MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Definitely not too soon to panic. Again, IMO Miami gets into the P2 at some point. But I wouldn’t bet one singular dollar on that happening very soon. Really none of the metrics these guys care about line up for us to get an invite, especially when you consider FSU is higher in the pecking order.

I don’t get into this thread too much anymore because it’s just such a slow moving process and things change and nobody really knows how all this shakes out in the end, but in all actuality, this should be the only thing any of us are discussing here. It’s the literal future of the program. If FSU and ND get into the B1G, they close shop, and the SEC does the same, this program is over. Hard to say that, but it’s true. Yeah, we’ll still play football. But in very short order, we’ll be completely blown past by everyone in the P2 while we play tummy sticks with the losers in the ACC or Big 12.
agree with your logic 100.

Our only chance at survival would be if whatever conference we were stuck in still rolls out an incentive payout tilted HEAVILY towards championships and viewership AND Miami gets back to dominating said conference on a yearly basis - think early Big East years. That’s not a combination I see happening so yeah, we will likely be dead man walking once B1G closes shop if they get ND.
agree with your logic 100.

Our only chance at survival would be if whatever conference we were stuck in still rolls out an incentive payout tilted HEAVILY towards championships and viewership AND Miami gets back to dominating said conference on a yearly basis - think early Big East years. That’s not a combination I see happening so yeah, we will likely be dead man walking once B1G closes shop if they get ND.

VERY doubtful. Like, impossible. I like the outside the box thinking, but the ACC is a morgue. It’s a literal morgue. The longer you’re there, the deader you be. The only chance, literally the only single chance of being a relatively relevant program over the next 10-20 years is to get out of it and somehow crowbar into the B1G or SEC.
Definitely not too soon to panic. Again, IMO Miami gets into the P2 at some point. But I wouldn’t bet one singular dollar on that happening very soon. Really none of the metrics these guys care about line up for us to get an invite, especially when you consider FSU is higher in the pecking order.

I don’t get into this thread too much anymore because it’s just such a slow moving process and things change and nobody really knows how all this shakes out in the end, but in all actuality, this should be the only thing any of us are discussing here. It’s the literal future of the program. If FSU and ND get into the B1G, they close shop, and the SEC does the same, this program is over. Hard to say that, but it’s true. Yeah, we’ll still play football. But in very short order, we’ll be completely blown past by everyone in the P2 while we play tummy sticks with the losers in the ACC or Big 12.
Completely agree. Being left behind in the ACC while the rest of the big brands in college football consolidate in a P2 is an existential threat to the future of Miami football and makes all of the other topics seem irrelevant.

I also agree that I have a hard time imagining a world in which Miami doesn't eventually make it into the P2, but the questions of how long that will take and how big of a gap has formed between us and the current members in the meantime are important.

If we see this, then I'd hope that Rad and others understand it as well and are doing everything they can to figure out how to get us in.
Completely agree. Being left behind in the ACC while the rest of the big brands in college football consolidate in a P2 is an existential threat to the future of Miami football and makes all of the other topics seem irrelevant.

I also agree that I have a hard time imagining a world in which Miami doesn't eventually make it into the P2, but the questions of how long that will take and how big of a gap has formed between us and the current members in the meantime are important.

If we see this, then I'd hope that Rad and others understand it as well and are doing everything they can to figure out how to get us in.

Of course they see it. They’ve seen it for months/well over a year. But the problem is, a lotta people want to get into the club. Not everyone makes it past the rope, though. I hope Rad has some dimes he can bring with him that I don’t see normally hanging around him. We’ll see.

Last thing I’m gonna say for tonight, your first paragraph. It’s not an existential threat. It’s the literal life and death of the program. There is no threat. It’s black and white. Get out of the ACC, right now, or die. Period. It’s literally that serious.
Agreed. My question is this though. Why can’t Miami do the same? Would the B1G not be intrigued to get their in into the Florida market at a significantly reduced price?
Sounds like they want ND, FSU then UNC in that order. We’re likely 4th on the list. Hopefully things change with ND and UNC heads to SEC.
Of course they see it. They’ve seen it for months/well over a year. But the problem is, a lotta people want to get into the club. Not everyone makes it past the rope, though. I hope Rad has some dimes he can bring with him that I don’t see normally hanging around him. We’ll see.

