MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

You realize that Julio Frenk is still here? The BOT is basically the same? THEY are making conference related decisions .... certainly not Mario or even Dan Radakovich. You think THEY (Julio and the BOT) understand that we need to leave the ACC?
I guess you forgot Frenk turned everything over to Rudy who then hired Mario and upped the football spending by about 500%.
Deion was the hottest topic during the 2023-24 Football year. He had a strong social media & TV media following. The numbers are correct, as this was the first time that Colorado was a prime time (no pun intended) product due to the hype, particularly after they started 3-0.

Again, it’s why I’ve pleaded & encouraged this fan base to step outside the Orange & Green Glass House & explore. I can unequivocally tell u before the 2023-4 season, I’ve hardly seen CU on Nat’l TV & I’m in PAC-12 country. After Deion, they were regularly featured, & the thing is ppl were tuning in either to watch them succeed or to watch them fail b/c they became a villain in many FB purist eyes.

IMHO, if they would’ve kept up their winning ways, those numbers would’ve been even higher. The viewership began to taper off as the season progressed.
Agreed. At the end of the day, you've got to win though. Deion made their first game must-see TV with TCU by just the power of his personality and rapport with the media. If they got blown out in that game, I think Colorado gets put on the back burner, but they win and the 2 games after that. At that point, the media was in a frenzy and Colorado vs. Colorado State was the biggest game of the weekend!

But, Colorado's lack of an OL and DL came to bite them in the *** and Oregon embarrassed them. It was all downhill from there and Deion was throwing his OC under the bus and basically out the door by the end of the season. His DC left as well. It will be interesting to see how they do out in Boulder this year. Deion seemed to have no answers at the end of last season.
so much certainty in some of the comments here that is beyond off but I’m not even going to bother trying to correct it as it’s been proven that banging your head against the wall when people think that past is prologue is pointless
Y’all need to watch Josh Pate tonight


Main thing he said is that NO ONE from sec to big 10 commish to fox to espn know where this is landing. No one. They’ve all been wrong before

The next big thing he says imagine sec and big both going 20 with 4 divisions of 5 and that they each have internal semifinals leading into title game and that’s folded into the overall playoff

He’s saying from his conversations and being allowed to talk a bit. That would mean 6 teams to be added if you do the math.

He’s going to go into acc later it seems.

I would trust him over genetics by far

Curious about what else he says

I agree there is no definite ironclad plan. Things are fluid.

But don’t see them going to 2 conferences of 20 teams each and breaking away from NCAA anytime in the next 10-15 years, provided they are able to get what they believe is a fair amount of guaranteed playoff spots, which they should get.
I agree there is no definite ironclad plan. Things are fluid.

But don’t see them going to 2 conferences of 20 teams each and breaking away from NCAA anytime in the next 10-15 years, provided they are able to get what they believe is a fair amount of guaranteed playoff spots, which they should get.
He said nothing of breaking away in that way
We haven’t been good in 20 years. Twenty.
Good luck. We all wear orange and green glasses, but there are some who have time machines. It is hard to hear the truth, but literally the past 5 recruiting classes have had no personal experience of Miami's greatness. Some mention the hatred of the Canes' bad boy image as a national draw, that is even less relevant as it's been 30 years since the Canes were "bad boys".

Miami will always have "potential" to be great simply because of its location to talent. Will that be enough to attract the B1G? Maybe. However, ask the ACC how Miami's potential worked out for them. 20 years of competition - 1 ACC championship game appearance and no ACC titles. The fact is, Miami has to win over and above everything else to get its TV numbers up. FSU has the other measurables in hand - number of alumni, full state coverage, etc.
Agreed. At the end of the day, you've got to win though. Deion made their first game must-see TV with TCU by just the power of his personality and rapport with the media. If they got blown out in that game, I think Colorado gets put on the back burner, but they win and the 2 games after that. At that point, the media was in a frenzy and Colorado vs. Colorado State was the biggest game of the weekend!

But, Colorado's lack of an OL and DL came to bite them in the *** and Oregon embarrassed them. It was all downhill from there and Deion was throwing his OC under the bus and basically out the door by the end of the season. His DC left as well. It will be interesting to see how they do out in Boulder this year. Deion seemed to have no answers at the end of last season.

