MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I Hate It Trash GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
Not long ago Miami got some kind of classification that ALL members of the BIG are required to have and that academically fsu would not meet BIG qualifications so why is it rumored fsu to the BIG? When that was mentioned I believe NC and Miami were prepared academically to join the BIG. Also read where fsu has not been invited to party with anyone, not the SEC or the BIG. What happens if they leave the ACC and the SEC and BIG say they are done growing? Also if they leave what happens to our yearly matchup? This could get real complicated depending on who is really invited to another conference and who leaves the ACC. Scheduling is going to be a nightmare.

Hmmm... Miami, the gator, fsu, UCF, South Florida, FAU, FIU, who am I missing...what if all the Florida teams leave their conferences and form the Florida Conference...I jest!

I don’t hold the people running FSU in high esteem, but I can’t believe they’d be doing all this without knowing they have a home in the B1G or SEC.
It is a dream scenario to me. Less matchups vs garbage opponents. Hopefully less BCC and FAMU games. More matchups in games that matter. More reasons to actually show up at the stadium to see games. Scenario's where our entire playoff chance is not over because you lost a game.

Imagine the hate if Miami played Oregon as well. If I am Mario I tell Lanning "Your welcome" for building the team up before he arrived.
My guess is it works out to about 2 more marquee conference games a year and better competition in conference of course. OOC will be 3 Group of 5 teams. Forget about the gator ever being on the schedule again. I hope I'm wrong, but where's the incentive in scheduling a strong OOC schedule?
I understand the whole narrative about realignment ruining college football...but I'm not sure how anyone could get mad about increasing the frequency of matchups that could potentially be Miami vs Ohio State, Michigan vs Notre Dame, FSU vs Penn State, Miami vs USC, Notre Dame vs Oregon, etc.

Like what world are you living in where that happening = college football is ruined???

Yes, I feel bad for Washington State, Oregon State, and the rest of the low-to-mid level G5 programs that will eventually have to find a new home. But not my school sooooo.......
The thing is...we could've had these games without realignment. All conferences should've adapted a 8+2+1+1 format...8 conference games, 2 games for a rotating conference challenge against 2 other P5 conferences, 1 flex game for OOC rivalry matchups (or against G5/Non conference P5), and 1 game against a FCS level opponent for money flow reasons.

Miami's 2021 schedule would be a good example of this. Our non-con was Alabama, Michigan St, Central Conneticut, and App St. We can have a year where we travel to Cali and host a Midwest team...then host a west coast team and travel to the Midwest the next year.
Why does anyone listen to this guy? Have any of his predictions come true? He’s been all over the place with Miami. Swing enough times and one is bound to be a hit…while hitting .090 for the season.
We’ll be in the B1G eventually, no doubt. But because we played ourselves out of that “top dog” position via athletic department mismanagement over the past 20 years, we’re probably higher up on the list in terms of invitations.

Win this year and watch how fast that changes. A 10+ win Miami gets a lot of eyes and a lot of media respect. When we got off to that 10-0 start in 2017, even Paul Finebaum started to pay us some respect.

This is why Mario left his lofty position to come here. He (and Zo while he was here) understand where Miami needs to be not only in terms of success, but also in the CFB landscape.

From Genetics post on Twitter tonight…

What this could mean for Miami for Miami fans that follow my posts, it likely means it may be a bit of time before joining. Eventually the Big Ten would fill in the area in that part of the country by those not in the SEC.

My prediction

I expect the P2s to each take 2 teams.

FSU and ND to B1G
Clemson and UNC to SEC

The negotiatied buyout will be about 350 million. Between the 3 departing acc teams, that adds up to a little over a billion to be distributed to the remaining acc teams.

Now let's assume the conference change happens in 2025.
With those other schools gone and the new acc teams coming in for 30% (Stanford, Cal) or free (SMU) for seven years, that means the payout per school goes way up.

When you add in the billion extra and the discounted distribution for the new acc teams, the expected payout per year for the original 11 acc teams will be about 72-75 million per year

(Note that this article says 66 million per team , but thats equally distributed among 15 teams, they aren't factoring in the lower amounts to the new teams for the first 7 years)

But wait, there's more. The acc agreed to have performance based revenue, so its possible that the top teams get in the 80+ million per year range.

So through 2027, the top ACC teams could make considerably more than their P2 counterparts.

In 2027, espn has the option to pick up the contract through 2036. With pretty much only UM having any name recognition in the acc and possibly making 80 million per year, espn is dropkick the acc out the door. That means GOR is over. P2 will do another round of expansion and UM gets picked up by the B1G.

And to be honest, if it works out this way, then I have to tip my hat to Rad for playing 4D chess and outsmarting me and everyone else. The top teams in the acc (my guess is UM, Pitt, VT will be the top teams) potentially get 20-30 million more than the top teams in the SEC or B1G (for a couple years at least) , the new 5+7 playoff format means that the relative weakness of the acc doesn't really matter, and we end up in the B1G only 3 years after the trio of teams left, except we didn't have to pay 350 million to get out early like FSU, UNC and Clemson. Well played Rad, well played.
My prediction

I expect the P2s to each take 2 teams.

