MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Odd that some posters who claimed to have insider information that UM had a guaranteed spot in the P2 and that getting out of the GOR was merely a formality have gone radio silent.
Not odd ... they made their comments. Nobody ever said it would be "easy" but they did say there were weaknesses in the GOR. If you are actually following the FSU legal action and reading the attorney reviews OF the filings you will see that there ARE strong cases for FSU and any ACC member that wants to challenge the GOR.

There is NO issue getting out of the ACC ... that right is IN the bylaws and it is simply paying the ACC exit fee which is approximately $120 million (even though that figure is also something that CAN be challenged and potentially negotiated down a bit). The issue is getting out with media rights. Bob Thompson, former CEO of FOX Sports and founder of the B10 network stated "wow, leave it to the FSU legal team to find a hole in the GOR big enough to drive a truck through". He was referencing the FACT that the FSU attorneys discovered a). that the current ESPN media commitment / contract is signed only through June 2027, so there are only 3 additional seasons actually committed to by ESPN b). ESPN has an option to extend that initially was to expire in 2021, they didn't extend, and Jim Phillips unilaterally extended the option period to February 2025, without any notification to or approval by the ACC members. They are saying that extension option is not valid.

Given that the CURRENT ESPN media contract is effective only through the 2026 football season, it is feasible / likely that any team that leaves the ACC effective 2025 will only need to buy back TWO seasons of media rights ... 2025 and 2026. THAT changes the entire economic horizon of leaving the ACC. It is no longer "$400-500M" as many were projecting ... it now becomes $180-200M. There are also a host of other issues in the FSU action that have been brought to public attention (in 2010 ESPN was forced by Swofford to include Raycom in the new ACC media deal ... at a cost to the ACC that is estimated at $82M per season, skimmed off the top to keep Raycom in operation. That is $1.15 Billion in lost revenue to ACC members through 2024). There are also other issues that have not been made public. The ACC "screwed the pooch" big time for reasons of personal gain and nepotism, favoring the ACC conference employees, staff, family, and friends, at the expense of the ACC members.

If FSU / UNC / Clemson / UVA want to leave ... they are leaving ... if they have a P2 home. Not sure if Miami administration is fully on board or not. If they are, they really need to be back channeling their interest TO the B10 to get in line ... as the line, with the addition of ND, is definitely getting longer and may mean that UM might have to wait until the next cycle to get in. We will see. ND's new AD is Pete Bevacqua ... former Chairman of NBC Sports. So they have a new AD whose entire professional background is NBC sports broadcasting and contracts. While Miami has a former national health director from Mexico. Who is most likely providing the most up to date evaluation and recommendations?
Y’all need to watch Josh Pate tonight


Main thing he said is that NO ONE from sec to big 10 commish to fox to espn know where this is landing. No one. They’ve all been wrong before

The next big thing he says imagine sec and big both going 20 with 4 divisions of 5 and that they each have internal semifinals leading into title game and that’s folded into the overall playoff

He’s saying from his conversations and being allowed to talk a bit. That would mean 6 teams to be added if you do the math.

He’s going to go into acc later it seems.

I would trust him over genetics by far

Curious about what else he says

What is a concern is that he is talking about both conferences being 20 teams ... B10 is already at 18 (with USC/UCLA/OR/WA) and adding FSU + ND takes them to 20. Miami not a take by the SEC by all accounts. Is Miami then SOL? For how long?
Dis Gonna Be Good Jason Momoa GIF
What movie is this from, I know that is Momoa
What is a concern is that he is talking about both conferences being 20 teams ... B10 is already at 18 (with USC/UCLA/OR/WA) and adding FSU + ND takes them to 20. Miami not a take by the SEC by all accounts. Is Miami then SOL? For how long?

I’m not saying anyone is right or wrong, but these are not the type of posts that clear up any “oddities” mentioned by @Handsome Squidbum ….

We are a stone cold lock…. Yet **** out of luck… FSU is a bunch of loud imbeciles, but right…

It all depends on the day…
This is the main reason we all should pray that the ACC doesn’t die within the next 3 to 4 years. We need time to bully some folks and become relevant again. Otherwise we may be left without a seat at the big boy table…..

