MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

This is a head scratcher for sure.

I’ve got serious concerns about our future and it has to do with alignment. And, I’m not talking about conference realignment but rather alignment within the University and with other ACC member institutions seeking to leave the conference.

This decision casts doubt over whether Rad, Rudy and other administrators are aligned with Coolio Frenk. Many might shrug that off but it’s a MASSIVE problem for Miami. If member institutions within the ACC or within the B1G perceive us as an institution that doesn’t have their ch^tt together, well that does not bode well for us.

We are rumored to be attached at the hip with f$u, Clempson, and others in an orchestrated and collective effort to depart the ACC for greener pastures and with minimal exit costs. Coolio’s decision undermines Rad and Rudy’s authority and possibly makes us untrustworthy with those looking to leave. Why would we allow f$u, Clempson, and UNC to vote “no” and do the opposite if we are truly working hand-in-hand to leave the conference?

Supporting ACC expansion might also cause the B1G to doubt the commitments made by Rad and Rudy since our President is now prone to make rash decisions. Do they truly speak on behalf of the University? Are we no longer aligned with f$u, Clempson and UNC?

Trying not to read too much into this development but, other than the hypothetical theory that we traded a lower exit fee for a “yes” vote, it’s hard to see how this advances our exit from the ACC to the B1G.

First of all, FSU and Miami haven't been on the same page as institutions since Bobby retired. Once Bobby retired, FSU started acting like UF, and Miami resented that for good reason. This is why Miami has been sitting back, and not flapping publicly, we may share a common goal but we are going to do our own thing.

Miami and Clemson may have similar interests, but it's not like Rad feels as if he owes Clemson anything. Miami may be content to let FSU and Clemson flap their gums, knowing that there's a B1G invitation in the cards once FSU and Clemson negotiate their way out(The ACC is going to eventually cave, who wants to keep a school around that obviously doesn't want to be there), while also doing the conference a solid and let them backfill spots that are going to be open in the near future. Miami didn't do this out of the goodness of our heart, we did this so when we bail, the buyout will be significantly less.

Frenk didn't do anything without Rad and Rudy having a voice, people forget that while Presidents vote, it's really a proxy vote for the ADs. Frenk likely asked Rad, Rad told him what the deal was(If we vote yes, this is what we get), and he voted accordingly. FSU and Clemson share a common interest with us, but we have to act in our own best interests.
There's gotta be an angle here that we're missing. Something that we're not seeing. We're playing too nice. When people in the business world act too nice, don't trust it.
The angle could be voting yes or no doesn't change being able to get out of the conference since they do not have the votes to dissolve. Therefore, why not vote yes and give yourself the potential to make more money
I don't think we're doing nothing. It's game day and I'm ****-posting early. But after 20+ years of largely failed leadership can you really blame anyone who has a pessimistic outlook given the circumstances?

I'm sure Rad and others are doing everything they can to get us out of this God forsaken ****hole conference, but I can't fault anyone who doesn't have blind faith in this University.
And this is why it's exhausting dealing with our "Fanbase". Say it with me: RAD IS NOT BLAKE JAMES. STOP ASSIGNING BLAME TO GUYS THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CRAP SHOW THAT CAME BEFORE THEM. You really think one of the nation's most respected ADs magically forgot how to do his job once his moving van entered Coral Gables?
Since my feelings on it are irrelevant, I won't mind playing Stanford and SMU, good games IMO. //shrug
I recall both Cal and SMU playing us in the OB back in the 1960s when we were an Independent. The Cal game drew 32,000 to the OB. We lost 9-7. Craig Morton, the future QB of the Dallas Cowboys, NY Giants and Denver Broncos was an All American QB for Cal. He ended up playing 18 yrs in the NFL, retiring in 1982.

We opened the '65 season against SMU, drawing 46,000 to the OB season opener. The Ponies, a big underdog to a supposedly much-improved UM team, upset us 7-3. That was the year we played #6 ND to a 0-0 tie in the final home game of the season (after beating Steve Spurrier and #10 UF the week before).
First of all, FSU and Miami haven't been on the same page as institutions since Bobby retired. Once Bobby retired, FSU started acting like UF, and Miami resented that for good reason. This is why Miami has been sitting back, and not flapping publicly, we may share a common goal but we are going to do our own thing.

Miami and Clemson may have similar interests, but it's not like Rad feels as if he owes Clemson anything. Miami may be content to let FSU and Clemson flap their gums, knowing that there's a B1G invitation in the cards once FSU and Clemson negotiate their way out(The ACC is going to eventually cave, who wants to keep a school around that obviously doesn't want to be there), while also doing the conference a solid and let them backfill spots that are going to be open in the near future. Miami didn't do this out of the goodness of our heart, we did this so when we bail, the buyout will be significantly less.

