MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

The earlier poster said mopes always crap on good news. I asked for an example. Which of 5-7,FIU, or MTSU was good news.
No, but that's their response.

Hey, we might be going to the Big 10!

Mope 1: Great, now we can go 5-7 in a different conference.
Mope 2: At least we won't have to play FIU.
Mope 3: Even Rutgers could keep MTSU under 40 points.
So Florida State is so coordinated in their agenda that they feed a fan site to do their bidding to further attack our recruiting - sewing seeds of doubt about our conference future and being broke…adding a plant about having a rich benefactor that’ll drop $120M…

Meanwhile, we’re hunting whales, making excuses and providing them ammo because we’d rather act smart and argue…. worrying about Wario Cristobum being a mean name…

You may be the official bipolar spokesperson for canesinsight. Nil money coming soon

Roller coaster aficionado am I right?
Someone who actually has a Twatter account needs to ask Brett where the recorded vote is. And whether he is willing to stand behind his "reporting" that if JUST ONE of those schools switches its vote, then Stanford-Cal are in...

Because if it was REAAAAAALLLLLLY that close, then all those Presidents and ADs would still be in a room hammering out a compromise.
Probably another lie fed to him by FSU to continue to tell recruits Miami will be stuck in the ACC. Creating the facade to support their agenda.
I already typed this up and sent it to @Ispyin a day or two ago:

"While the University of Miami, generally, and myself, individually, have enjoyed our tenure in the ACC and respect the conference and its members, we cannot ignore the changes that are taking place in the college sports landscape; as a representative and alumnus of the University of Miami, it is my job to preserve and protect my alma mater and navigate these challenging and changing times."

Or, you know, something similar.
That will never happen unfortunately. Miami has become a vault when it comes to information coming in and out.

I hope it does, though and soon at that
You may be the official bipolar spokesperson for canesinsight. Nil money coming soon

Roller coaster aficionado am I right?

I've tried tough love with @Angry Ibis and I've tried gentility. I have no idea what method works at any given moment.

I love the guy, but "bipolar" may well be the accurate diagnosis, at least when you read his posts.
No, but that's their response.

Hey, we might be going to the Big 10!

Mope 1: Great, now we can go 5-7 in a different conference.
Mope 2: At least we won't have to play FIU.
Mope 3: Even Rutgers could keep MTSU under 40 points.

Mope 1 is making an ironic statement, Mope 2 looks like he is making a sarcastic comment, and Mope 3 appears to be giving a valid opinion. So that's the type of egregious mopery that is triggering slurpers? Perhaps the best solution is to create a new section of CIS called, "Delicate Flowers" and anyone who wants to post in that section must first sign an agreement not to post anything that could potentially upset anyone.

The funny thing is that some of the same slurpers with a delicate constitution where themselves the biggest mopes during Diaz's tenure. Anything Diaz did that was good was immediately discredited- we finish 8-3; the immediate response is we had a soft schedule and only beat bad teams. Have a top 26 offense? That's all Lashlee, Diaz gets no credit for hiring him. Win 6 of 7 to close the season? He failed before the streak, so why should anyone celebrate (also, the players rallied behind TVD not Diaz). I guess I got used to being allowed to criticize coaches, but seems now anything vaguely negative about Cristobal or the team is considered mopery. Duly noted.
You may be the official bipolar spokesperson for canesinsight. Nil money coming soon

Roller coaster aficionado am I right?

I’d prefer to use my powers for good vs evil, but inconsistency and excessive excuse making or illogical behavior drive my antics…

That too may be illogical 😈👿

I mean I’d much rather strategically torpedo FSU recruiting vs debate other Miami fans on what date our recruiting board was updated to move the flounder ahead of the whale CIS told us we were hunting…

Whale hunting efforts could have been replaced with a well placed discussion around how NIL is moving move toward the Collective and then a list of “wealthy alumni” — like Warchants random $120m benefactor …
I’d prefer to use my powers for good vs evil, but inconsistency and excessive excuse making or illogical behavior drive my antics…

That too may be illogical 😈👿

I mean I’d much rather strategically torpedo FSU recruiting vs debate other Miami fans on what date our recruiting board was updated to move the flounder ahead of the whale CIS told us we were hunting…

Whale hunting efforts could have been replaced with a well placed discussion around how NIL is moving move toward the Collective and then a list of “wealthy alumni” — like Warchants random $120m benefactor …
You’re starting to write like you are alternatively @TheOriginalCane then @Wario Cristobum

I’m too ADD for too much of this 🤷‍♂️
Mope 1 is making an ironic statement, Mope 2 looks like he is making a sarcastic comment, and Mope 3 appears to be giving a valid opinion. So that's the type of egregious mopery that is triggering slurpers? Perhaps the best solution is to create a new section of CIS called, "Delicate Flowers" and anyone who wants to post in that section must first sign an agreement not to post anything that could potentially upset anyone.

The funny thing is that some of the same slurpers with a delicate constitution where themselves the biggest mopes during Diaz's tenure. Anything Diaz did that was good was immediately discredited- we finish 8-3; the immediate response is we had a soft schedule and only beat bad teams. Have a top 26 offense? That's all Lashlee, Diaz gets no credit for hiring him. Win 6 of 7 to close the season? He failed before the streak, so why should anyone celebrate (also, the players rallied behind TVD not Diaz). I guess I got used to being allowed to criticize coaches, but seems now anything vaguely negative about Cristobal or the team is considered mopery. Duly noted.
There's always room for legitimate criticism. None of the three scenarios I provided are doing that.

The 2022 season sucked. 2023 has to be better or well all be mopes.
I am hoping we leave at the same time FSU does ... just maybe to a different conference. The "main guy" posting updates on Warchant (Dotcom) said yesterday after speaking with "sources" that

-they most likely don't make any announcements by 8/15 but later in the year
-2024 will be the last season FSU plays in the ACC
-a benefactor has stepped forward and if the ACC doesn't dissolve by the end of 2024 this benefactor will
cover the majority of the $120M ACC exit fee if necessary

There are quite a few schools talking with different conferences (NC State with the B12), UNC definitely talking to the B10. Everybody looking at options IF THE ADD IMPLODES. If it doesn't ... if the ACC grab by the B10 is initiated effective for the 2025 playing season ... would be great if it is Miami / UNC / Va Tech to the B10 (with ND scheduling deal) and Clemson / FSU / UVA to the SEC. Then every man for himself. With those 6 departing, and Louisville, Pitt, NC State to the B12 ... no exit fee ... no conference and WE GONE.
I don’t buy that they have a donor on call that will cover the majority of a $120,000,000 exit fee.

We’re not talking a few million here. That’s tens of millions with no economic return for that benefactor, and no amount of favors in the world make up that value. Imho FSU’s nothing but talk right now. They don’t have any leverage right now, and they’re trying to make some.
This is what I don't get. If we choose to believe the genetics guy and the Big Ten is coming after Florida State and it's only a matter of time, why are getting so much talk from FSU? If they have a clear path to the B1G seems to me they wouldn't be saying much and trying to create a narrative.
I think everyone has second or third hand sources and they’re throwing anything and everything against the wall to see if anything sticks.