win big…if Miami can start to win 10-11 games a season on the regular their viewership will soar as it always does when we are winning and playing for NC.

We win and one of the two P2 conferences will come running if for no other reason than the networks will direct them too…
Is Dan working with the UM legal team to follow suit?

Episode 1 Lol GIF by Portlandia
Still say Miami's best bet to get picked up by one of the P2 is to win and win big…if Miami can start to win 10-11 games a season on the regular their viewership will soar as it always does when we are winning and playing for NC.

We win and one of the two P2 conferences will come running if for no other reason than the networks will direct them too…
If we start winning again, we will eventually have a landing spot.
Does Miami have to file suit to get out the ACC in order to show they are interested in the B10? I'm sure Miami has demonstrated they are interested in the B10, if they are indeed interested.

Any school that files suit to get out of the ACC without an agreement in hand for a landing place in one of the P2 conferences needs to get new leadership. Although, the thought of FSU paying tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars to get out of the ACC only to not have a landing spot in one of the P2 does bring a smile to my face. They are not that stupid......or are they?
They aren’t that stupid. Neither are we.
Still say Miami's best bet to get picked up by one of the P2 is to win and win big…if Miami can start to win 10-11 games a season on the regular their viewership will soar as it always does when we are winning and playing for NC.

We win and one of the two P2 conferences will come running if for no other reason than the networks will direct them too…
It will be hard to overlook a 10 win Miami team, especially with the rivalry with ND.
I know you're only posting the video, so this isn't aimed at you. But whoever posted that Nielsen ratings chart clearly has an agenda. Idk why so many people keep using it (cough agenda). Its cherry-picked data and purposely misleading.

"TV viewership does not include ACC Network". How's that supposed to work when that's where the bulk of our games were broadcast?

Take that away and you know what that leaves? Games aired on Bally sports, which is a regional broadcast. Of course our viewership numbers look weak. Most of the country did not even have access to the games.

Instead of immediately questioning why UM is behind Purdue and Indiana, most of these guys just laugh and say Miami sucks. That's why I say its an agenda. Common sense should've told them something wasn't right.
I just think people don't understand that there are actually 3 separate tv markets in South Florida. The one they are talking about in the video is only Miami-Dade County. Fort Lauderdale is separate as well as Palm Beach.
Interesting that the ACC seems to be having some real issues with the venue issue and it is starting to look more like their early "pre-emptive filing" might be ruled to be just that, and also void due to not having followed conference protocol and and not having received member approval. They are asking the court to deny virtually every FSU request for information ... and there is a long list. One ITEM of interest to ALL ACC members is the request for all communications from every member of the Swofford family regarding the 2010 media contract renewal and Raycom being "inserted" into the agreement. If the FSU case ends up in Leon County and the hints at gross impropriety are investigated you could end up potentially with criminal proceedings against the Swofford's. This might be further pressure for a settlement, blow up the ACC, have each of the SEC, B10 and B12 take 4 schools, and shut this thing down.
B1G and SEC pulling the old Kansas City Shuffle on the ACC and Big12. We need to GTFO.

One important thing to note is that Pate has been hinting for awhile about FSU and Clemson leaving. But now he is talking about FSU, Clemson, UNC and MIAMI leaving to another conference. And when he hints on TV, that means people behind the scenes have already been having the conversations.
One ITEM of interest to ALL ACC members is the request for all communications from every member of the Swofford family regarding the 2010 media contract renewal and Raycom being "inserted" into the agreement. If the FSU case ends up in Leon County and the hints at gross impropriety are investigated you could end up potentially with criminal proceedings against the Swofford's

Been saying this for a while: The dealings between John Swofford and ESPN are a smoking gun — quite possibly the smoking gun.

Swofford ran the ACC like his own enterprise with no checks and balances because the school presidents were too naive and/or disinterested to keep an eye on his business dealings. ESPN kept Raycom — where Swofford's son was (and still is) an executive — involved in the 2010 media deal upon the specific request of John Swofford himself.

And who knows? That deal might only be the tip of the iceberg

ACC could be willing to let FSU leave on the cheap just to keep John Swofford or any of his associates at the time from having to get on the stand and spill the beans.

Problem for Jim Phillips is that Miami and others are looking to hit the exit ramp, too
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One important thing to note is that Pate has been hinting for awhile about FSU and Clemson leaving. But now he is talking about FSU, Clemson, UNC and MIAMI leaving to another conference. And when he hints on TV, that means people behind the scenes have already been having the conversations.

It's pretty much been two at a time for a while (Arkansas-South Carolina, A&M-Mizzou, OU-Texas, USC-UCLA, Oregon-UW). Don't think that method is gonna change, either

1. FSU+Clemson leave

2. UNC-NC State leave

3. UVA-VA Tech leave

4. UM-ND leave

5. Duke-GA Tech leave

We go B1G with the leprechauns. The rest go to the $EC
It's pretty much been two at a time for a while (Arkansas-South Carolina, A&M-Mizzou, OU-Texas, USC-UCLA, Oregon-UW). Don't think that method is gonna change, either

1. FSU+Clemson leave

2. UNC-NC State leave

3. UVA-VA Tech leave

4. UM-ND leave

5. Duke-GA Tech leave

We go B1G with the leprechauns. The rest go to the $EC
Possibly but he has stated he is talking to various "people in the industry" and he has never mentioned NC States, UVA, VTECH, Duke or others. Only FSU, Clemson, UNC and Miami. Take it for what its worth.
Been saying this for a while: The dealings between John Swofford and ESPN are a smoking gun — quite possibly the smoking gun.

Swofford ran the ACC like his own enterprise with no checks and balances because the school presidents were too naive and/or disinterested to keep an eye on his business dealings. ESPN kept Raycom — where Swofford's son was (and still is) an executive — involved in the 2010 media deal upon the specific request of John Swofford himself.

And who knows? That deal might only be the tip of the iceberg

ACC could be willing to let FSU leave on the cheap just to keep John Swofford or any of his associates at the time from having to get on the stand and spill the beans.

Problem for Jim Phillips is that Miami and others are looking to hit the exit ramp, too
Swofford issued a DEMAND to ESPN in 2010 ... Raycom has to be part of the new contract or there is no contract. The FSU filings have indicated that the cost of inserting Raycom to the media deal has been $82 million per year in money basically diverted to keep Raycom as part of the deal. That alone is over $1.12 billion dollars in lost revenue to ACC members from 2010-2024. Swofford ran all of the ACC banking through his daughter's bank. Any annual "management fee"?

If this ends up in a Leon County court I believe the judge will be interested in transparency and discovery requests being honored. That will be a disaster for the ACC and potentially have serious repercussions for the Swofford's. Given the other issues being currently discussed with CFP money distribution, P2 potentially pulling away from the NCAA, etc., I am hoping that they just agree to let multiple schools leave the ACC, perhaps paying the exit fee, with full media rights, as of 2027. Then they can focus on restructuring the ACC or a merger with the B12 and let FSU, Miami, ND, Clemson, Ga Tech, Va Tech, UNC/ UVA go where they belong in the P2. Doubt it happens that cleanly ... but something will happen for sure.