MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Does Swaim show hate Miami? Why is Miami never mentioned by him? How is UVA mentioned before Miami? Seems like lunacy to me.
Does Swaim show hate Miami? Why is Miami never mentioned by him? How is UVA mentioned before Miami? Seems like lunacy to me.

Miami doesn’t air it’s dirty laundry like fsu does

And is a private school and not subject to most freedom of information requirements

They don’t mention Miami because they are in the dark regarding Miami

Stop worrying
Does Swaim show hate Miami? Why is Miami never mentioned by him? How is UVA mentioned before Miami? Seems like lunacy to me.
Idk, but it maybe has something to do with Miami being deathly quiet about all of this. In the public, our representatives has acted like they are so happy with the way things are. With all of this chaos going on with the realignment stuff, I'm pretty sure we have went back door and reached out to certain people. Have to be foolish to think that we haven't had conversations.
Does Swaim show hate Miami? Why is Miami never mentioned by him? How is UVA mentioned before Miami? Seems like lunacy to me.
??? Swaim isn't giving his opinion or reporting any actual "announcement" he is simply echoing baseless rumors that state "UNC / UVA" will be going to the SEC. Right now the public rumors are focused on FSU / Clemson as the "first two to move" then the comments that UNC is also aggressive regarding leaving ... pure speculation on UVA. Reality is that nobody knows and the "journalists" are competing for site traffic.
Miami doesn’t air it’s dirty laundry like fsu does

And is a private school and not subject to most freedom of information requirements

They don’t mention Miami because they are in the dark regarding Miami

Stop worrying
I really hope this is what is happening. I could be so ****ed if we are left holding the bag.
Stop worrying
Despite my knowledge of what insiders are saying here I will "worry" until Miami is announced as joining another conference.

What if the B1G beats the SEC to FSU and Clemson, then stops there for a year or two. What if the SEC maintains their hiatus due to ESPN not being in the best financial shape? Then Miami has to wait longer while both FSU and UF get to continually negative recruit us as they have. Perhaps FSU and Clemson are just being noisy again to knock back our recruiting efforts. Regardless, if FSU is in this next waive of expansion and we are not then it hurts us.
Most are quiet on Miami because other schools are talking to both SEC and B1G. Miami is only interested in the B1G and only the B1G is interested in Miami. SEC really isn't an option at this point for various reasons and both the school and conference preferences.

Miami has its spot in the big ten

The school is waiting patiently for the rest of the schools leaving acc to sort things out
I think all this is because there was no traction as far as UNC to go anywhere and they started to panic and put out rumors to try and get one or the other to come after them.
Important questions in all of this:

Has FSU/Clemson indeed found a loophole to get out of the GOR by transferring of their rights (because ACC and SEC share the same programming networks) or is there some other loophole? What is the SEC only wants those 2 teams and the B1G is not ready to expand yet?

Unless the SEC and B1G are willing to take more teams Miami and other team exits could be adversely affected. Correct me if I am wrong on this.

Swaim, Genetics and others bring up 7 programs, with the 8th voting member being ND. The best scenario would be for 8 programs to exit before Stanford, Cal and SMU are voting members, but that may not happen if there are not enough destinations for programs to go to. Not only that, what programs are dumb enough to take a pay cut and go the B1G 12 route?
The idea that UVA is this premium brand that conferences covet baffles me. If realignment is being driven by the networks, what value will they get from Virginia, a school that has no cachet among college football fans?
The ONLY attraction that UVA has to the SEC is consolidation of the geographic region ... period.
The idea that UVA is this premium brand that conferences covet baffles me. If realignment is being driven by the networks, what value will they get from Virginia, a school that has no cachet among college football fans?
UVA brings a good brand, elite academics, a dedicated fanbase, prestige, and elite basketball and baseball programs to the table. On football, they could be a sleeping giant, but here's the thing and as a UVA alum it does pain me to say this, the school will never do what it needs to do to be a Top 25 CFB program.

First and foremost, they do not care if they're an elite CFB program or not. If UVA could find a coach that could win 7-8 games consistently and make a decent bowl every year, he'd be coach for life. They aren't going to go out and hire an elite and expensive coach. At best, they hire a coordinator who works out and ends up leaving for a bigger job in a few years. The issue isn't UVA's potential (there's plenty there), the issue is that the school's leadership doesn't value having an elite CFB program.

Also, VT dwarfs them in fan intensity and dedication in football. Their viewership numbers aren't great and they'd be Vandy 2.0 for the SEC. Makes sense though, geographically at least.
UVA brings a good brand, elite academics, a dedicated fanbase, prestige, and elite basketball and baseball programs to the table. On football, they could be a sleeping giant, but here's the thing and as a UVA alum it does pain me to say this, the school will never do what it needs to do to be a Top 25 CFB program.

First and foremost, they do not care if they're an elite CFB program or not. If UVA could find a coach that could win 7-8 games consistently and make a decent bowl every year, he'd be coach for life. They aren't going to go out and hire an elite and expensive coach. At best, they hire a coordinator who works out and ends up leaving for a bigger job in a few years. The issue isn't UVA's potential (there's plenty there), the issue is that the school's leadership doesn't value having an elite CFB program.

Also, VT dwarfs them in fan intensity and dedication in football. Their viewership numbers aren't great and they'd be Vandy 2.0 for the SEC. Makes sense though, geographically at least.