MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


Ya see, ya see, the ACC can do whatever it wants WITHOUT taking a 2/3 vote required by its own Constitution. Or it can ask the court to take away F$U's rights within the ACC, which it could ALSO accomplish by a 2/3 vote under its own Constitution...

But the ACC doesn't want to take any 2/3 votes. The ACC just wants to do what it wants to do, or get the courts to do what it wants to do...

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This must be like litigation **** for you lol
Torts and prayers ACC

Mmmmm, tortes...

I read the amended complaint (bored during my lunch hour) and it’s revealing.

The first thing that came to mind is how our beloved University has been treated (repeatedly) over the years. It’s comical to think that many refuse to acknowledge the bias against the University and our football program. The questionable (at best) officiating year after year after year is not a figment of our imagination. It’s not coincidental. It’s not sour grapes. It’s factual. It’s intentional. And, it’s unfair.

After reading this expose on Swofford and his cohorts, it’s clear the Tobacco Road Mafia controls every key decision and outcome in this conference. They decide your fate and there’s nothing you can do about it.

We need to immediately join in this lawsuit and get the **** away from this conference.
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Advertisement be honest, not sure if it even gets to litigation.

But I do love the allegations and the posturing. And, of course, THE ARGUING.

On a more personal note, I would love to see my alma mater FREE to join the Big 10. FOR FREE.
I think that is what we are looking at.....I believe that it is possible that the ACC leadership knows it is coming but will fight as long as they can to stall the end as long as they can
I think that is what we are looking at.....I believe that it is possible that the ACC leadership knows it is coming but will fight as long as they can to stall the end as long as they can

Yeah, we may never know what would "happen" in a courtroom, but the ACC is getting destroyed in the court of public opinion.

If you notice, the F$U amended complaint laces in a number of Big 10/SEC comparisons. Plus the constant updates on Chad's employment status.
Yeah, we may never know what would "happen" in a courtroom, but the ACC is getting destroyed in the court of public opinion.

If you notice, the F$U amended complaint laces in a number of Big 10/SEC comparisons. Plus the constant updates on Chad's employment status.
The ACC is coming off as a couple of Tobacco Road entitled pricks taking advantage of every member institution, for their own personal financial gain, to the major financial detriment to each university. "Public Opinion" would, at this point, endorse dissolution or at the very least, "freedom to leave" to any university with a landing place.
So I'm out of the know on this but has any progress been made? I know FSU was whining. Is the lawsuit going forward? Are we joining it? Or is this the waiting game for a while?
So I'm out of the know on this but has any progress been made? I know FSU was whining. Is the lawsuit going forward? Are we joining it? Or is this the waiting game for a while?
FSU responded with an amended complaint that basically scorch the ACC and named names. It’s all just moving through but the information is Damning and if proven true, or even if it is true, before they get to court, could lead to a settlement, or perhaps could be so egregious the people get to walk away, but it’s not like it’s happening on Thursday
For those of you who ARE connected to the University of Miami and have contacts within the administrative staff, how likely is Laurie Silvers, Chair of the BOT, likely to make a comment of any sort similar to the comments made yesterday by the UNC BOT Chair? He was clear in that UNC will do whatever is in the best economic interests of the university and their broad athletic program, including upping the investment in the football program to levels they have never done in the past, in order to take the football program to new heights. He stated that the only criteria for them to actually be able to leave the ACC is presenting a financial plan to the BOG that supports the economics. The opinion was that the new power of the BOG is not in fact a hindrance to leaving, but puts in place the actual mechanism to FACILITATE leaving, without having NC State as part of the "exit requirement".

Can we expect Laurie Silvers to have a comment at some point ... soon? Or in the UM sphere of management would that comment come from Dan Radakovich?
For those of you who ARE connected to the University of Miami and have contacts within the administrative staff, how likely is Laurie Silvers, Chair of the BOT, likely to make a comment of any sort similar to the comments made yesterday by the UNC BOT Chair? He was clear in that UNC will do whatever is in the best economic interests of the university and their broad athletic program, including upping the investment in the football program to levels they have never done in the past, in order to take the football program to new heights. He stated that the only criteria for them to actually be able to leave the ACC is presenting a financial plan to the BOG that supports the economics. The opinion was that the new power of the BOG is not in fact a hindrance to leaving, but puts in place the actual mechanism to FACILITATE leaving, without having NC State as part of the "exit requirement".

Can we expect Laurie Silvers to have a comment at some point ... soon? Or in the UM sphere of management would that comment come from Dan Radakovich?
Statement coming soon I am told. Players notified
For those of you who ARE connected to the University of Miami and have contacts within the administrative staff, how likely is Laurie Silvers, Chair of the BOT, likely to make a comment of any sort similar to the comments made yesterday by the UNC BOT Chair? He was clear in that UNC will do whatever is in the best economic interests of the university and their broad athletic program, including upping the investment in the football program to levels they have never done in the past, in order to take the football program to new heights. He stated that the only criteria for them to actually be able to leave the ACC is presenting a financial plan to the BOG that supports the economics. The opinion was that the new power of the BOG is not in fact a hindrance to leaving, but puts in place the actual mechanism to FACILITATE leaving, without having NC State as part of the "exit requirement".

Can we expect Laurie Silvers to have a comment at some point ... soon? Or in the UM sphere of management would that comment come from Dan Radakovich?
Highly doubt that would happen at this stage - it’s not always helpful or even necessary to say the obvious out loud. bet big10 likes discretion for now anyway. Making a statement like those two is not going to change the outcome. Different things in play- unc board of trustees had to clarify what thr systemwide board of governors put out and the public perception of it. Apples and oranges.

would I love to hear one? Sure. But that’s cause **** the acc Just because.

I think dans “interested observer” comment said tons despite being bland.
Highly doubt that would happen at this stage - it’s not always helpful or even necessary to say the obvious out loud. bet big10 likes discretion for now anyway. Making a statement like those two is not going to change the outcome. Different things in play- unc board of trustees had to clarify what thr systemwide board of governors put out and the public perception of it. Apples and oranges.

would I love to hear one? Sure. But that’s cause **** the acc Just because.

I think dans “interested observer” comment said tons despite being bland.
Right - look at all of the major conference realignments that have happened over the several years... how many of them did the school make comments before news broke that it was imminent?

UNC is being forced to say things publicly b/c they are a public school and have to respond to the politics at play. Miami is private and does not gain anything by saying things publicly. I am sure, however, that they are making at least some of their intentions known behind the scenes.