MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Keep believing that dope, Pete Thamel...
Honestly wouldn’t it be a good thing? Literally can’t imagine a scenario where UVA leaves and we don’t. Plus if UNC and UVA are leaving it almost certainly means SEC is adding somebody which is also a good thing for us. If SEC adds 4, we are guaranteed in P2 even sooner imo. Like ideally Clemson, UnC, uva, and one more go to sec. Us, fsu, nd, and one more go to b10

Edit, read your long posts and agree, so Nev mind
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I'll also say this.

It is BEYOND OBVIOUS that both F$U and Clemson would be ideal and perfect fits for the SEC, though it would not "expand the SEC footprint". In every possible way, those schools "should be" SEC schools.

And while "expanding the footprint" would be great to the Big 10 when it comes to F$U/Clemson, the only reasons IN FAVOR OF having F$U and Clemson pick the Big 10 are...academic reasons...

Because on a rivalry standpoint, Clemson DEFINITELY would want to keep South Carolina as a forever-rival in the SEC. And F$U would just swap-out Miami for Florida as its "in-conference rival" while trying to schedule the "OOC rival" on an annual basis.

But the reasons for F$U/Clemson to desire the SEC are too numerous to mention.

So then the only issue becomes whether the SEC is ready to take 2 more (F$U/Clemson) and get to the "2 schools per state" model in Florida and South Carolina. And I have LONG spoken of the SEC lust for reuniting the 13 stars of the Confederate flag by taking a North Carolina and a Virginia school. But I don't think that happens unless the SEC goes "big-big" and takes 4 schools.

For the Big 10, they are at 18 schools (soon), and you would think that they would either go to 20 (short-term) and maybe 24 (short-term or long-term). If you go to 20 by taking two schools in the southeast (to pair with Rutgers/Maryland for a 4-team scheduling pod), then you would need two really strong southeastern schools. UVa doesn't get you there. If the Big 10 goes to 24 teams by taking 6 ACC teams, then there are no problems. The ONLY possible world where Miami gets "left out" is if the Big 10 somehow takes F$U and UNC, with the SEC taking Clemson and NOT MIAMI. At which point, I'm not sure who the second SEC team would be? GaTech? I realize Georgia is booming, but why take 2 Georgia schools and NOT NOT NOT 2 Florida schools? Weird.

As much as The Gator is struggling, I find it hard to believe the SEC wouldn't want a second Florida school, even if it's "Harvard of the South" Miami.
All I want to know if FSU goes SEC and we go B10, how strong is the desire to guarantee the rivalry remains. Honestly it’s the main reason I want to be in same conference as FSU.

The thing with having P2 and 12 team playoff is, a loss actually won’t be as detrimental as it currently is for the reasons you state. It’s easier to be the 5th/6th team than the 1st. So it should make it easier for us to keep the rivalry going. However with conference getting larger they are definitely heading towards 10 conference games. And most of SEC has traditional rival already in conference (in this situation). So the few teams that do have a non-con rivalry would be getting a disadvantage. And we’ve see a school like Florida be complete pussies because of that.
All I want to know if FSU goes SEC and we go B10, how strong is the desire to guarantee the rivalry remains. Honestly it’s the main reason I want to be in same conference as FSU.

The thing with having P2 and 12 team playoff is, a loss actually won’t be as detrimental as it currently is for the reasons you state. It’s easier to be the 5th/6th team than the 1st. So it should make it easier for us to keep the rivalry going. However with conference getting larger they are definitely heading towards 10 conference games. And most of SEC has traditional rival already in conference (in this situation). So the few teams that do have a non-con rivalry would be getting a disadvantage. And we’ve see a school like Florida be complete pussies because of that.

I agree that F$U will not fight as hard to schedule Miami annually as an OOC game as they have done for Florida, but the point still remains, if they want an annual OOC rivalry game, they can have it. In either conference.
He hasn't been correct on a single thing yet. I can say FSU is going to leave for the B10 at some point. Does that make me accurate if it happens 2 years from now and in the interim I've said 10x "there's going to be an announcement on *** date".
Well then don't pay attention to any comments referencing him. He does daily threads that do contain a lot of information. Not interested? Don't bother.
I actually forgot Thamel's background so had to hit up the Pedia of Wik.

He's from Mass, went to Syracuse and resides full time in Boston.

I'm sorry, fellas. It checks out. If a dude like that isn't in the KNOW about CFB and especially the conference machinations the then NOBODY is.

UVA to the NFL! Thamel confirmed it with Bob Ryan, Dan Shaughnessy and Jackie MacMullan as they screamed Red Sox off-season hot takes at each other.
So 694 pages one knows anything.

Apply the middle sentence to this thread…
I actually forgot Thamel's background so had to hit up the Pedia of Wik.

He's from Mass, went to Syracuse and resides full time in Boston.

I'm sorry, fellas. It checks out. If a dude like that isn't in the KNOW about CFB and especially the conference machinations the then NOBODY is.

UVA to the NFL! Thamel confirmed it with Bob Ryan, Dan Shaughnessy and Jackie MacMullan as they screamed Red Sox off-season hot takes at each other.

...while stuffing their faces with Dunkin...
Didn't realize Miami's ACADEMIC RANKING had dropped to #67 ... used to be neck and neck with UF at around 38-40 then UF rose and UM dropped to around #50. Now UM is behind FSU??? Ouch. The Julio touch!!!
Didn't realize Miami's ACADEMIC RANKING had dropped to #67 ... used to be neck and neck with UF at around 38-40 then UF rose and UM dropped to around #50. Now UM is behind FSU??? Ouch. The Julio touch!!!

Didn't realize Miami's ACADEMIC RANKING had dropped to #67 ... used to be neck and neck with UF at around 38-40 then UF rose and UM dropped to around #50. Now UM is behind FSU??? Ouch. The Julio touch!!!
Changed the criteria to all but eliminate the class size and professor degrees .... both of which are huge positives for UM.