I 100% agree. We NEED to make a run this year with Ward, and then do it again next year without Ward. Gotta get the viewership back up and be relevant again. Do that, and the P2 take notice. I actually think they're already taking notice, but we need to give them a reason to put us in the "in" bucket.
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SO much talk talk talk from a bunch of people who don't know nada from nada but have to keep the clicks a going to satisfy their ad needs. We should all just sit back and get back to our regular lives....nothing is gonna happen until it happens and there is not a single thing that any of us can do about any of it.
Not odd ... they made their comments. Nobody ever said it would be "easy" but they did say there were weaknesses in the GOR. If you are actually following the FSU legal action and reading the attorney reviews OF the filings you will see that there ARE strong cases for FSU and any ACC member that wants to challenge the GOR.

There is NO issue getting out of the ACC ... that right is IN the bylaws and it is simply paying the ACC exit fee which is approximately $120 million (even though that figure is also something that CAN be challenged and potentially negotiated down a bit). The issue is getting out with media rights. Bob Thompson, former CEO of FOX Sports and founder of the B10 network stated "wow, leave it to the FSU legal team to find a hole in the GOR big enough to drive a truck through". He was referencing the FACT that the FSU attorneys discovered a). that the current ESPN media commitment / contract is signed only through June 2027, so there are only 3 additional seasons actually committed to by ESPN b). ESPN has an option to extend that initially was to expire in 2021, they didn't extend, and Jim Phillips unilaterally extended the option period to February 2025, without any notification to or approval by the ACC members. They are saying that extension option is not valid.

Given that the CURRENT ESPN media contract is effective only through the 2026 football season, it is feasible / likely that any team that leaves the ACC effective 2025 will only need to buy back TWO seasons of media rights ... 2025 and 2026. THAT changes the entire economic horizon of leaving the ACC. It is no longer "$400-500M" as many were projecting ... it now becomes $180-200M. There are also a host of other issues in the FSU action that have been brought to public attention (in 2010 ESPN was forced by Swofford to include Raycom in the new ACC media deal ... at a cost to the ACC that is estimated at $82M per season, skimmed off the top to keep Raycom in operation. That is $1.15 Billion in lost revenue to ACC members through 2024). There are also other issues that have not been made public. The ACC "screwed the pooch" big time for reasons of personal gain and nepotism, favoring the ACC conference employees, staff, family, and friends, at the expense of the ACC members.

If FSU / UNC / Clemson / UVA want to leave ... they are leaving ... if they have a P2 home. Not sure if Miami administration is fully on board or not. If they are, they really need to be back channeling their interest TO the B10 to get in line ... as the line, with the addition of ND, is definitely getting longer and may mean that UM might have to wait until the next cycle to get in. We will see. ND's new AD is Pete Bevacqua ... former Chairman of NBC Sports. So they have a new AD whose entire professional background is NBC sports broadcasting and contracts. While Miami has a former national health director from Mexico. Who is most likely providing the most up to date evaluation and recommendations?
Rad is a former national health director from Mexico?
What is a concern is that he is talking about both conferences being 20 teams ... B10 is already at 18 (with USC/UCLA/OR/WA) and adding FSU + ND takes them to 20. Miami not a take by the SEC by all accounts. Is Miami then SOL? For how long?

There you go again. "By all accounts." Whose account, yours?
Yes, but why would you compare our President to their AD? Likely only two reasons; you made a mistake or you like talking **** on Miami. Not sure which one.
Frenk isn't a very progressive guy regarding sports ... my opinion and others ... UM alums ... have voiced the same comment. ND just made a huge upgrade in THEIR athletic department with a former Chairman of one of the largest media groups in the world and now, all of a sudden, it appears as though they are "jumping in line" basically taking our slot for this next round of B10 expansion. UM = laid back and very conservative while ND has stepped it up.
There you go again. "By all accounts." Whose account, yours?
Do you even bother to read any commentaries besides your own? There are multiple threads on conference realignment on virtually every sports site. The current topic is the next realignment moves by the B10 and SEC. There are threads on this site, on 247, a huge one on Warchant, one one Canesport, and several media types like Josh Pate and several of the twitter "guys" that have some connections to and insight into ...the Big 10 and SEC.

Virtually every "informed" comment by anybody that supposedly has ANY connections to the SEC that I have seen has been consistent ... the SEC has no interest in Miami, their prime current interest would be in UNC / UVA for geographic consolidation purposes, taking them to 18. I have not seen ONE comment by any "pundit" or twitter "source" stating the SEC is interested in or would even consider Miami.

Miami has been mentioned repeatedly as a program that the Big 10 is interested in, with a pecking order, with ND being first, FSU second, then potentially either Miami or UNC. Is that information in the form of a press release from the Big 10 and SEC conferences? No. If that is the confirmation level you're looking for you won't find it on Canesinsight or any other program forum. It is called a discussion forum for a reason. To voice opinions on topics of interest.