MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Lol I deleted it. The fist part is happening. The way it plays out is speculation by those in the know.
estoy montado en el coche con @Boarcane y @Cribby
For all you in the back-
- LISTEN TO WHAT @ironarrow97 @Boarcane @Bender @Cribby @TheOriginalCane @1murhurricane have to say- it won’t always be 100% because things are fluid but directionally it will be accurate - think of it as waze changing the route cause of an unexpected car crash

that is all. Go about your day
celebrity perverts GIF

My man.
I would absolutely want to go to Wisc before Auburn, but I think if you went down the line that there would be more places in the SEC that people would want to go - plus SEC schools are likely easier to get to for most of the Miami fanbase.

Big10: Mich, OSU, Wisc, PSU all have great atmosphere (although PSU is a pain for most to get to), NW (just b/c you can make a weekend out of Chicago), USC/UCLA (good for West Coat Canes),

SEC: Alabama, Ole Miss, LSU, Tenn, and OU all have great atmosphere, UGA and Tex have great atmosphere and areas near the school, UF (b/c it is close to a lot of our fans), Vandy (b/c you can make a weekend of it in Nashville)

B10 - MD (DC weekend), RU (NYC weekend), Mich, NWestern (Chicago weekend), Wisky, PSU, LA schools, Iowa, OSU are all great college towns/cities

SEC - Ole Miss, LSU (Nola weekend (wouldn't wanna stay in BR nothing to do there), UGA (Athens is fun but also close to ATL), Texas (Austin is awesome), UF, Tenn, OU, Vandy (Nashville), id pass on Bama to be honest, AU (id do it for the atmosphere).
Academically though....odd...

Vanderbilt I hear ya already but odd.


But think about it this way...

If the SEC "takes two" (Miami/Clemson), then the Big 10 is just gonna take 2 more. And if Notre Dame isn't ready to jump into the Big 10 boat, then two VERY good, strategic, and AAU-friendly options are UVa and UNC.

And for a moment, set aside the academics. Set aside the fact that UF (sadly), UT, and aTm are also very highly ranked academic schools, ones that would match up well to UVa and UNC. No, just ignore that for a moment.

The REAL REASON why the Big 10 would be smokin' hot on the tails of UVa and UNC is that it would get the Big 10 into NEW STATES. And if that happens, it's a big cable TV windfall for the Big 10.

And if the SEC takes UVa and we REALLY believe the Big 10 will just smile and say "OK, give me VaTech and NC State then"? Highly unlikely.

So the SEC is not only doing something that helps the SEC, but they are stealing the best fish from where the Big 10 is fishing as well.

Whether that is the way it plays out? Who knows. But this is why I said that the "F$U talk" was coming FROM F$U.

If the NC legislature wants UNC and NC State together...and if the SEC only wants to add 4....then it might be fine with UNC and NC State. And the same rationale applies (assuming the VA legislature wants to bind UVa to VaTech).

That's why F$U is short a dance partner, unless ugly girl GaTech says yes.

I don't have proof, but if I ranked what I THINK the SEC priority is, I would say:

1. Miami/Clemson
2. A NC school and a VA school, preferably UNC and UVa
3. UNC-NC State if the politicians get involved
4. UVa-VaTech if the politicians get involved
5. F$U and someone else

If the SEC takes 2 teams, #1.
If the SEC takes 4 teams, #2 or #3 or #4.
If the SEC takes 6 teams, it's #1 plus the NC and VA duos.
If the SEC takes 8 teams, #5 comes into play.

I don't think any other ACC team fills those 7 spots, and the battle is on for #8. Maybe GaTech, Louisville, or Duke.

But think about it this way...

If the SEC "takes two" (Miami/Clemson), then the Big 10 is just gonna take 2 more. And if Notre Dame isn't ready to jump into the Big 10 boat, then two VERY good, strategic, and AAU-friendly options are UVa and UNC.

