MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Got to believe there is a degree of gamesmanship taking place. All kinds of rumors for sure ... but ... some Clemson admin people prefer the SEC while others staunchly prefer the Big 10. The fan base lean might be SEC. Got to believe the "leaks" are simply to put pressure on the SEC to ensure that Clemson has that as an option. Otherwise as you say ... just announce a departure then at the appropriate time announce the alignment with the B10.
Porster please!

Clemson isn't even being looked at by leagues in North America at this point.

Those broke azzes headed to Europe now.

I've said it before, he has a blind spot. He can't understand why Clemson/F$U would prefer the SEC to the Big 10...

I’m not advocating for him but espn and SEC aren’t pursuing fsu and Clemson

SEC has name and Georgia and until proven otherwise the road to the ‘ship goes thru the SEC

However, conf expansion is driven by tv execs and there’s no doubt that the big ten and fox have better positioned itself for the future
Specially genetics46 with his colorful charts and nerdy realignment theories. guy doesnt know ****
Come on ... he DOES get some reasonable information from his contacts within the Big10 administrators. He worked for two B10 programs in the past and does have legit B10 conference high level contacts. He is a lifelong Nebraska fan and he believes the B10 will become THE power conference after the realignment dust settles due to the strength of the B10 media partners vs the SEC relying on ESPN. He does know that the B10 wants to establish a southern tier and that they have vetted several ACC programs including UM. He has been told that the B10 wants to begin by taking FSU/Clemson and eventually UM. He would be shocked if FSU/ Clemson or just one of them opted for the SEC as he sees the B10 as the place to be. Right now nobody knows how much the SEC is actually willing or interested in expanding at this time. They MIGHT be forced to agree to take two ACC programs as a defensive measure. SEC fans say THEY would prefer to have UNC / UVA. Something will happen relatively soon to get the ball rolling.
The Genetics guy is a great example of information in this day and age. You get one person who people start to think is "in the know" and he becomes the authority for some people, but really he doesn't know s***. That's information in 2023. I can't count the times I've gotten into an argument with someone who uses a random person on Twitter as their main source of knowledge and information.
I imagine that with our program improving this year and upcoming match-ups vs ranked opponents our TV viewership will improve this year and make the B1G want us more. Clemson has to try to make the jump now because they could start falling off now. Everybody loves to watch and root against Miami when they get good. The only thing that hurts us is not having a huge alumni base like many public schools with huge enrollments. Regardless, this can be a much bigger market than it currently is when the fair weather fans jump back onboard.
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I imagine that with our program improving this year and upcoming match-ups vs ranked opponents out TV viewership will improve this year and make the B1G want us more. Clemson has to try to make the jump now because they could start falling off now. Everybody loves to watch and root against Miami when they get good. The only thing that hurts us is not having a huge alumni base like many public schools with huge enrollments. Regardless, this can be a much bigger market than it currently is when the fair weather fans jump back onboard.
TV viewers watch interesting games and networks schedule big games for prime time. If UM is a top 10 program they will get prime time slots for key games and 4 million + viewers. If UM is matched vs another top 10 program viewership will bump to 6-8 million. Networks want that potential.
So yall saying that a top 5 primetime matchup between UM and FSU THIS YEAR in late November could be a very good thing? Lol okay let me stop before dudes lose their got**** mind
And Clemson.

And North Carolina.
Thats not happening. It was never going to happen this year, because UM started too low in the rankings.

A top 5 matchup with FSU late this season could probably be amongst the highest rated games of the regular season and **** it may actually happen twice. We are talking Duke vs UNC basketball here.
It's a very weird scenario where the BIG10 basically takes all the major teams left in college football, including ones in SEC country, and the SEC just sits back and says, "Nope. I'm fine". With how the SEC has been down this year and the eventually departure of Saban, I can't imagine that's their calculation.
I'm sensing an imminent and epic callout of @NorthernVirginiaCane ...
I literally can’t wait for this to come to fruition and him to get blasted into oblivion on this. It seems to me he is a half-*** fan who wants to be right more than he wants what is best for the program. He may even be more of a basketball fan based on his location and may not want his basketball (Tobacco Road Conference) conference to get destroyed.
It's a very weird scenario where the BIG10 basically takes all the major teams left in college football, including ones in SEC country, and the SEC just sits back and says, "Nope. I'm fine". With how the SEC has been down this year and the eventually departure of Saban, I can't imagine that's their calculation.
I have heard from the past year - consistently - from a reliable person in the know that the SEC wants FSU and Clemson. There are a lot of factors, football being the biggest but others are very weighted, to getting into a conference.

Clemson's looking like mid-2000s Miami right now. If they want to go, they've got to leave soon because another disappointing season will really hurt their stock.
After all the improvements in the athletic department do you REALLY think that Rudy and Rad are going to be left out?

Which round? First round. Second round. 2036.

If rivals are using conference affiliation / plans against us in recruiting, then if FSU is out a significant amount of time before Miami, we are a bit … left out
Which round? First round. Second round. 2036.

If rivals are using conference affiliation / plans against us in recruiting, then if FSU is out a significant amount of time before Miami, we are a bit … left out

There's not going to be "rounds". They will start 4 new teams in 2024. They can do another 4 in another year or two.