MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Must have missed that ... as far as everything I have ever read or heard Miami was NEVER a take for the SEC and has been Big10 bound 100% as far as "realignment" is concerned.

Don't want to get stuck in quagmire here, but CIS has had more than one SEC vs B1G "which do you prefer" poll within the last 12 months.

Folks debated the better fits, which conference they preferred for UM and why.

The threads weren't filled with a bunch of "Miami has zero chance at the SEC, so why are we discussing this" comments ...

At the time, most posters seemed to feel like we had somewhere between a puncher's chance and a really good shot at either.


Is my memory right on this?
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Don't want to get stuck in quagmire here, but CIS has had more than one SEC vs B1G "which do you prefer" poll within the last 12 months.

Folks debated the better fits, which conference they preferred for UM and why.

The threads wasn't filled with a bunch of "Miami has zero chance at the SEC, so why are we discussing this" comments ...

At the time, most posters seemed to feel like we somewhere between a puncher's chance to really good shoot at either.


Is my memory right on this?
Don't want to get stuck in quagmire here, but CIS has had more than one SEC vs B1G "which do you prefer" poll within the last 12 months.

Folks debated the better fits, which conference they preferred for UM and why.

The threads wasn't filled with a bunch of "Miami has zero chance at the SEC, so why are we discussing this" comments ...

At the time, most posters seemed to feel like we somewhere between a puncher's chance to really good shoot at either.


Is my memory right on this?
Oh I know certain people (ahem) keep saying "I prefer the SEC" but I have never thought there was ever a shot at that happening. FSU / Clemson, absolutely, but small, private university like Miami, nope.
Oh I know certain people (ahem) keep saying "I prefer the SEC" but I have never thought there was ever a shot at that happening. FSU / Clemson, absolutely, but small, private university like Miami, nope.

In addition to the academics side, SEC was never a legit option for Miami due to espn being poor and not being cooperative to acc
So where do folks think we stand in the current SEC-B1G order of prefernce?

No so long it seems like folks had us a neck and neck for the top sport.


How much (if one even exists) of a drop is due to FSU bellowing incoherently like your ****-faced uncle after 10 beers at Hooters?
SEC ... 0 .... unchanged from ANY time in the past few years at least.

BIG 10 .... we have a home there eventually. How soon? All depends what happens with the ACC. If FSU / Clemson DO go to the
SEC then Miami should be next up as far as the FOX market evaluations. Question is does Miami bail or not. And forget the noise that
FSU made ... it is all a positive from my point of view. A lot of it was posturing ... making sure that the world knew THEY were the initiators
of wanting to leave and not being "poached" by some tampering conference that could at a later date be sued for TAMPERING. It is clear to
the world that FSU wants out. And if that helps open a home for them with the SEC, ensuring that there are two spots open with the Big 10,
outstanding. It would be fantastic if the 8 votes to dissolve are there and they pull off a miracle and blow up this horribly outdated conference.
In addition to the academics side, SEC was never a legit option for Miami due to espn being poor and not being cooperative to acc
Don't believe it has been a matter of not being "cooperative", but rather it is a crappy conference with mostly bottom tier programs that don't have any
actual broadcast value on a national level. Outside of FSU, Clemson and Miami, there are no "top" tier football brands, and even Miami is living on accolades that are 20 years old (thank God for those or we wouldn't be in the discussion).
Didn’t they already get slighted? Only conference Champions get byes. That makes it very tough.

Yeah, hypothetically, but everything is changing. There are now going to be fewer...conference fact, past the Big 10 and SEC, who would "deserve" a bye just for winning the conference?
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I get that aspect of it. That’s brand recognition-based. Merit based implies we’ve actually earned it doing something meritorious like winning titles lately. We haven’t. We’ve never won the ACC. We’re living off the brand from 20 something years ago.

Yea we must be Bally sports number one show since our games seem to be on there most weeks…didn’t know Bally had that many viewers…
If the Noles guy is correct and SEC takes FSU and Clemson and B10 takes UNC and UVA, it seems like we’re the odd ones out.

Where do we go in that scenario?

Starting to feel like it’s more likely that the ACC expands than anyone leaves though :/

Please, I am begging people...THINK about this...

If the FSU-Clemson-SEC scenario works out...

