MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

No, that would be you confidently predicting Miami is leaving for the Big Ten by August, 2023, ummmm no, October, 2023, no that's 2024, 2025, 2026 ... lol.


I never "confidently predicted" any of those dates, but it's good to see that you are still alive. Happy that your long absence was self-imposed, because you were constantly and consistently humiliated.
The guy with the connections is a West Virginia fan with a pic of himself on his profile holding a circa 1988 cell phone to his ear? I don't think so.

He may be able to tell you what Major Harris is doing nowadays. As far as schools contacting the Big 12? GTFOH

He nailed some realignment **** a few years ago but he's batting barely above the swaim line since.
I wonder if ND thinks they could be left out if they went undefeated. That was one of the criteria for possibly joining a conference. Though the ACC looks especially unappealing right now.
Post is a flat-out lie.

We can't "dissolve" the GOR. We can fight it. We can dissolve the conference. But we can't vote to dissolve the GOR.

Nice try, MHver...
I assume what this guy is saying is all made up but whether or not it is, I could seeing him saying 'GOR' when he meant 'ACC'... hence the 'lot of fear comment'.
I assume what this guy is saying is all made up but whether or not it is, I could seeing him saying 'GOR' when he meant 'ACC'... hence the 'lot of fear comment'.

Look, this isn't personal towards you, but I'm sick and tired of people inventing "this is what the guy really meant to say" nonsense.

Now, we haven't contacted the Big 12 and we aren't about to vote to dissolve the GOR. If that know-nothing MHver wants to update his inaccurate posts, he is free to do so. Until then, I'm not going to guess about what he "meant to say". He's just wrong.
Former Fansided “reporter”

Look I’d be fine if it was SEC though I personally prefer B10 for a lot of reasons. But I’d be shocked if it’s sec over b10.
I’d be absolutely shocked. I was told awhile ago by someone in the know that other SEC teams don’t want us in, mostly because the competition on recruiting would skyrocket.
I’d be absolutely shocked. I was told awhile ago by someone in the know that other SEC teams don’t want us in, mostly because the competition on recruiting would skyrocket.
Schools like UGA and Bama would love to play in south florida. They see it as a recruiting win for themselves.