MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Someone just tell me that we will be in the Big Ten at the end of the day. Because from the general public eye it seems like we have no place to go
Realistically Clemson, FSU, Miami, ND, UNC, UVA and maybe VT only ones with B1G or SEC interest and Pitt, NCST, U of L Big 12 and rest are probably ****ed
Think it is more likely they are talking in the event the ACC conference implodes and is dissolved, then they will have a home in the B12 if they can't get into the SEC. Doesn't make sense to leave the ACC ... paying the $120 million exit fee + a huge GOR buyback. Don't think the B12 would take them without media rights and don't see the B12 media partner (ESPN + FOX) paying their GOR to move to that conference.
If the ACC payout drops does the GOR buyout drop commensurately?
Someone just tell me that we will be in the Big Ten at the end of the day. Because from the general public eye it seems like we have no place to go

Well, not at the end of the day. 2025 or 2026.

My friend, I posed this question a few pages back and I think a few heads exploded.

You would technically think "yes" if there is a slow bleedout of the ACC teams.
Why does that question upset anyone? I don’t know the answer but if I’m negotiating a deal with promised annual revenue in exchange for my services and I have a buyout clause, that agreed buyout amount in that clause was based on my annual revenue being a certain amount. If the annual revenue promised in the contract is no less than I was promised then my buyout should drop commensurately.
It's clear as day that one of the biggest things impacting our recruiting is the uncertainty surrounding our future place in the Big 2, if it's going to happen and how soon. Coupled with 5-7, it's being used as a dirty recruiting tactic that is almost insurmountable to overcome because...well there's no concrete proof we can refute either of those points as of this moment.

I personally hope the school goes on the offensive publicly and announces something...I'm not saying ***** and moan like FSU, but something that instills some confidence and can generate momentum...anywhere. All this uncertainty without addressing it just fuels the doubt and the rumors.
I told RVA a few days ago that I heard this exact pitch from a family member of a recruit.
FSU didn’t get AAU certification and it killed its ability to join the Big10.

A lot of the sec schools do not want fsu and Clemson to join the conference.
Sec already has representation in those states.

FSU’s AD being so vocal was for a reason.
Now realize that FSU’s AD was president of their booster program so he knows where to burry the bodie$.

As far as UM goes you have to realize that there is just too much to negatively recruit at.
Telling a player that no one wants us in their conference and then opening up a spread sheet showing a 30-40 million dollar discrepancy and then saying “oh and they also don’t get state funding”.

It’s close to the equivalent of the nevin investigation hanging over our heads.

Now use your imagination and figure what fsu is saying and doing to land recruits.
And what would you be telling a kid if he was considering Miami.
You don't think Baylor or TCU would be better options?

Just going to put this out there, but there will come a day when the P2 start poaching each other. Once the good ACC teams are off the board there is no reason why the Big 10 couldn't poach, for example, the Texas Longhorns. They will not need to grab a team like SMU or TCU (ACC may need to but not BIG). If the BIG is paying better than the SEC, and because they're now a national conference, I could easily see Texas making the jump from the SEC. But that's a ways off.

But imagine if the Big 10 pulls Miami, UNC, FSU, and Clemson. Now they're the better conference than the SEC and will forever get better TV deals. They're also the better academic conference. Nick Saban is close to retirement. I could easily see Texas, which has no loyalty to the SEC or history with that league, making that move.
Well, not at the end of the day. 2025 or 2026.

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I am hoping we leave at the same time FSU does ... just maybe to a different conference. The "main guy" posting updates on Warchant (Dotcom) said yesterday after speaking with "sources" that

-they most likely don't make any announcements by 8/15 but later in the year
-2024 will be the last season FSU plays in the ACC
-a benefactor has stepped forward and if the ACC doesn't dissolve by the end of 2024 this benefactor will
cover the majority of the $120M ACC exit fee if necessary

There are quite a few schools talking with different conferences (NC State with the B12), UNC definitely talking to the B10. Everybody looking at options IF THE ADD IMPLODES. If it doesn't ... if the ACC grab by the B10 is initiated effective for the 2025 playing season ... would be great if it is Miami / UNC / Va Tech to the B10 (with ND scheduling deal) and Clemson / FSU / UVA to the SEC. Then every man for himself. With those 6 departing, and Louisville, Pitt, NC State to the B12 ... no exit fee ... no conference and WE GONE.
It would follow. The "buyout" is based on replacing revenue ... so if the base revenue drops the buyout drops.
So we’ll let a couple go first, the buyout drops and we then pay a lesser amount than the first 2 - i.e., FSU and Clemson.
How about everyone leave the ACC and start their own conference?
We form our own 6 team "pod of pseudo-independence" with FSU, Clemson, UNC, Stanford & Notre Dame. Apple gives us $300 mil a year to split with subscription incentives. We figure out the Playoff access and other sports later.

Problem solved. Thank you, Steve Jobs.
Jacurri Brown is who I thought he was (and said it numerous times): A LOW PROBABILITY PROJECT.

I liken it to a guy learning to play golf. You'll eventually get to where you can strike the ball nicely at the range, but when you get on the course and have to hit different shots with different lies, its a whole-nutter thing.

Emory Williams OTOH has a polished swing. It's time for him to be getting the lion's share of the Non-TVD reps.

Am I the only one who wishes people giving updates would not use player names and rather say things like:

"The kid from Louisville."
"The younger Brown brother"
"The running back from Nebraska"

You’re in the Conference thread my guy. Lol