And for a moment, set aside the academics. Set aside the fact that UF (sadly), UT, and aTm are also very highly ranked academic schools, ones that would match up well to UVa and UNC. No, just ignore that for a moment.

The REAL REASON why the Big 10 would be smokin' hot on the tails of UVa and UNC is that it would get the Big 10 into NEW STATES. And if that happens, it's a big cable TV windfall for the Big 10.

And if the SEC takes UVa and we REALLY believe the Big 10 will just smile and say "OK, give me VaTech and NC State then"? Highly unlikely.

So the SEC is not only doing something that helps the SEC, but they are stealing the best fish from where the Big 10 is fishing as well.

Whether that is the way it plays out? Who knows. But this is why I said that the "F$U talk" was coming FROM F$U.

If the NC legislature wants UNC and NC State together...and if the SEC only wants to add 4....then it might be fine with UNC and NC State. And the same rationale applies (assuming the VA legislature wants to bind UVa to VaTech).

That's why F$U is short a dance partner, unless ugly girl GaTech says yes.

I don't have proof, but if I ranked what I THINK the SEC priority is, I would say:

1. Miami/Clemson
2. A NC school and a VA school, preferably UNC and UVa
3. UNC-NC State if the politicians get involved
4. UVa-VaTech if the politicians get involved
5. F$U and someone else

If the SEC takes 2 teams, #1.
If the SEC takes 4 teams, #2 or #3 or #4.
If the SEC takes 6 teams, it's #1 plus the NC and VA duos.
If the SEC takes 8 teams, #5 comes into play.

I don't think any other ACC team fills those 7 spots, and the battle is on for #8. Maybe GaTech, Louisville, or Duke.
I have felt all along we will end up in the Big 10 or SEC

Both have pros and cons.

As long as we end up somewhere.
Fair enough.

I simply dispute the insane notion that "ACC money" made anyone lazy.
Maybe lazy was a poor choice or words, but the main point was that for planning purposes the fact that they knew that they were guaranteed a certain amount meant that there was one less thing they had to deal with. And I agree, the amount received from the ACC was not a game changer, but it was better than operating at a deficit.
The reality is that Paul Dee retired, and the next 3 ADs we hired were either weak (Shermanator, Beta Blake) or were not all-in at Miami (Hocutt).
That’s what I was referring to when I mentioned ADs.
We also didn't hire the greatest football coaches, which can be an outgrowth of the AD turnover.

We also had a VERY bad break go our way with the Orange Bowl. The Miami voters had already approved 9/11 stimulus bonds to be used for the renovations, the City of Miami had already signed a binding contract with Hammes for the renovation, AND NOW THAT TROLL DAVID SAMSON HAS FINALLY ADMITTED TO THE BACK-CHANNEL POLITICAL MACHINATIONS BY THE MARLINS TO SCUTTLE THE ORANGE BOWL RENOVATION.

So for all of the jackholes who have LOOOOONG lied about Shalala "abandoning" the Orange Bowl, it is FINALLY obvious that all she did was walk away from an automatic loss. It is beyond dispute that the Orange Bowl was destroyed by David Samson, Jeffrey Loria, and the City of Miami politicians that they bought off.

The University of Miami had a LOT of bad ****e happen to our Athletic Department from about 2005-2015, including Nevin Shapiro.

But to call the whole situation "lazy" is just...a lazy oversimplification. And I'm not directing that at you, per se, but anyone who makes that argument.
What you’re describing is the”perfect storm” of events the ADs and admins that Shalala put in place proved unable to manage.
Maybe lazy was a poor choice or words, but the main point was that for planning purposes the fact that they knew that they were guaranteed a certain amount meant that there was one less thing they had to deal with. And I agree, the amount received from the ACC was not a game changer, but it was better than operating at a deficit.

That’s what I was referring to when I mentioned ADs.

What you’re describing is the”perfect storm” of events the ADs and admins that Shalala put in place proved unable to manage.

Yeah, man, and just realize, I was responding to a BUNCH of different posters who post a bunch of anti-Shalala nonsense. I think you understand all the factors better than most.

