MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It's a very weird scenario where the BIG10 basically takes all the major teams left in college football, including ones in SEC country, and the SEC just sits back and says, "Nope. I'm fine". With how the SEC has been down this year and the eventually departure of Saban, I can't imagine that's their calculation.
They are adding Texas and Oklahoma.
Obviously we have people who are a bit more plugged in telling us things will work out just fine. But man I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sweating a little bit here lol. If Clem and FSU are leaving, we need to be out at the same time or at least announce the intent to leave at the same time. The negative recruiting that could come into play would be VICIOUS.
There is some fund involved here in the background, least that’s what I heard. Jerry Jones has an interest.
All of this conference BS. Wish we could just go back to having independents. If there are going to be conferences, why can't they make sense regionally? This stuff is insane. Where is the NCAA when they're actually needed?
All of this conference BS. Wish we could just go back to having independents. If there are going to be conferences, why can't they make sense regionally? This stuff is insane. Where is the NCAA when they're actually needed?
The NCAA works for the schools and can only (try) to enforce the rules that were agreed upon by those same schools. There are no laws that would allow them to do anything in this case.
All of this conference BS. Wish we could just go back to having independents. If there are going to be conferences, why can't they make sense regionally? This stuff is insane. Where is the NCAA when they're actually needed?
Eventually its going to be a football only product of 40-ish teams.

Then every other sport will go back to regional affiliations.
Obviously we have people who are a bit more plugged in telling us things will work out just fine. But man I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sweating a little bit here lol. If Clem and FSU are leaving, we need to be out at the same time or at least announce the intent to leave at the same time. The negative recruiting that could come into play would be VICIOUS.
There may be reason to be irritated, but there's zero reason to worry. Honestly.
They are adding Texas and Oklahoma.

The BIG10 has USC, UCLA, Oregon, and Washington and in this scenario would get Clemson and FSU. And Notre Dame eventually. What's left? If they didn't want Clemson or FSU they're not going after Miami. There's nothing left that would make any sort of difference.

The BIG10 could get to 24 teams with Miami, UNC, and UVA and then they'd basically own college football around the country outside the deep South and Texas.
You guys are panicking. SMU and Miami are going to be playing for the ACC title in a couple of years!
There may be reason to be irritated, but there's zero reason to worry. Honestly.
Not commenting much further because honestly life is too short to keep doing so and dealing with the fallout here but …again….


"The Big Ten gets serious about adding a Southern tier..."

Not only does the entire post come across as clearly speculative but even within the speculation it implies that they aren't currently serious, which would mean this "imminent" talk is complete BS.

Again, in our current world you are incentivized to get attention, not to be right. This guy is like every other Twitter "expert" that's ever existed.
Obviously we have people who are a bit more plugged in telling us things will work out just fine. But man I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sweating a little bit here lol. If Clem and FSU are leaving, we need to be out at the same time or at least announce the intent to leave at the same time. The negative recruiting that could come into play would be VICIOUS.

Totally reasonable to sweat it. This thing could go in several directions, a few of which would throttle our program (in the short or long term). Way I see things, it’s B10 or bust for Miami. I think we’re in the second tier of prospects for them and far from a need.
Totally reasonable to sweat it. This thing could go in several directions, a few of which would throttle our program (in the short or long term). Way I see things, it’s B10 or bust for Miami. I think we’re in the second tier of prospects for them and far from a need.
My nightmare scenario is that the SEC decides to be stubborn with Clem and FSU, leading them to go B1G, the B1G now has their entry into the Florida market and has no use for us. UF continues to be a bunch of pussies and keeps blocking us in the SEC. Now we are stuck in the ACC hoping to lure the last big fish in ND to join the conference (will never happen if Clem, FSU, UNC, etc take off anyways), and if not, we are now playing in a conference where we make around 50 mill per year less than the big 2 conference teams and are no more than a glorified G5 conference/team at that time.

Now I am of the opinion that all of this investment by the program and us obtaining AAU status is a sign that we are making moves behind closed doors, but man there is a larger than 0 chance that we get left with our ****s in our hands and I hate that.
My nightmare scenario is that the SEC decides to be stubborn with Clem and FSU, leading them to go B1G, the B1G now has their entry into the Florida market and has no use for us. UF continues to be a bunch of pussies and keeps blocking us in the SEC. Now we are stuck in the ACC hoping to lure the last big fish in ND to join the conference (will never happen if Clem, FSU, UNC, etc take off anyways), and if not, we are now playing in a conference where we make around 50 mill per year less than the big 2 conference teams and are no more than a glorified G5 conference/team at that time.

Now I am of the opinion that all of this investment by the program and us obtaining AAU status is a sign that we are making moves behind closed doors, but man there is a larger than 0 chance that we get left with our ****s in our hands and I hate that.
Either this or we have to wait in ACC until we can convince ND to go to B10 with us