MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Yup I think it’s pretty clear FSU/Clemson going to the SEC would actually make it more likely we land in the B1G. If FSU/Clemson went to the B1G, I’d be nervous they could stop at 20.
Agree 100%. If FSU and Clemson go to B1G then we are screwed big time. Don’t see B1G adding more and we are left out then. As others have said we need to just become a basketball school.
Interesting take…..

They don't have a choice at this point. They messed it up signing the GOR. Also back when SEC signed OK and Texas the ACC tried to get something done with PAC at that time but the PAC was arrogant. That backfired on them.
Was that the so called “alliance”?
Clemson guy

Wanna see my surprised face?

"You mean the ACC isn't adding a bunch of teams that not only don't add value, but actually detract value, from an already fracturing conference? I can't believe all the presidents that want to leave the conference didn't vote for that!"
Maybe because we are thinking this is all about football and that they want to compete with the SEC for conference supremacy?

But you may have a point. Maybe thats not what they want to do at all lol

Because Maryland, Rutgers, Indiana, Northwestern, Minnesota and then add Virginia? Yeah good luck on that return.
Everything you say is true.

If this was a "100% academics" decision, UNC and UVa make sense.

If this is a "100% TV" decision, Miami gets in over both of those schools, particularly if F$U goes SEC.

The question is whether the decision will be closer to "academics" or "TV". Thus far, everything the Big 10 has done has indicated that this is a TV decision, particularly prioritizing two NON-AAU schools (F$U-Clemson).
I agree 100%, but I am just saying people who act incredulous that there is no world where the B10 would take UNC and/or UVA over Miami are short sighted. We simply do not know, especially factoring in the half share vs full.

I’ve said this to you in messages but I am extremely uncomfortable by us letting the narrative get away from us. I don’t like it. There is a middle ground between FSU’s approach and ours.
4 schools against
So do all the magnificient 7 really have the same agenda?
It seems like FSU, Clemson and Miami want out.

But does UNC and UVA really want out? I know they are desired if they do leave, but would they rather maintain the ACC since it was their conference from the beginning?

If only 4 schools against, that means there was quite a few votes for adding Stanford, Cal and prolly SMU… doesn‘t seem like alot of momentum to get 8 votes to dissolve.
What about Chip Kelly’s idea? Why do we even need conferences for football? Notre Dame is independent in football only. Why not everyone else go independent in football and remain in their conference in other sports? Do we really want to see the ACC go away in basketball like the Big East went away only to return?
There were a couple of posters LAST SPRING who indicated we would go to the SEC. I don't want to call anybody out by name but definitely some that would know.

If course things could always change over that kind of time period but there were definitely a few that implied SEC was basically a done deal.

Edited to clarify: "would go" and "done deal" may have been too strong of words.. But there was definitely optimism from several significant posters about getting to the SEC. Basically the hope of getting to the SEC didn't just come out of nowhere.
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