And, again, if people want to hate Shalala for politics, that is their prerogative. But she did a pretty good job as UM President.
B10 - MD (DC weekend), RU (NYC weekend), Mich, NWestern (Chicago weekend), Wisky, PSU, LA schools, Iowa, OSU are all great college towns/cities

SEC - Ole Miss, LSU (Nola weekend (wouldn't wanna stay in BR nothing to do there), UGA (Athens is fun but also close to ATL), Texas (Austin is awesome), UF, Tenn, OU, Vandy (Nashville), id pass on Bama to be honest, AU (id do it for the atmosphere).
I'm with you on this. I'd much rather spend a weekend in a large city/metropolitan area with a cfb sandwiched in the middle than some podunk hick town. Tailgates are cool and all but they aren't enough of a draw to make me want to spend an entire weekend there.

Gimme DC, Ann Arbor (30 mins from Detroit AND you can hit Canada if you're up for it), Chicago, LA area, though i hate Ohio state, Columbus is a cool city, NY over middle of nowhere places.
I don't disagree with that at all in relation to UVag. Staples says it'd be more a "prestige" play (ie academics) than an audience one.

I'm just less prone for a few reasons to attach Virginia's population size as an entire state to the main merits of UVag as I'm willing to concede it to UNC.
The fan base in VA is very fractured. West of Roanoke, it’s VT. East it’s VA to the coast and away from the northern suburbs close to DC. Obviously, UVag is a prestigious academic school but VT is known for it’s engineering school. I see both as better fits with the B1G.
Yeah, man, and just realize, I was responding to a BUNCH of different posters who post a bunch of anti-Shalala nonsense. I think you understand all the factors better than most.

And, again, if people want to hate Shalala for politics, that is their prerogative. But she did a pretty good job as UM President.
she's improved the school greatly. was she perfect? no. no one is. ****, frenk was awful up until the BOT wisened up and started investing and COVID happened. he still has to dig the school out of the poor USNews ranking bc thats what people pay attention to. DS worst attribute may have been that she cared too much about sports and couldn't stay out of it. Frenk was equally as awful until the school began to spend like they never did. DS would even be successful with that type of money bc you can throw money at problems and make them go away.

if Barry Alvarez would've been hired when DS tried to, I think the aD would've been better off (he would've taken over as AD as he did at Wisconsin) vs what we actually got minus rad.

again, all of it doesn't matter if the schools money holders operate cheaply.
Part of the puzzle. Flagship, which really matters for brand purposes. It just does. Already strong and growing population base. Phenomenally successful and affluent alumni base. Whole state and part of the DC market. Lots of UVA alums in politics/DC. Arguably the best academics of any public school in the Power-5. Or close enough where we're splitting hairs. And a great geographic fit for both conferences. In fact VA is contiguous to both an SEC and a B1G state. And all the other stuff I mentioned in our discussion yesterday. :)
You left out the part about the historical stain of a tiki torch white supremacist rally/riot. 🤣

Jokes aside, those are all fair points. I just don't think UVag minus the very impressive academic reputation is nearly as attractive to either conference and it'd certainly lose that major element of cache that the SEC might be seeking. So the prestige play is the driving force and then all that other stuff follows about potentially capitalizing on Northern Virginia, etc.

I'd assert the same with Miami and the B1G. That if we had the academics of Clemson coupled with our current level of on-field mediocrity then you could almost write-off any prospects of that invite (sans super expansion) despite our market size and proximity to recruiting riches.

I really don't think we're disagreeing on much here aside from where to rank the very upper echelon on ACC teams that are extremely likely to jump ship.
I'm with you on this. I'd much rather spend a weekend in a large city/metropolitan area with a cfb sandwiched in the middle than some podunk hick town. Tailgates are cool and all but they aren't enough of a draw to make me want to spend an entire weekend there.

