MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

We haven't been noisy yet.

But, yes, we would vote no WHEN THERE IS AN ACTUAL VOTE.

What is pathetic is how you and the Mope Squad are so desperate to believe a negative that you will torture truth and logic and believe internet writers and tweeters who have been used and abused for months.

Say it one more time and a little louder for people in the back that didn’t hear you the first 50 times you said THERE WAS NO VOTE!!!!
We haven't been noisy yet.

But, yes, we would vote no WHEN THERE IS AN ACTUAL VOTE.

What is pathetic is how you and the Mope Squad are so desperate to believe a negative that you will torture truth and logic and believe internet writers and tweeters who have been used and abused for months.
Congress votes for all these amendments because they are safe because they then know the other chamber will not approve them so they get to virtue signal and not take risk. Until the real actual vote. It happens all the time.

Do I know that is what Miami/dan is doing ? Nope I don’t. Think it could be. Not sure I even agree with that either.

That said North Carolina was all about how fsu should be quiet a week ago, it wasn’t good for the conference blah blah, then voted no supposedly against the conf with fsu. So you all tell me, everything everyone does really means what they will actually do when it counts or nah
And people wonder why people don’t bring **** to this board…why would they? To listen to people disrespect them if things don’t exactly as was said.

All info is fluid no matter what it is…kids,schools,AD’s whomever can change their mind at the drop of a hat changing every scenario…

If you live your life off what someone else on s message board is saying it’s not them that has the problem…
Will Ferrell Old School Movie GIF
And people wonder why people don’t bring **** to this board…why would they? To listen to people disrespect them if things don’t exactly as was said.

All info is fluid no matter what it is…kids,schools,AD’s whomever can change their mind at the drop of a hat changing every scenario…

If you live your life off what someone else on s message board is saying it’s not them that has the problem…

It's pathetic. The Mope Squad pumps out their vitriolic poison for months, and it eventually takes down a half decent poster like hoops @blah124 .

We now have a formerly decent poster who was capable of making informed posts sucking off random internet writers and pushing their drivel as if it's the undisputed truth.

And, sure, hoops will try to spin some bull**** about how he is some independent thinker, but it's bull****.

He's clinging to "proving a negative". That if Miami's name wasn't dropped as a "noisy no", we must be leading the welcome wagon for Stanford-Cal.


Seen too many guys with great info start keeping things to themselves because of loudmouths who call them out that have never brought one thing to the site .

All I ask is if all you guys with info go to DMs only please include Me cause I appreciate ALL info whether it ends up panning out or not.
It's pathetic. The Mope Squad pumps out their vitriolic poison for months, and it eventually takes down a half decent poster like hoops @blah124 .

We now have a formerly decent poster who was capable of making informed posts sucking off random internet writers and pushing their drivel as if it's the undisputed truth.

And, sure, hoops will try to spin some bull**** about how he is some independent thinker, but it's bull****.

He's clinging to "proving a negative". That if Miami's name wasn't dropped as a "noisy no", we must be leading the welcome wagon for Stanford-Cal.


This place is going to end up like the last site we were at because of people berating guys that have info.Gets old after a while.

Like I said in another post when all you guys say fck it and go strictly to DMs please include me.
Congress votes for all these amendments because they are safe because they then know the other chamber will not approve them so they get to virtue signal and not take risk. Until the real actual vote. It happens all the time.

Do I know that is what Miami/dan is doing ? Nope I don’t. Think it could be. Not sure I even agree with that either.

That said North Carolina was all about how fsu should be quiet a week ago, it wasn’t good for the conference blah blah, then voted no supposedly against the conf with fsu. So you all tell me, everything everyone does really means what they will actually do when it counts or nah

For the last couple of months, I've pointed out that nearly every university making public leaks of private conversations is pushing an agenda.

Then the first moment that the Mope Squad gets a half report of a NON-VOTE, they choose to side with rumor over truth and rip Miami apart.

Sadly, even the broken-clock Mope Squad is right once or twice per day. We can all actually AGREE that Frenk knows nothing about sports and the Athletic Department. It wasn't until Julio delegated Athletics oversight to two killers (Joe and Rudy) that he finally fired Beta Blake five years too late.

So who cares if Julio was busy combing his hair when Jim Phillips tried to whip the vote into inviting Stanford-Cal. Dan wasn't born yesterday, he knows what adding more teams to the ACC would do.

Not happenin' cap'n.
It's pathetic. The Mope Squad pumps out their vitriolic poison for months, and it eventually takes down a half decent poster like hoops @blah124 .

We now have a formerly decent poster who was capable of making informed posts sucking off random internet writers and pushing their drivel as if it's the undisputed truth.

And, sure, hoops will try to spin some bull**** about how he is some independent thinker, but it's bull****.

