MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

LOL MOPE SQUAD. I'll say this: Mario better win soon bc there are a ton of kids I graduated with that dont even bother w the program anymore. youre lucky you have alums like me that are on this site and still buying tickets and donating bc there aren't a lot from the class I graduated with.

I have to admit, I laughed out loud at the testicular fortitude of this humble brag.

We should be LUCKY to have alums like you? Hilarious.

Believe me, you don't have to tell me how spoiled and soft-shouldered and weak-willed the recent Miami alums are. I see it every day in the various Alumni Associations.

You are right, we are built differently. My generation writes checks and shows up and doesn't whine 24-7.
Yes, you can continue to play the semantics game.

Nobody. NOBODY. Has reported that Miami voted in favor of expansion. NOBODY.

Even the slightly-more-accurate reporters indicated that no such vote actually happened, and that there were several schools that could not be characterized as either "hard yes" or "hard no" in their advocacy (since a vote was not taken).

But you choose to ignore those reported facts.

You choose to believe and selectively report the inaccurate journalist human-centipede stories that feed your misery.

Been a thousand tweets on this vote and 50% said there was a vote….50% said there wasn’t ……..and the other 50% ( Yogi Berra math) hasn’t s clue…I tend to believe someone I know that is very close to the school and usually knows what’s going on….that’s just me.

All I know is nothing happened as anyone with any sense knew wouldn’t … matter how much a school screams hollers or kicks ain’t nobody going anywhere until someone figures out how to get around the 420 million dollars they’ll owe…and they’d be stupid to let in more schools to take up more of the pie that started the problem in the first place
Whether they voted or not isn’t even relevant on this point being made by your detractors. If it only required 4 no votes and there were 4 no votes then Miami didn’t need to make enemies out of Cal and Stanford or be that school for whatever reason. Let those other schools be the bad guys.


But you may have missed the post where a Mope Squad charter member gleefully reported that Miami voted in favor of expansion.

And then someone tries to set the record straight and the Mope Squad joins arms to keep repeating the false nonsense. And then we wonder why Corny Prison Mike has suddenly, from out of nowhere, started to "out-recruit" Mario and Miami in the last two months.

F$U found money in the couch cushions? Nope. Just telling lies about us, and letting our most pessimistic "fans" repeat the lies on our own boards. ****, we even had posters attack YOU because you pointed out that we shouldn't be doing the enemy's work on our own boards.

But, yeah, mopers and slurpers are equal. And First Amendment!
youre a **** to half the posters on this site anytime anyone disagrees with you. that ruins this site too
who are your sources on that. You have no cred just rumors like everyone else

Nicolas Cage Wink GIF
youre a **** to half the posters on this site anytime anyone disagrees with you. that ruins this site too

Untrue on all counts.

The funny thing is, you have no idea how many people I've reached out to and made peace with. Because I don't even try to tout it, I just do it.

I even tried with you, and you **** well know it. I made an honest DM effort to speak with you and share information and insight, and now you're calling me a ****. That's your choice.

I didn't say "attack" or "threaten". I just said "troll", which is the first thing listed. And which he admitted.
I don’t think he’s a real troll just unhappy about everything going on and letting it sour everything else for him.
Hate to break up the complaint fest, but quick question for the insiders:

Extremely doubtful, however, IF ND wants to back their bs about Cal and Stanford deserving a home because of their educational prowess and ND decides to join the ACC full time along with Cal, Stanford, and SMU for an 18 team conference, does Miami's leadership (Frenk & Rad) stick it out with the ACC?
I don’t think he’s a real troll just unhappy about everything going on and letting it sour everything else for him.

Also fair, but he chose to embrace the word "troll". I'm testing whether he'll keep walking deeper and deeper into his self-created quicksand, and he just goes farther every time.

Until he tries to backtrack with the "It's a website, bro" defense.

He can't just man up and say "hey, I'm a disappointed alum, I shouldn't be slumming with all these slapdick mopes, I'm better than this, I'll see you at the home opener, Go Canes!".
Hate to break up the complaint fest, but quick question for the insiders:

Extremely doubtful, however, IF ND wants to back their bs about Cal and Stanford deserving a home because of their educational prowess and ND decides to join the ACC full time along with Cal, Stanford, and SMU for an 18 team conference, does Miami's leadership (Frenk & Rad) stick it out with the ACC?

Not an insider but I’d say only if the GOR is renegotiated giving teams more money which is why all this started in the first place..
Not an insider but I’d say only if the GOR is renegotiated giving teams more money which is why all this started in the first place..
My thought would be every team would see a sizable increase with the addition of ND as a full-time member. The question would be is the bump enough to at least get within shouting distance of the Big 2?
Hate to break up the complaint fest, but quick question for the insiders:

Extremely doubtful, however, IF ND wants to back their bs about Cal and Stanford deserving a home because of their educational prowess and ND decides to join the ACC full time along with Cal, Stanford, and SMU for an 18 team conference, does Miami's leadership (Frenk & Rad) stick it out with the ACC?

Because @blah124 wants to call me a ****, here's the simple answer. No.

While that sounds great from an academic standpoint, the reality is that ND's basic offer from NBC ($65 million if they play ACC opponents, as high as $75 million if they can flip to Big 10 opponents) is not going to raise enough money to help 14 other ACC teams. And the $30M that Stanford and Cal were offered (or even the $50M that they wanted) will also not raise the bar for the other 14 ACC teams.

If the current situation with the Big 10 and Fox/CBS/NBC has taught us anything, it should be that the decision-making power has shifted from university presidents who want to maintain "academic standards" TV executives who are now forcing the "we only take AAU schools" Big 10 to take MULITIPLE non-AAU schools from the ACC (if/when the Big 10 actually invites those ACC teams to join). F$U and Clemson are nearly-automatic for the Big 10 (assuming they don't go to the SEC first) and VaTech is also in a small pool of potential Big 10 invitees.

So, no, I don't think that "Stanford-Cal" (or even SMU) changes Radakovich's awareness that the GAP in revenue will be 40-50 million AND GROWING ANNUALLY. Financial suicide over the "academic stick-out"? I don't think Radakovich would advocate for that, or Frenk would agree to that.
My thought would be every team would see a sizable increase with the addition of ND as a full-time member. The question would be is the bump enough to at least get within shouting distance of the Big 2?

Problem is Disney is bleeding money so I’m not sure ESPN has an extra 1/2 to 3/4 of a billion dollars a year for teams to divide up ,which it would take to get the schools even close to the money the B1G and SEC are going to give each team.
My thought would be every team would see a sizable increase with the addition of ND as a full-time member. The question would be is the bump enough to at least get within shouting distance of the Big 2?

Show your math.

If the ACC teams are currently getting $35 million per, and ND has been offered $65 million for "itself with an ACC scheduling arrangement",

(a) prove that Notre Dame is willing to share that marginal $30 million with anyone else
(b) divide $30 million by 15
(c) demonstrate how $37 million for 15 ACC teams (including ND) constitutes a "sizable increase" or any sort of closing of the gap on the Power 2 who will soon approach $100M per school