MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

It’s just a weird fit. SMU should been 100% in the Big12, and just having two west coast teams is odd.
A lot of weird fits in conference realignment bc after dominos started to fall, it became an episode of supermarket sweep. Grab whatever you can. Big 12 should've grabbed all 4 pac schools & ACC should have got UCF/West Virginia.
No conference wants to hold schools there that don't want to be there, it's a weak place to be. If the schools make it clear that they will leave the MOMENT the GOR expires, it becomes a "We can get some money now and these schools leave or we can be jerks and make them wait, but they are leaving and we get nothing" situation. You're better off negotiating an exit, letting them go and backfilling as best you can. Maybe in the meantime a school like WVU comes available(They have always been an odd fit in the Big XII), or you can find a way to poach Houston and TCU so SMU has someone to play. Either way, you have to work from the assumption that Clemson and FSU are gone sooner than later. Miami and UNC are likely the move for the B1G once the SEC gets Clemson and FSU.
This is a rough take. The Pac-12 surely didnt support or willingly let USC and UCLA walk. The Big12 didn't willingly let Texas and OU walk. I'm glad it's gameday because I'd get dizzy in here.
Or we have no other cards to play. Depends how much you believe "Miami has a plan". I don’t know how much faith you have stored away in the administration but my breath isn't being held.
NAh, I wouldn't say to hold your breath.... but this **** just ain't adding up to me. IDK wth going on, but for us to be this quiet wit all of this chaos spinning around us, makes me really curious. Everyone, including the UM people in the know, knows what's the best outcome for us, but the only people that ain't saying **** are those very same people. They're operating in silence, and the silence is deafening. We may be sitting on a Royal Flush, and waiting on the ACC to push all they money, to he middle of the table....or we could be bluffing... playing with a ****** hand, waiting to raise, hoping the ACC will fold, therefore walking away with the pot, and outta the ACC without having to leave behind that $120m. There's gotta be a play here. Something is going on behind the scenes. Everybody is looking out for their best interest, and i'm pretty sure the big wigs of UM are doing the same. At the end of the day, this is a business! We're not this nice! Whatever the case, we're showing a **** good poker face.
If everyone is onboard that FSU and Clemson are leaving and likely Miami and UNC as well and the ACC is backfilling spots, why was it not a unanimous "yes" if this is the case? Of the 4, Miami was the ONLY one playing 4th level chess and making a rational move?

Who gives a crap about why FSU and Clemson does anything? We may have a common end goal, but it's not like Clemson and FSU are looking out for us. Who knows what back deals are being cut, maybe Miami has talked to the other schools and said "Listen, we are going to want out once the B1G expands, we'll give you our vote but it comes with a price". The dissolution thing was never happening, because there's no way you were going to get 12 votes. There aren't 12 schools with the ability to upgrade that would be willing to dissolve the conference. There's maybe 6 schools with a hope of getting into either the SEC or B1G. MAYBE.
NAh, I wouldn't say to hold your breath.... but this **** just ain't adding up to me. IDK wth going on, but for us to be this quiet wit all of this chaos spinning around us, makes me really curious. Everyone, including the UM people in the know, knows what's the best outcome for us, but the only people that ain't saying **** are those very same people. They're operating in silence, and the silence is deafening. We may be sitting on a Royal Flush, and waiting on the ACC to push all they money, to he middle of the table....or we could be bluffing... playing with a ****** hand, waiting to raise, hoping the ACC will fold, therefore walking away with the pot, and outta the ACC without having to leave behind that $120m. There's gotta be a play here. Something is going on behind the scenes. Everybody is looking out for their best interest, and i'm pretty sure the big wigs of UM are doing the same. At the end of the day, this is a business! We're not this nice! Whatever the case, we're showing a **** good poker face.
Syracuse and Boston College have been pretty quiet as well.
This is a rough take. The Pac-12 surely didnt support or willingly let USC and UCLA walk. The Big12 didn't willingly let Texas and OU walk. I'm glad it's gameday because I'd get dizzy in here.

The Pac 12 didn't have a choice. Their conference dynamics are significantly different than the ACC, hence why SC and UCLA could walk with little to no penalty. When you don't have a TV deal and nothing to lock people in, you don't have any leverage. Never mind the fact that even though the ACC has bad leadership, the Pac 12 had borderline criminal leadership. The ACC may just eventually get tired of FSU and Clemson doing this and say "You want out? Pay us and leave" The other schools with nowhere to go will be fine with that arrangement, because it's a cash infusion, and FSU and Clemson are happy because they are leaving.
Its CIS, we already have our made up conclusions and then fit the facts as we see to fit said conclusion. Maybe its ineffectual leadership or a scarier possibility, we werent wanted by either the BIG or SEC as so many suggested. Why is it being reported that Miami was vehemetely against this?
I’m using logic here but clearly either something changed with us in the realignment nexus or Frenk got more involved when the prospect of being mentioned in the same breath as Stanford and Cal became a possibility.
The Pac 12 didn't have a choice. Their conference dynamics are significantly different than the ACC, hence why SC and UCLA could walk with little to no penalty. When you don't have a TV deal and nothing to lock people in, you don't have any leverage. Never mind the fact that even though the ACC has bad leadership, the Pac 12 had borderline criminal leadership. The ACC may just eventually get tired of FSU and Clemson doing this and say "You want out? Pay us and leave" The other schools with nowhere to go will be fine with that arrangement, because it's a cash infusion, and FSU and Clemson are happy because they are leaving.
I'd tell you that you were making a world of assumptions but that would be an understatement.
SMU isn't in the Big XII for the same reason Billy Napier isn't at LSU: The folks making the decisions knew better.

The only reason Jim Phillips invited SMU is because they're coming for pennies on the dollar

Not really. SMU isn't in the Big XII because TCU pulled an end run and sold Iowa State, Okie State and those schools a bill of goods on SMU. TCU wants to be Dallas' team, and SMU in a major conference directly hurts that push. When things are equal and both programs are decent, SMU tromps TCU in regards to relevance in the metroplex.
so the conference will be losing the only two relevant programs in football the last decade and trading them for a few west coast academic schools and a G5 school?

This might go up there with shalala’s decision to demolish the OB in terms of negative impact for the program going forward.
Syracuse and Boston College have been pretty quiet as well.
Correct. I prefer the adult response (see above) instead of a child's tantrum (see FSU). Just because you're the loudest in the room doesn't mean anyone is listening. There are better ways to reach a resolution.
1-5: *Notre Dame. UNC, FSU, Clemson, UVA
6-10: Duke, Miami, NC State, Va Tech
11-12: Louisville, Pitt
13-15: Cuse, BC, Wake
Wasn’t counting ND

1-2 is Clemson and FSU. 3-4 is UNC/NCST since they are negotiating and acting as a pair. That could change since NCST flipped their vote on this topic.

5 could be Miami. But the Virginia schools have some interest and are acting as a pair to strengthening their leverage, maybe even bumping ahead of us depending on numbers.

Miami had Clemson as their +1 but Clemson is prepared to go SEC or B1G, whichever gives them the first opportunity and best situation. Miami either said no SEC or the SEC said no Miami so Clemson attached to FSU. Now they’re in the drivers seat. Could have been us in the 1-2.
I don’t see a thread on this yet wanted to start one and hear all the varying opinions canes fans have on this. I personally think it’s good better for recruiting in those states I think Stanford is a good program in college football. SMU could be a good team I am not expecting much from Cal excited to hear from y’all GO CANES #therealmiami