MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

@TheOriginalCane saw a new long post from Genetics around FSU and Clemson being primary targets which I think we have known for a while now and then him saying every other new school would have to go at a discount. Let’s say hypothetically Miami is one of those schools, is the discount just until the next tv deal? I wonder if the calculus changes if either of those schools go to the sec

Any existing discounts (Rutgers, Maryland, Washington, Oregon) would dissipate at the next TV contract, or so they have been promised.

I'm only OK with a vesting schedule if the Elite Eight vote to dissolve the ACC and there is no buyout fee and there is no GOR any longer.
Um, not to bring you down or anything, but do you realize you seriously just described yourself?!?!
I don’t get agitated by this. If you think I even think about this the moment I switch the website, lol you’re mistaken. As I said, this doesn’t actually do anything to me. You can scream at me on here curse me out, nothing will be impacted. This is the sims. You just start over when your character dies

If the ACC were to allow new schools in and the GOR was opened up for renegotiation to allow more money for those new schools does it automatically void the existing GOR leaving schools to leave if they wanted without repercussion ?

The biggest question that remains unanswered is whether the CURRENT owner of our rights is the ACC (under the original GOR) or ESPN (since multiple individuals, including Bubba Cunningham, have made comments about the ACC selling our rights to ESPN).

What that means is this.

It is POSSIBLE that the "claim" that the ACC cannot possibly change anyone's GOR status or "give back rights" because the ACC no longer owns our rights, then:
a) "new" teams would sign onto the GOR individually, and then immediately be flipped to ESPN, thus cutting out any "renegotiation" with the other 15 teams (of course, those 15 teams could simply block the new teams from being approved in the first place)
b) this provides an avenue whereby our "ESPN-owned" rights could theoretically be moved or traded or given back BY ESPN ITSELF, thereby cutting out the superfluous ACC middleman

Now, if the ACC "still" owns our rights, then, yes, I would think that we would have the leverage to FORCE a renegotiation of our GOR situation (it would not automatically reopen the GOR), but then ESPN would whine like a stuck pig that they "only gave us ACCN because they thought they had us all on GOR until 2036 or whatever).

It's a very complicated game that is a combination of chess and dominoes. Chominoes? I don't know. But everybody is bluffing everybody right now, hoping that someone else makes a mistake or provides an opening that can be exploited.
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Yes, based on the existing **** poor deal with ESPN. However, looking at the deals given to the Big 10 and SEC, the ESPN deal is obviously well below market value.

I understand ESPN is cash poor at this moment, however, what are they left with if the ACC goes down in flames? Is it better to have a piece of something or own 100% of nothing?

OK, again, I'm going to be nice here.

Yes, the ACC deal is below market. But the ACC also doesn't pull the ratings that the Big 10 or SEC do.

So, again...if the ACC money "dissipates", it just gets redistributed elsewhere. Thus JUST FOR ESPN, since they seem to be the conference willing to go to 24 while the SEC just seems to want to add 2 more teams...

ESPN could take THE ENTIRE ACC PILE OF MONEY...give some of it to the SEC to add 2 teams (presumably Clemson-F$U), and then STILL HAVE MONEY LEFT OVER.

It's actually pretty ******* brilliant foe ESPN to kill the ACC (and the Pac 12 already died), pay for 2 more SEC teams, and keep the change.

Didn't anyone watch Wall Street? Sometimes, you make more money selling these things off for parts.

The ONE THING I know to be mathematically true and provable is that there is no longer ANY combination of available non-Big-10/non-SEC schools that can be added to the ACC that will allow us to be paid Big 10/SEC money.

@Genetics56 just put an update in his "Conference Realignment Community".
According to him FSU / Clemson have 100% been targeted by the B10 media partners and their RIGHTS will be acquired by the networks. He has no details on HOW that will be accomplished. The timing is still up in the air as to when they want the schools to announce and plan for a transition. That would be STEP one in adding the "southern tier" of schools to the B10. It will eventually encompass as many as 5-6 schools and it is very likely that school added AFTER FSU / Clemson will be at partial shares similar to OR/WA for a period due to the cost associated with them getting out of the ACC.

So it sounds like the media partners are assisting in orchestrating the realignment for the brands they value. Also stated was "UVA will not be in the B10 because the media partners won't pay for that brand. UNC is different". So .. it could very well be that the next two to move to the B10 ... after FSU / Clemson (if that actually happens) will be Miami / UNC. OR if for some reason FSU / Clemson go the SEC route then Miami might be next up for the B10.

All comes down to WHEN ... not IF.
Need one of them to go to the SEC so we get bought out by FOX and get a full share and not a partial share. That would be ideal.
you can ask RVA where I said I actually like you as a poster. I just think you come off with a **** tone w other posters. like I said, I dont actually have anything against you personally. you seem like a nice dude in DMs.