Frenk didn't do anything without Rad and Rudy having a voice, people forget that while Presidents vote, it's really a proxy vote for the ADs. Frenk likely asked Rad, Rad told him what the deal was(If we vote yes, this is what we get), and he voted accordingly. FSU and Clemson share a common interest with us, but we have to act in our own best interests.
Well said, also I would not discount the AAU angle of this thing. Stanford and Cal probably voted for Miami to be invited, maybe that's a trade after all.
Besides a few posters on here who claim that we are "moving in silence" and "will be in the Big 10 by 2026", does anyone think this is actually true. Seems that we are blindly following these posters because all of Miami's public moves tell the contrary. If Miami stays in the ACC the program is dead. It is a sad fact but it is true.
Steve Bannon Bingo GIF
And this is why it's exhausting dealing with our "Fanbase". Say it with me: RAD IS NOT BLAKE JAMES. STOP ASSIGNING BLAME TO GUYS THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CRAP SHOW THAT CAME BEFORE THEM. You really think one of the nation's most respected ADs magically forgot how to do his job once his moving van entered Coral Gables?
I believed in RAD until the baseball coaching hire/promotion. I have no faith in him now. I think we are on the outside looking in of reallignment.
Besides a few posters on here who claim that we are "moving in silence" and "will be in the Big 10 by 2026", does anyone think this is actually true. Seems that we are blindly following these posters because all of Miami's public moves tell the contrary. If Miami stays in the ACC the program is dead. It is a sad fact but it is true.
AAU membership is not public enough for you?
Does anyone think we are actually moving in silence?
I get the skepticism but this isn't the old Miami. Frenk isn't a control freak like Shalala. Rad isn't incompetent like Blake. Mario won't be dictated to like Danny Miaz. I'd bet it all says we are desperately tying to leave this hellhole.

@Canedude08 is spot on with everything he's said ITT.

Besides a few posters on here who claim that we are "moving in silence" and "will be in the Big 10 by 2026", does anyone think this is actually true. Seems that we are blindly following these posters because all of Miami's public moves tell the contrary. If Miami stays in the ACC the program is dead. It is a sad fact but it is true.
All of miami public moves? Like being literally the only ACC school looking to upgrade that got AAU membership? What has Clem and FSU done public outside of take their ball and not be able to go home 💀
Used to love Vish’s articles during the golden years..

But that’s not true at all. FSU, Clemson, and UNC are wanted by Fox and they’re going to get private equity funding to buy out of it.

Miami is at best 5th but likely 6-7th on the pecking order to get out. We’re here for a while unless there are votes to dissolve. And without FSU/Clemson.. there won’t be.

1-5: *Notre Dame. UNC, FSU, Clemson, UVA
6-10: Duke, Miami, NC State, Va Tech
11-12: Louisville, Pitt
13-15: Cuse, BC, Wake
Used to love Vish’s articles during the golden years..

But that’s not true at all. FSU, Clemson, and UNC are wanted by Fox and they’re going to get private equity funding to buy out of it.

Miami is at best 5th but likely 6-7th on the pecking order to get out. We’re here for a while unless there are votes to dissolve. And without FSU/Clemson.. there won’t be.
This in my opinion was for survival for the ACC in the short term, and for those schools in the long term.
Not saying your wrong, but that’s it’s just a wierd fit. SMU should been 100% in the Big12, and just having two west coast teams is odd. I understand why the ACC did it, especially since the ACC PAC merger failed
Miami voted yes, because we have a belief that we won't be there 5 years from now anyway. The ACC backfilling spots that will be open once FSU and Clemson bail(and likely us and UNC as well), is a rational move. Barring them taking a bunch of AAC schools, this was as good as it was going to get. Frankly, the ACC should have picked off some of the Big XII schools like WVU, TCU and others years ago and combined that with SMU to form a strong Texas corridor.
If everyone is onboard that FSU and Clemson are leaving and likely Miami and UNC as well and the ACC is backfilling spots, why was it not a unanimous "yes" if this is the case? Of the 4, Miami was the ONLY one playing 4th level chess and making a rational move?
Why would they have to let them walk??? I haven't seen or heard anything as to why they would have their hand forced in that manner... from things I've read and stuff others have posted the contracts are pretty air tight.... I don't see where any teams have any leverage unless they dis-solve and that doesn't appear likely...

No conference wants to hold schools there that don't want to be there, it's a weak place to be. If the schools make it clear that they will leave the MOMENT the GOR expires, it becomes a "We can get some money now and these schools leave or we can be jerks and make them wait, but they are leaving and we get nothing" situation. You're better off negotiating an exit, letting them go and backfilling as best you can. Maybe in the meantime a school like WVU comes available(They have always been an odd fit in the Big XII), or you can find a way to poach Houston and TCU so SMU has someone to play. Either way, you have to work from the assumption that Clemson and FSU are gone sooner than later. Miami and UNC are likely the move for the B1G once the SEC gets Clemson and FSU.
First of all, FSU and Miami haven't been on the same page as institutions since Bobby retired. Once Bobby retired, FSU started acting like UF, and Miami resented that for good reason.

I long since gave upon this notion that has UM has allies (much less friends) among other athletic programs

For better and/or worse Canes are "one of one" as the saying goes