MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

slurpers and mopers killed the site. dont blame one group and not the other. theyre both at fault. anytime anyone remotely says anything critical, a band of posters get together and **** on them. anytime someone says something remotely positive, a band of posters get together and **** on them. both are no different.

But neither side should berate guys that are bringing info cause whether it turns out right or wrong.They are bringing what they are hearing and things in life change on a moments notice.Just appreciate the info and take it with a grain of salt.

Mopes vs Slurpers arguing doesn’t bother me a bit.

Calling guys that are good enough to bring info to the board liars,idiots,etc does bother me.I watched it ruin a great site once I’m hoping it doesn’t happen again is all.
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Every school has an agenda and some of them will release false info that supports their agenda, while hurting others in the public eye.

Listen to the mofos you know, not the media being given a bunch of BS info. LOL at some of you. We have people right here telling you that this is absolutely going to happen. Some of you need to just STFU and sit back and relax. Stop being impatient children waiting to open presents on Christmas.

FSU is also telling recruits that they are going to the SEC and Miami is getting stuck in the ACC, that is why false vote info is released to the media. Think how damaging that is to our recruiting efforts.
We haven't been noisy yet.

But, yes, we would vote no WHEN THERE IS AN ACTUAL VOTE.

What is pathetic is how you and the Mope Squad are so desperate to believe a negative that you will torture truth and logic and believe internet writers and tweeters who have been used and abused for months.
I can’t believe anyone’s arguing with you in here. Lol

Who are the conference mopes who **** on everything?
slurpers and mopers killed the site.

Just shut the **** up with your constant repetition of this lie. Even @RVACane doesn't believe that the "slurpers" and "mopers" are equivalent. Yes, there are a handful of extreme slurpers, but it's an incredibly minimal number, even if they are loud and annoying.

Try to stop being so one-note mopey, before you catch a band.

I'd like to respect your pain and suffering if you would avoid making this place a miserable wasteland of reptitious bull**** on the eve of our new season.
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Completely wrong. You can't use the "there's good people on both sides" defense.

The mopers are poisonous. And there are very few slurpers. Just a lot of people who would like to go to the first few games of 2023 with an idea that improvement is possible, without being browbeaten by miserable ***** who will never be happy.

While YOU PERSONALLY might be capable of cracking a smile when Miami wins games, the Mope Squad doesn't want happiness or success, just misery and receipt-production.
we can agree to disagree on the mope slurp ****. never said we can't improve for 23. we should since we can't be any worse than we were last year and hopefully better coaches.
And people wonder why people don’t bring **** to this board…why would they? To listen to people disrespect them if things don’t exactly as was said.

All info is fluid no matter what it is…kids,schools,AD’s whomever can change their mind at the drop of a hat changing every scenario…

If you live your life off what someone else on s message board is saying it’s not them that has the problem…
It’s awful. I don’t know why the insider types bother.
The mopers are poisonous
album cover poison GIF by uDiscoverMusic
Shut the **** up with your constant repetition of this lie. Even @RVACane doesn't even believe that the "slurpers" and "mopers" are equivalent.

Try to stop being so one-note mopey, before you catch a band.

I'd like to respect your pain and suffering if you would avoid making this place a miserable wasteland of reptitious bull**** on the eve of our new season.
LOL trying to threaten me with a website ban. god **** thats soft. either way, enjoy your night. we wont agree on this and we dont have to
Yes telling people you’re optimistic on one thing means you’re a slurper on all things Miami. I’ll have to go Time Machine back to reverse mailing my season renewal package back to Hecht with sharpie saying don’t contact me til you fire blake James and cancelled 25 years of season tickets and donations til they did.

I must have been dreaming too when I said Mario epic failed and it’s on him to turn it around and get past his horrible hires and clock management - alongside so many others who were on that “slurper” path.

Totally a slurper.

Yep. I'm a slurper after YEARS of criticizing Beta Blake and Limpdick Frenk.

I'm a slurper after criticizing Dan's hire of JD Arteaga.

I'm a slurper after I pointed out our bad and overly long contracts with adidas and ESPN and Hard **** Stadium.

I'm a slurper after complaining about the delays in modernizing our athletic facilities.

I have been one of the loudest and most consistent CRITICS of Miami's missteps for over 25 years on 4 different boards.

But, yeah, I'm a slurper because I have the nerve to believe that our team is capable of improvement, and because I'd like to go to a few games without toxic Mope Squad pussification ruining the new year.
This place is going to end up like the last site we were at because of people berating guys that have info.Gets old after a while.

Like I said in another post when all you guys say fck it and go strictly to DMs please include me.
It’s already happened for people posting objective non-sunshine who don’t want to be attacked by the rabid fringe of the slurpers. Some of our best posters are posting more privately and it’s a bad trend.

We try to watch out for our top resources on here. We probably need to be even more aggressive when they drive resources away.