On the boards, I give as much respect as I'm given.

I've posted for 25 years. I subscribe to the posting philosophy of the great @The Franchise . If anyone wants to be disrespectful, I'll give 'em the coconut.

Any existing discounts (Rutgers, Maryland, Washington, Oregon) would dissipate at the next TV contract, or so they have been promised.

I'm only OK with a vesting schedule if the Elite Eight vote to dissolve the ACC and there is no buyout fee and there is no GOR any longer.
What @Genetics56 stated last night in his "B10 Conference Realignment Community" thread is "The B10 media partners will acquire the rights".
So if THAT is correct ... then we don't have to concern ourselves with having 8 votes, dissolving the conference, or the GOR and exit fee.
He is saying the B10 media partners are 1). Targeting 4-6 ACC schools 2). And will acquire the rights and cost of those teams switching conferences.

The short term "cost" might be several of the ACC programs that switch, might therefore have to take a less than full share for several years (but THEY are not covering the GOR buyback costs).

IF that is accurate ... beer is on me at the Titanic (fights allowed).
What @Genetics56 stated last night in his "B10 Conference Realignment Community" thread is "The B10 media partners will acquire the rights".
So if THAT is correct ... then we don't have to concern ourselves with having 8 votes, dissolving the conference, or the GOR and exit fee.
He is saying the B10 media partners are 1). Targeting 4-6 ACC schools 2). And will acquire the rights and cost of those teams switching conferences.

The short term "cost" might be several of the ACC programs that switch, might therefore have to take a less than full share for several years (but THEY are not covering the GOR buyback costs).

IF that is accurate ... beer is on me at the Titanic (fights allowed).

As I kind of alluded to in my other's all just money.

Whether we have to "buy out" and then need a full-share...or if someone else buys us out and we take a "vesting share"...

It's all good, baby. Just get me to the Big 10 and I'l settle down. I was there in the days when UM had to make due with Independent money. And we wondered why the old Hecht smelled old and moldy.
I don’t get agitated by this. If you think I even think about this the moment I switch the website, lol you’re mistaken. As I said, this doesn’t actually do anything to me. You can scream at me on here curse me out, nothing will be impacted. This is the sims. You just start over when your character dies

Fair enough. But if that's true, why are you concerned with my "tone" with "other posters". Am I not entertaining you?

I treat mopes a particular way. Because they show no respect, they crap on everything, they are never happy, they are never satisfied.

Relax. Give respect, get respect. I don't think you are a hardcore mope, but you've been banging with them a lot lately.

Lol they are a state institution funded by said government. Bad example.
I get that, legally they have every right, but the broader point I’m making here is this: Are there not more pressing issues going on in our country right now than getting involved in conference realignment? If you’re for it, then remember to keep that same energy when Desantis urges the Florida Legislature to block FSU and Miami from leaving The ACC, or require that they seek their “blessing.” That was my biggest fear when I read this article. They may try to interfere or make it more difficult for future programs to leave conferences, which includes us.
Fair enough. But if that's true, why are you concerned with my "tone" with "other posters". Am I not entertaining you?

I treat mopes a particular way. Because they show no respect, they crap on everything, they are never happy, they are never satisfied.

Relax. Give respect, get respect. I don't think you are a hardcore mope, but you've been banging with them a lot lately.

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As I said, you’re a nice guy privately which is why for me I don’t want to have internet beef w someone who is actually nice.
As I said, you’re a nice guy privately which is why for me I don’t want to have internet beef w someone who is actually nice.

Fair enough. I am who I am.

If you feel there is any difference on the boards, it's just because this is how you survive 25 years on the UM boards with the same screen name:

The OR / WA and Pac 12 blowup (and the resulting shock) DELAYED the B10 in picking up ACC schools. The Big 10 HAD BEEN ready to grab 4 ACC programs ... but now having just taken OR/WA ... they might just have room for two right now. Wait another year ... they take four, the SEC takes four and the B12 takes four. Leaves ND with a scheduling agreement with the B10 and Wake / BC in some small regional conference.
Makes a ton of sense. Was hoping that ND would somehow become a full member of B1G so we get to schedule them more regularly but otherwise sounds like it’s going to work out well for us in the end.
I get that, legally they have every right, but the broader point I’m making here is this: Are there not more pressing issues going on in our country right now than getting involved in conference realignment? If you’re for it, then remember to keep that same energy when Desantis urges the Florida Legislature to block FSU and Miami from leaving The ACC, or require that they seek their “blessing.” That was my biggest fear when I read this article. They may try to interfere or make it more difficult for future programs to leave conferences, which includes us.
If a school that you find is now going to get $20 million less than budgeted and all of your constituents are up in arms about it, yes it’s something you do. It’s not like you get bacon or cheese. They have to deal with bacon and cheese.