MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Whose thoughts are those? Other "insiders" have commented exactly the opposite.

My thoughts. Rad was one of the biggest proponents for the GOR when it was signed. Doesn't make sense for him to do a 180 and say "One of my greatest achievements as an AD turned out to be the worst tv deal in the history of cfb and we have to get out of the GOR immediately." It's basic human psychology. But perhaps he is more capable of self criticism than I give him credit for.

If he retires, then maybe the situation can change. But IMO he will focus on reworking the acc deal so that there are more incentives for winning teams that would put them in the neighborhood of what the P2 teams get (at the start of the deal) and then use voodoo math to say "The numbers are lower but our costs across all sports are lower in the acc so we're much more competitive than it looks on paper, plus we are unquestionably the premier academic conference."
Let's see.

I am in SLC, busy trying to ski on ****** snow that reminds me of West Virginia, so haven't read it.

My guess is more posturing to placate a psycho fan base furious over the playoff snub and now the recruiting news.

Or maybe they are asking for an injunctive relief, which will fail.

I still see the GOR as ironclad for the foreseeable future

My thoughts. Rad was one of the biggest proponents for the GOR when it was signed. Doesn't make sense for him to do a 180 and say "One of my greatest achievements as an AD turned out to be the worst tv deal in the history of cfb and we have to get out of the GOR immediately." It's basic human psychology. But perhaps he is more capable of self criticism than I give him credit for.

If he retires, then maybe the situation can change. But IMO he will focus on reworking the acc deal so that there are more incentives for winning teams that would put them in the neighborhood of what the P2 teams get (at the start of the deal) and then use voodoo math to say "The numbers are lower but our costs across all sports are lower in the acc so we're much more competitive than it looks on paper, plus we are unquestionably the premier academic conference."

Stupid stupid thoughts.
My thoughts. Rad was one of the biggest proponents for the GOR when it was signed. Doesn't make sense for him to do a 180 and say "One of my greatest achievements as an AD turned out to be the worst tv deal in the history of cfb and we have to get out of the GOR immediately." It's basic human psychology. But perhaps he is more capable of self criticism than I give him credit for.

If he retires, then maybe the situation can change. But IMO he will focus on reworking the acc deal so that there are more incentives for winning teams that would put them in the neighborhood of what the P2 teams get (at the start of the deal) and then use voodoo math to say "The numbers are lower but our costs across all sports are lower in the acc so we're much more competitive than it looks on paper, plus we are unquestionably the premier academic conference."
There are some that disagree wholeheartedly and are working on more than THEIR THOUGHTS. Don't confuse his public statements with what is going on behind closed doors, back channeling, to agree on an exit plan. A friend of mine who is a significant donor even commented that Julio apparently isn't 100% on board with remaining in the ACC and that surprised me.
It's all good. I try as hard as I can to make the legalistic stuff understandble for everyone. My apologies if I do not always succeed as much as I intend to.

I'll try to simplify, and if you have follow-up questions, fire away.

1. Being a member of a conference (the ACC) is governed by a document, such as the ACC Constitution. This document provides for entry/exit and the costs to do so. We are free to leave the ACC any time we want to, we merely give notice and pay the exit fee. This part is clear and simple.

2. Separately, there may also be media rights contracts and related agreements that add a layer of complexity. 100 years ago, these simply did not exist (OK, maybe a radio contract did). More recently, since the Supreme Court case in the early 1980s, conferences have become a mechanisim for contracting with TV networks and other media companies to create and broadcast content.

3. Finally, in recent decades, networks have ASKED FOR Grant of Rights agreements to negotiate TV contracts, but conferences have also MISUSED Grant of Rights agreements to create additional fear/monetary penalties IN ADDITION TO the exit fees in #1 above.

So to answer your SIMPLE question, the "end game" is to exit ALL of the legal entanglements of the ACC, not just #1 above, which is simple.