Correct; so the storyline carried them initially, but as the season progressed & they were getting smoked, the lure of viewership waned. They were on pace to be the #1 watched program until about The Stanford game. That did them in. This year, they’re going to need to win to draw attention or they’ll go right back to where they started, avg. between 1.29m - 2m viewers on the season.
Odd that some posters who claimed to have insider information that UM had a guaranteed spot in the P2 and that getting out of the GOR was merely a formality have gone radio silent.

I was skeptical about the GOR at first but more recently I’ve come to the conclusion that whoever has a place in the P2 and wants out of the ACC is getting out.

So IMO if an “insider” thinks the GOR is a formality, I can **** with that.

But anyone saying Miami has a guaranteed spot in the P2 is likely way overly optimistic. And I mean TODAY. Let’s just say the ACC comes out tomorrow and says, “**** it. If you want outta here, go.”

Does the B1G say “Finally! Miami, get your *** over here, baby!!”

I’m very skeptical at this point.

I am still hopeful this does happen at some point. I think Miami does have some draw that would entice one of the P2. I’m just not sure they’re incredibly high in the pecking order and there will likely not be an immediate push to add a bunch of schools.
We need to put together 2-3 seasons of 10+ wins with a deep playoff run. Once you remind folks of the ratings bonanza we are they’ll want us in because of the $ involved.

We’ve recruited well and have a pretty good qb back there so we should be able to do it… the question is can this coaching staff get the most out of its players.
We need to put together 2-3 seasons of 10+ wins with a deep playoff run. Once you remind folks of the ratings bonanza we are they’ll want us in because of the $ involved.

We’ve recruited well and have a pretty good qb back there so we should be able to do it… the question is can this coaching staff get the most out of its players.
This is the main reason we all should pray that the ACC doesn’t die within the next 3 to 4 years. We need time to bully some folks and become relevant again. Otherwise we may be left without a seat at the big boy table…..
I was skeptical about the GOR at first but more recently I’ve come to the conclusion that whoever has a place in the P2 and wants out of the ACC is getting out.

So IMO if an “insider” thinks the GOR is a formality, I can **** with that.

But anyone saying Miami has a guaranteed spot in the P2 is likely way overly optimistic. And I mean TODAY. Let’s just say the ACC comes out tomorrow and says, “**** it. If you want outta here, go.”

Does the B1G say “Finally! Miami, get your *** over here, baby!!”

I’m very skeptical at this point.

I am still hopeful this does happen at some point. I think Miami does have some draw that would entice one of the P2. I’m just not sure they’re incredibly high in the pecking order and there will likely not be an immediate push to add a bunch of schools.
And even if the B1G says "Finally! Miami, get your *** over here, baby!!". How do we even know it will be as a member with a full share of TV funds? Or even FSU for that matter? Oregon and Washington agreed to join at the Friends and Family Rate. Aside from ND, does any other school out there require a full share for the B1G to get them?

Miami needs to get out no matter what for the long-term fortunes of the program, even if it means taking an Oregon-type deal with the B1G for the rest of their TV contract.
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Odd that some posters who claimed to have insider information that UM had a guaranteed spot in the P2 and that getting out of the GOR was merely a formality have gone radio silent.

Insider gives best info available.
Situation changes.
******** claim insiders don't know anything.

You can spot the people who've never seen negotiations before.

You left out:

Insider peacocks around
Situation changes
Insider moonwalks
Insider gets defensive
Situation changes back
Insider peacocks while pounding chest
The BiG already took Rutgers and Maryland based on their potential NYC and DC markets. They’d take a resurgent Miami. We literally just need to win. But now’s the time.
The BIG took them based on market size and viewer expectations. Viewership didn't follow ... it was a huge mistake. FOX is the one making the expansion decisions for the B10 today and their baseline is a program that can show a history of games with 4 million or more viewers. That has been widely reported and programs "4 million and over" viewer history have been shown in comparative charts. FSU and Clemson dominate that category in the ACC, followed by Miami.
You left out:

Insider peacocks around
Situation changes
Insider moonwalks
Insider gets defensive
Situation changes back
Insider peacocks while pounding chest
I care far more about getting information that I might not ordinarily have access to than I do about being told that information in a humble way.