Last thing I’m gonna say for tonight, your first paragraph. It’s not an existential threat. It’s the literal life and death of the program. There is no threat. It’s black and white. Get out of the ACC, right now, or die. Period. It’s literally that serious.
Rad’s 65. Hes likely counting down the days till he retires. He’ll be in a home by the time we’re out of the ACC
I thought all the ***** would be at the club on a Friday night

Also stop acting like @Cane & Able aka genetics is infallible
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Julio Frenk doesn’t even know what a football is. If we are left out, I wouldn’t be surprised. This stuff seems to be all over the place. Who even knows what actually is going to happen.
Sure he does. We just call it soccer.
Definitely not too soon to panic. Again, IMO Miami gets into the P2 at some point. But I wouldn’t bet one singular dollar on that happening very soon. Really none of the metrics these guys care about line up for us to get an invite, especially when you consider FSU is higher in the pecking order.

I don’t get into this thread too much anymore because it’s just such a slow moving process and things change and nobody really knows how all this shakes out in the end, but in all actuality, this should be the only thing any of us are discussing here. It’s the literal future of the program. If FSU and ND get into the B1G, they close shop, and the SEC does the same, this program is over. Hard to say that, but it’s true. Yeah, we’ll still play football. But in very short order, we’ll be completely blown past by everyone in the P2 while we play tummy sticks with the losers in the ACC or Big 12.
If BIG10 was smart, they'd shove all in to get Notre Dame, FSU, UNC, AND Miami. Each of the 4 should be irrelevant to the other, the Big10 should try to get as many as they can.
If the SEC were smart they'd go all in for FSU and UNC.. From there they can choose whether they want any other NC/VA school or Clemson and Louisville. And to me I think the SEC would still be very smart to keep us from the Big10 as well.

So to me the Big10 should go for Miami regardless what happens. I really don't know why anyone really cares much about there being an even amount of teams in the conference or not. Either they are good enough to get in or they aren't. And we all know if the Big10 added FSU and Miami today, they would not reject ND tomorrow even if they came solo. So why change plans based on NDs timeline? FSU and Miami being together is far better for either conference than not.
Definitely not too soon to panic. Again, IMO Miami gets into the P2 at some point. But I wouldn’t bet one singular dollar on that happening very soon. Really none of the metrics these guys care about line up for us to get an invite, especially when you consider FSU is higher in the pecking order.

I don’t get into this thread too much anymore because it’s just such a slow moving process and things change and nobody really knows how all this shakes out in the end, but in all actuality, this should be the only thing any of us are discussing here. It’s the literal future of the program. If FSU and ND get into the B1G, they close shop, and the SEC does the same, this program is over. Hard to say that, but it’s true. Yeah, we’ll still play football. But in very short order, we’ll be completely blown past by everyone in the P2 while we play tummy sticks with the losers in the ACC or Big 12.

Should have taken a knee, sorry I kid
Agreed and that is a scenario that really sucks for our athletic programs. Gonna be a harder sell to recruits for Mario and crew if we are stuck in the nobody conference with a bunch of leftovers.
If Miami wins football games, none of this matters. They aren’t many teams, maybe only ND, that can match Miami’s potential for TV ratings. Yes, we have to win first, but all those fans across the country hate Miami. They hate Miami so much, they will watch them to see if they lose. Maybe some of you guys are too young or forgot that fact.

Also, it’s not as big a deal to miss out on the p2 right now as it was before. Confederate flag dude is correct in that we will increase revenue if other teams leave, especially if we can get “win” bonuses.

The expanded playoff changes things. The SEC/BIG will still get too many teams in, but their selection advantage is diminished with more selections. It hurt worse when they could take 3 of 4 spots.

Recruiting???? Give me a break. If you need to be affiliated with a certain conference to be a good recruiter, then I would argue that you never were a great recruiter. Do you think conference affiliation would have stopped Saban, JJ, or Butch from acquiring the best talent?

One last thought, things change. Teams rise and fall. In my lifetime, I’ve seen the Canes be as dominant as Saban Alabama, Clemson win multiple NCs after being a “Georgia Tech” for most of my lifetime, witnessed Oregon transform from a G5 type school to a powerhouse, saw Colorado win a National Title, watched as Auburn went from SEC royalty to also rans, sat on the couch and watched a top ranked Nebraska beat Oklahoma 7 years in a row, was a fan as USC and FSU rose and fell multiple times, couldn’t believe the meteoric rise of Boise State to perennial BCS Bowl Game participants, and read all the conference realignment twists and turns over the last year in this thread.

The world changes, focus on yourself.
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