And you BELIEVE Flugar...

Then you would have to believe that FOX is overriding all the academic stuff...AND taking the "lesser" football school and viewership draw in VIRGNIA...over the last remaing relevant school in FLORIDA, and a school that has SUPERIOR viewership numbers to BOTH North Carolina AND Virginia...and leaving behind all that extra cable carriage money...

People have to stop opening up their gaping tailpipes for every banana coming off the banana boat.

All for some uninformed and/or biased and/or INTENTIONALLY anti-Miami articles...

Come on, now...
Please, I am begging people...THINK about this...

If the FSU-Clemson-SEC scenario works out...

And you BELIEVE Flugar...

Then you would have to believe that FOX is overriding all the academic stuff...AND taking the "lesser" football school and viewership draw in VIRGNIA...over the last remaing relevant school in FLORIDA, and a school that has SUPERIOR viewership numbers to BOTH North Carolina AND Virginia...and leaving behind all that extra cable carriage money...

People have to stop opening up their gaping tailpipes for every banana coming off the banana boat.

All for some uninformed and/or biased and/or INTENTIONALLY anti-Miami articles...

Come on, now...
All of the comments for the past 2 months have been "conference realignment is 100% media driven" .... "TV math focus of FOX is on programs than can have 4 million viewers per game for major games" .... "FOX priority of ACC programs based on VIEWERSHIP is FSU, Clemson, Miami, in that order".

That is why it is currently like winning the lottery for UM if FSU / Clemson go to the SEC totally opens up the CURRENTLY LIMITED SPOTS in the B10 for Miami and one other. Don't understand how some people say "we're going to end up in the B12".
I mean if we take a step back without orange and green glasses… Virginia is also a growing state as people move out of DC. But that aside, UVA and UNC are both large state schools with top notch academics and huge alumni bases, and that looks a **** of a lot more similar to the rest of the conference. I’m not saying we don’t get a spot but it’s crazy for people to not understand why these schools are being discussed and that this is a very conceivable outcome.

Everything you say is true.

If this was a "100% academics" decision, UNC and UVa make sense.

If this is a "100% TV" decision, Miami gets in over both of those schools, particularly if F$U goes SEC.

The question is whether the decision will be closer to "academics" or "TV". Thus far, everything the Big 10 has done has indicated that this is a TV decision, particularly prioritizing two NON-AAU schools (F$U-Clemson).
Please, I am begging people...THINK about this...

If the FSU-Clemson-SEC scenario works out...

And you BELIEVE Flugar...

Then you would have to believe that FOX is overriding all the academic stuff...AND taking the "lesser" football school and viewership draw in VIRGNIA...over the last remaing relevant school in FLORIDA, and a school that has SUPERIOR viewership numbers to BOTH North Carolina AND Virginia...and leaving behind all that extra cable carriage money...

People have to stop opening up their gaping tailpipes for every banana coming off the banana boat.

All for some uninformed and/or biased and/or INTENTIONALLY anti-Miami articles...

Come on, now...
People are going stir crazy on here

If acc and espn decide to add schools now, I’m my mind the chances of a deal being cut for Miami fsu Clemson increases exponentially
Maybe because we are thinking this is all about football and that they want to compete with the SEC for conference supremacy?

But you may have a point. Maybe thats not what they want to do at all lol

Because Maryland, Rutgers, Indiana, Northwestern, Minnesota and then add Virginia? Yeah good luck on that return.

The entire east coast will be sleeping through Big 10 games.
Please, I am begging people...THINK about this...

If the FSU-Clemson-SEC scenario works out...

And you BELIEVE Flugar...

Then you would have to believe that FOX is overriding all the academic stuff...AND taking the "lesser" football school and viewership draw in VIRGNIA...over the last remaing relevant school in FLORIDA, and a school that has SUPERIOR viewership numbers to BOTH North Carolina AND Virginia...and leaving behind all that extra cable carriage money...

People have to stop opening up their gaping tailpipes for every banana coming off the banana boat.

All for some uninformed and/or biased and/or INTENTIONALLY anti-Miami articles...

Come on, now...
Yup I think it’s pretty clear FSU/Clemson going to the SEC would actually make it more likely we land in the B1G. If FSU/Clemson went to the B1G, I’d be nervous they could stop at 20.