Gimme DC, Ann Arbor (30 mins from Detroit AND you can hit Canada if you're up for it), Chicago, LA area, though i hate Ohio state, Columbus is a cool city, NY over middle of nowhere places.
ive done both and yeah it sucks to stay in those towns esp as you get older. you dont go to school there, its a bunch of 18-21 year olds running around the bars, and you're not in college anymore where at least youre traveling with a. ton of college kids. give me the 1 hourish drive to the game, tailgate, and get me back to my nice hotel in a bigger city in time for a great dinner.

for michigan- ive heard AA is awesome as a city to even visit without football. id actually stay there but thats few and far between.
I'm warming to the Big 10. Not totally sold on it but I can see pieces of the model taking shape.

I'm thinking of the evolving market structure - which resembles more NFL than NCAA - and what the total revenue mix might look like for Miami and starting to warm to it. It has nothing to do with on-the-field-product at this time.

Los Angeles. Boston. New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. Miami. San Francisco.

Those are top media markets. All which have stronger Big10 presence - for better or worse. And if Miami, Clemson, & UNC flip to Big10, it really extends their reach further down the eastern coast. A true national conference.

Could use Dallas/Houston area perhaps but Miami, USC, Notre Dame are national brands. as are Ohio St. and Michigan but I think to a lesser degree.

Miami and USC brands are compromised assets but re-investing under new management and aren't that far off realizing true value imo.

If Miami and USC start acting like Miami and USC and stop subsidizing other programs via talent loss, could be gamechangers.
I'm with you on this. I'd much rather spend a weekend in a large city/metropolitan area with a cfb sandwiched in the middle than some podunk hick town. Tailgates are cool and all but they aren't enough of a draw to make me want to spend an entire weekend there.

Gimme DC, Ann Arbor (30 mins from Detroit AND you can hit Canada if you're up for it), Chicago, LA area, though i hate Ohio state, Columbus is a cool city, NY over middle of nowhere places.

What exactly do you do on game weekends? Or do you extend your trips?

Auburn had plenty to do. You get in late on Friday anyway. Tailgate all day for game, hit up bars or eat afterwards. Fly or drive home Sunday.
B10 - MD (DC weekend), RU (NYC weekend), Mich, NWestern (Chicago weekend), Wisky, PSU, LA schools, Iowa, OSU are all great college towns/cities

SEC - Ole Miss, LSU (Nola weekend (wouldn't wanna stay in BR nothing to do there), UGA (Athens is fun but also close to ATL), Texas (Austin is awesome), UF, Tenn, OU, Vandy (Nashville), id pass on Bama to be honest, AU (id do it for the atmosphere).

Good points. Even though the game day atmosphere would be better in the SEC, from an overall trip perspective, B10 is where it's at. Don't get me wrong, Iowa/Indiana/Purdue/PSU/MSU road trips leave a lot to be desired, especially in November, but Chicago, LA, NYC, DC, etc are all great trips.

Also, from a potential TV market perspective, B10 > SEC. they have major metro areas covered as you mentioned
ive done both and yeah it sucks to stay in those towns esp as you get older. you dont go to school there, its a bunch of 18-21 year olds running around the bars, and you're not in college anymore where at least youre traveling with a. ton of college kids. give me the 1 hourish drive to the game, tailgate, and get me back to my nice hotel in a bigger city in time for a great dinner.

for michigan- ive heard AA is awesome as a city to even visit without football. id actually stay there but thats few and far between.

It's not all college kids. In Auburn, Fayetteville and Columbia you knew where to go to avoid them.
Good points. Even though the game day atmosphere would be better in the SEC, from an overall trip perspective, B10 is where it's at. Don't get me wrong, Iowa/Indiana/Purdue/PSU/MSU road trips leave a lot to be desired, especially in November, but Chicago, LA, NYC, DC, etc are all great trips.

Also, from a potential TV market perspective, B10 > SEC. they have major metro areas covered as you mentioned
Iowa city is actually a great football environment. id pass on the indys, PSU, MSU trip