FSU and ND to B1G
Clemson and UNC to SEC

The negotiatied buyout will be about 350 million. Between the 3 departing acc teams, that adds up to a little over a billion to be distributed to the remaining acc teams.

Now let's assume the conference change happens in 2025.
With those other schools gone and the new acc teams coming in for 30% (Stanford, Cal) or free (SMU) for seven years, that means the payout per school goes way up.

When you add in the billion extra and the discounted distribution for the new acc teams, the expected payout per year for the original 11 acc teams will be about 72-75 million per year

(Note that this article says 66 million per team , but thats equally distributed among 15 teams, they aren't factoring in the lower amounts to the new teams for the first 7 years)

But wait, there's more. The acc agreed to have performance based revenue, so its possible that the top teams get in the 80+ million per year range.

So through 2027, the top ACC teams could make considerably more than their P2 counterparts.

In 2027, espn has the option to pick up the contract through 2036. With pretty much only UM having any name recognition in the acc and possibly making 80 million per year, espn is dropkick the acc out the door. That means GOR is over. P2 will do another round of expansion and UM gets picked up by the B1G.

And to be honest, if it works out this way, then I have to tip my hat to Rad for playing 4D chess and outsmarting me and everyone else. The top teams in the acc (my guess is UM, Pitt, VT will be the top teams) potentially get 20-30 million more than the top teams in the SEC or B1G (for a couple years at least) , the new 5+7 playoff format means that the relative weakness of the acc doesn't really matter, and we end up in the B1G only 3 years after the trio of teams left, except we didn't have to pay 350 million to get out early like FSU, UNC and Clemson. Well played Rad, well played.
WRONG. The only money that goes to the schools is the ACC exit fee which is in the bylaws and is $120M per school. Any GOR buyback that is negotiated WITH ESPN ... goes to ESPN ONLY and has nothing to do with the schools.
Are Rutgers and Maryland really that much better academically? And why are we even setting standards for this crap. There are guys that play for Vanderbilt and Duke that can barely read.
Why does anyone listen to this guy? Have any of his predictions come true? He’s been all over the place with Miami. Swing enough times and one is bound to be a hit…while hitting .090 for the season.
He’s had a lot of good information and does have contacts in B1G.
I think one of the issues is that circumstances change such as OR/WA taking a reduced share, which causes a ripple effect and changes the calculations/timeline for other schools like Miami.
He’s had a lot of good information and does have contacts in B1G.
I think one of the issues is that circumstances change such as OR/WA taking a reduced share, which causes a ripple effect and changes the calculations/timeline for other schools like Miami.
But does this dude actually have any kind of track record of being right? It seems he posts a lot of LONG posts with a lot of "information" but nothing has really happened. It's all just speculation. At one point we were a lock for B1G. Now we're an afterthought. If we were a lock before UO/UW, I could understand timeline changing, but why would we suddenly be 3rd, 4th, 5th on the list? Makes zero sense to me. UO/UW offering aren't exactly offering them the same thing Miami would, so it's not like they replaced us. Why would FSU suddenly jump us? Just because they are the ones making the public noise? USC/UCLA was done in the dark. Texas/OU was done fairly quietly. I think very few people know what's actually going on.
My prediction

I expect the P2s to each take 2 teams.

FSU and ND to B1G
Clemson and UNC to SEC

The negotiatied buyout will be about 350 million. Between the 3 departing acc teams, that adds up to a little over a billion to be distributed to the remaining acc teams.

Now let's assume the conference change happens in 2025.
With those other schools gone and the new acc teams coming in for 30% (Stanford, Cal) or free (SMU) for seven years, that means the payout per school goes way up.

When you add in the billion extra and the discounted distribution for the new acc teams, the expected payout per year for the original 11 acc teams will be about 72-75 million per year

(Note that this article says 66 million per team , but thats equally distributed among 15 teams, they aren't factoring in the lower amounts to the new teams for the first 7 years)

But wait, there's more. The acc agreed to have performance based revenue, so its possible that the top teams get in the 80+ million per year range.

So through 2027, the top ACC teams could make considerably more than their P2 counterparts.

In 2027, espn has the option to pick up the contract through 2036. With pretty much only UM having any name recognition in the acc and possibly making 80 million per year, espn is dropkick the acc out the door. That means GOR is over. P2 will do another round of expansion and UM gets picked up by the B1G.

And to be honest, if it works out this way, then I have to tip my hat to Rad for playing 4D chess and outsmarting me and everyone else. The top teams in the acc (my guess is UM, Pitt, VT will be the top teams) potentially get 20-30 million more than the top teams in the SEC or B1G (for a couple years at least) , the new 5+7 playoff format means that the relative weakness of the acc doesn't really matter, and we end up in the B1G only 3 years after the trio of teams left, except we didn't have to pay 350 million to get out early like FSU, UNC and Clemson. Well played Rad, well played.
ND has to pay a penalty too