He's clinging to "proving a negative". That if Miami's name wasn't dropped as a "noisy no", we must be leading the welcome wagon for Stanford-Cal.

Thanks you’re half decent too.
Why are you surprised Louisville and Pitt are in the expansion camp. Doesn't the ACC pay out $10 million more per year than the Big 12?
I thought they were rumored to be a part of the 7 strongly considering dissolution (Louisville particularly was rumored to have a BIG12 home if I remember correctly). Also, BIG12 will get to renegotiate again before ACC deal expires, so potentially a better long term home especially if they have concerns about the ACC imploding due to an FSU/Clemson/UM departure
This place is going to end up like the last site we were at because of people berating guys that have info.Gets old after a while.

Like I said in another post when all you guys say fck it and go strictly to DMs please include me.

You ain't wrong.

This site is fast moving towards a DM-only form of communication.

I'm generally in favor of discourse and speech, but it starts to become moot when the Mope Squad sets everything on fire.

The Mope Squad will happily dance on the ashes.

They don't care. They don't want Miami to succeed, they just want to spread their misery on everyone else.
I thought they were rumored to be a part of the 7 strongly considering dissolution (Louisville particularly was rumored to have a BIG12 home if I remember correctly). Also, BIG12 will get to renegotiate again before ACC deal expires, so potentially a better long term home especially if they have concerns about the ACC imploding due to an FSU/Clemson/UM departure

All of those things are true.


Pitt and Louisville have gotten jittery lately, what with all of the invitations the Big 12 has sent out to OTHER schools, and the Big 12's continued assurances that they are done expanding.
I can guarantee you if Miami's vote mattered, they 100% would vote not to expand except under one of or both of 2 conditions:

1. A team like ND who would grow everybody's piece of pie wanted in.
2. There was a concession made on the GOR and/or exit fee that would make it easier/more favorable for Miami to leave the conference.
You ain't wrong.

This site is fast moving towards a DM-only form of communication.

I'm generally in favor of discourse and speech, but it starts to become moot when the Mope Squad sets everything on fire.

The Mope Squad will happily dance on the ashes.

They don't care. They don't want Miami to succeed, they just want to spread their misery on everyone else.
tbh, the slurpers are just as bad as the mopes. its dumb. the program is a trash can right now. it has bene for 20 years. you **** right people are ****ed. youre lucky people are still ****ed and not apathetic. the reality is the slurpers **** on posters the same way the mopes **** on posters. so both suck. you want reality - we are lucky to have this site and the others out there for a program that hasn't been relevant in over 2 decades. any type of fandom is better than nothing at all.
You ain't wrong.

This site is fast moving towards a DM-only form of communication.

I'm generally in favor of discourse and speech, but it starts to become moot when the Mope Squad sets everything on fire.

The Mope Squad will happily dance on the ashes.

They don't care. They don't want Miami to succeed, they just want to spread their misery on everyone else.

It’s really a shame cause it’s the same people over and over that start the BS.It would be different if the guys that brought the info were arguing but it’s not.Its people that bring absolutely nothing other than turmoil to the site.

We watched what may have been the best site for info ever created crash and burn just hope this one doesn’t follow suit but I can see it coming.

Just remember my DM when the group chats between you info guys convene the next time..
It’s really a shame cause it’s the same people over and over that start the BS.It would be different if the guys that brought the info were arguing but it’s not.Its people that bring absolutely nothing other than turmoil to the site.

We watched what may have been the best site for info ever created crash and burn just hope this one doesn’t follow suit but I can see it coming.

Just remember my DM when the group chats between you info guys convene the next time..
slurpers and mopers killed the site. dont blame one group and not the other. theyre both at fault. anytime anyone remotely says anything critical, a band of posters get together and **** on them. anytime someone says something remotely positive, a band of posters get together and **** on them. both are no different.
Yes telling people you’re optimistic on one thing means you’re a slurper on all things Miami. I’ll have to go Time Machine back to reverse mailing my season renewal package back to Hecht with sharpie saying don’t contact me til you fire blake James and cancelled 25 years of season tickets and donations til they did.

I must have been dreaming too when I said Mario epic failed and it’s on him to turn it around and get past his horrible hires and clock management - alongside so many others who were on that “slurper” path.

Totally a slurper.
tbh, the slurpers are just as bad as the mopes.

Completely wrong. You can't use the "there's good people on both sides" defense.

The mopers are poisonous. And there are very few slurpers. Just a lot of people who would like to go to the first few games of 2023 with an idea that improvement is possible, without being browbeaten by miserable ***** who will never be happy.

While YOU PERSONALLY might be capable of cracking a smile when Miami wins games, the Mope Squad doesn't want happiness or success, just misery and receipt-production.