And to DO SO, we have to do a lot more than just pay our exit fee in #1 above. Meaning, we either need to pay the vague and MASSIVE damages for breaching the GOR...or else we need to challenge the GOR and try to get out of THAT deal with paying zero.

I have argued for Miami, hopefully with other schools, but on our own if necessary, to challenge the validity of the GOR. If you can break the GOR directly, then all you have to do is write the exit fee check, and you are home free.

BUT, until someone actually KNOWS how to get out of a GOR with certainty (either by paying penalties or challenging the validity), other conferences are HESITANT to even invite us, let alone accept us into the membership, without knowing if we even HAVE media rights to add to the new conference.

---I think Miami knows the ACC is dead-man-walking and DOES want to exit, presumably for the Big 10.
---I think Miami does NOT want to be sued, as we were when we left the Big East for the ACC.
---I think Miami is not certain enough of how to get out of the GOR (yet) to take the risk of challenging the GOR directly ON OUR OWN.
---I think Miami is interested in working with allies/frenemies, but F$U has been a lone wolf and nobody else seems to have the stones. For now.
---I think Miami was a natural ally with Clemson, but if reports are correct that Clemson does not have a guaranteed spot with either the SEC or Big 10, then it's entirely possible that they have cold feet now.

The "endgame" is to exit the ACC for another conference, presumably a P2 conference (Big 10/SEC). But no conference will engrave an invitation for us until the GOR issue is resolved, one way or another. TV networks could intervene as white knights to assist in an orderly reshuffling of rights. But thus far, nobody has really put anything on the line, nobody has truly risked anything.

So if we have to kill the GOR, that seems like the most direct path to freedom. And I'm down with that strategy.
Thank you. So it takes stones. FSU seems to be blindly putting its stones on the table while we wait to see if theirs stones get chopped off. If they don’t we will put our stones on the table.
I think we've been tied at the hip with Notre Dame from the get-go during this stage of realignment.

UM's "laying low" and "being a good soldier" approach mirrors what we saw out of Oregon and Washington right up until they bolted for the B1G.

Somebody's gotta kick the door in, though, and it sure seems like it's gonna be fsu and Clemson and (perhaps third) North Carolina.

I wanted the SEC, but a Big Ten with MeCheatAgain, Taint, Pedo, the domers, SC, U-Dub and Oregon would be fantastic as well.

If we gotta go through the back door holding hands with the leprechauns to get there, so be it
First one to kick down the door is the first to get shot. Let fsu do the dirty work and we’ll just walk out without getting the loafers dirty.
First one to kick down the door is the first to get shot. Let fsu do the dirty work and we’ll just walk out without getting the loafers dirty.


Quietly out the side door.

Be Quiet Lets Go GIF by Bounce
As realignment happens I wonder who starts the process? For example, the fsu threat. Is there a conference soliciting fsu or is fsu seeking a conference? It seems rather insane to threaten without a place to go, so who is complicit, the mover or the movvie? Did the SEC go after their additions or did the additions seek a spot? This "who" process seems rather insane and the aftermath for leagues like the Big 12 and Pac 10 makes them start hunting for viable replacements. We know that Miami and ND were and have been solicited and it seems ND made a wise choice with partial membership in the ACC
Back to fsu, I find it funny they would consider the B1G since when they joined the Big East and ACC it seemed an agreement was made to avoid late season games in bad weather, something the B1G will not negotiate. We've had far more late season games in the north than fsu.
I hope that fsu flounders and that the ACC stays intact, that would mean our rivalry game would not include league standings and I don't want the Big12 as it validates UCF plus the teams are all rather lame. Since the ACC decided to add Cal, SMU and Stanford things have been quiet so did the ACC rescue itself? fsu seems on an island where their anger may backfire on them. The fsu knee jerk reaction over this year can get interesting but in a bad way for them.
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As realignment happens I wonder who starts the process? For example, the fsu threat. Is there a conference soliciting fsu or is fsu seeking a conference? It seems rather insane to threaten without a place to go, so who is complicit, the mover or the movvie? Did the SEC go after their additions or did the additions seek a spot? This "who" process seems rather insane and the aftermath for leagues like the Big 12 and Pac 10 makes them start hunting for viable replacements. We know that Miami and ND were and have been solicited and it seems ND made a wise choice with partial membership in the ACC
Back to fsu, I find it funny they would consider the B1G since when they joined the Big East and ACC it seemed an agreement was made to avoid late season games in bad weather, something the B1G will not negotiate. We've had far more late season games in the north than fsu.
I hope that fsu flounders and that the ACC stays intact, that would mean our rivalry game would not include league standings and I don't want the Big12 as it validates UCF plus the teams are all rather lame. Since the ACC decided to add Cal, SMU and Stanford things have been quiet so did the ACC rescue itself? fsu seems on an island where their anger may backfire on them. The fsu knee jerk reaction over this year can get interesting but in a bad way for them.
You are so wrong on so many counts. The ACC is a horrific conference and it's members will be at a $50 million dollar a year + disadvantage on media payouts vs the B10 and SEC in a couple of years. AND MORE IMPORTANT the B10 and SEC will totally dominate prime time national TV broadcasts. FSU + Miami headed to the B10 would be outstanding for UM football (big game scheduling), prime time exposure, increased media payouts, RECRUITING (once there is a legit P2 elite recruits will NOT want to play for Acc or B12 programs if they can get into a P2 school, and finally potentially increased research funding from the federal government to UM. And any "journalist" that mentions any ACC school leaving for the B12 is clueless ... you cannot pay a huge exit fee to make a lateral (or worse) media payout move.
Look, I'm not going to argue.

The ACC will not implode if only one team leaves.

And any fundamental changes will take time and money and effort, it will not happen overnight.

We need to be the masters of our own destiny, and not try to piggyback on someone else's legal strategy to save a couple of dollars.

Of course you’re arguing because you wouldn’t be if you weren’t

I’m not saying the ACC will implode if only one team leaves, I’m saying the grant of rights implodes two different things. Many schools may choose to not leave because I don’t have anywhere else to go.
I think we've been tied at the hip with Notre Dame from the get-go during this stage of realignment.

UM's "laying low" and "being a good soldier" approach mirrors what we saw out of Oregon and Washington right up until they bolted for the B1G.

Somebody's gotta kick the door in, though, and it sure seems like it's gonna be fsu and Clemson and (perhaps third) North Carolina.

I wanted the SEC, but a Big Ten with MeCheatAgain, Taint, Pedo, the domers, SC, U-Dub and Oregon would be fantastic as well.

If we gotta go through the back door holding hands with the leprechauns to get there, so be it
Notre Dame is in no way tied to the hip with Miami in the scenario dude I don’t know why you’re gonna die on this hill
My thoughts. Rad was one of the biggest proponents for the GOR when it was signed. Doesn't make sense for him to do a 180 and say "One of my greatest achievements as an AD turned out to be the worst tv deal in the history of cfb and we have to get out of the GOR immediately." It's basic human psychology. But perhaps he is more capable of self criticism than I give him credit for.

If he retires, then maybe the situation can change. But IMO he will focus on reworking the acc deal so that there are more incentives for winning teams that would put them in the neighborhood of what the P2 teams get (at the start of the deal) and then use voodoo math to say "The numbers are lower but our costs across all sports are lower in the acc so we're much more competitive than it looks on paper, plus we are unquestionably the premier academic conference."
I mean man, you are either so right on things are so wrong on things there’s like literally no in between for you and on this one you’re just completely wrong, but we’ll just let it all play out because the receipts are plentiful

So hilarious when media types are so cutesy dropping names from movies they watched to learn something and then trying to be clever...So if I said Miami leaving is Ulam-level, he wouldn't have a clue (Teller, the other half of the thermonuclear credited principal designers was in the movie).