MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

people overestimate Miamis tv ratings. we draw well for the big games like a lot of other teams but our average reach isnt as expansive as people think it is. we aren't worthless but we aren't more watched on average than the other in state schools (UF and FSU). part of why UM is valuable in expansion talk isnt bc of our football or hoops team, but its the market you gain access to.
No one overestimate Miami tv ratings. We are being compared to teams who had recent national championship teams, or plays against more big time opponents every season like UF. When we are good and they are good, they dont compare. Miami is polarising like Notre Dame, worse actually. Everybody watch if we ever get good again
well, id say this - idk if it is enforceable or not. none of us have seen it (or at least i havent so i cant say it is or it isnt). i am sure that all these schools have been billing out cntract lawyers at akerman, HK, etc. to review the agreement to find a loophole or an out. either way, that part i cant comment on. i was only referring to the choice of law as tom mars thought this was some crazy thing (it isnt). we use this often where i work with all of our agreements because theyre always international and out of state agreements. only time we ever end up using the home state law is when the other side just misses it and signs it or both are located in the same state
Well, you got two heavy reasons why it isn't enforceable, either way, Miami will get out and thats all she wrote.
No one overestimate Miami tv ratings. We are being compared to teams who had recent national championship teams, or plays against more big time opponents every season like UF. When we are good and they are good, they dont compare. Miami is polarising like Notre Dame, worse actually. Everybody watch if we ever get good again
the last time we were good in a marquee game our tv number wasn't where it should have been. bama-ole miss and uga-AU outdrew us the same day
well, id say this - idk if it is enforceable or not. none of us have seen it (or at least i havent so i cant say it is or it isnt). i am sure that all these schools have been billing out cntract lawyers at akerman, HK, etc. to review the agreement to find a loophole or an out. either way, that part i cant comment on. i was only referring to the choice of law as tom mars thought this was some crazy thing (it isnt). we use this often where i work with all of our agreements because theyre always international and out of state agreements. only time we ever end up using the home state law is when the other side just misses it and signs it or both are located in the same state
Yeah... this whole 'it is not enforceable' take doesn't make sense - or at least not in that it is cut and dry. If FSU, Clemson, Miami, etc were convinced that it was a slam dunk that they could get out, I have to imagine they would have left by now. I could see them possibly believing they have a way out, but they have at least a decent amount of doubt - enough that is not worth them risking losing - and that is why they haven't left yet.
fwiw, i have been to SEC games too. its a joke (the comment not the games), but in terms of our school, the big 10 is a better fit. UF is barely a fit for the SEC due to the large amount of "City" kids enrolled (Orlando and Miami (tampa is a bit southern still but thats changing post covid)). miami would be an insane culture shock lol. with our alumni, the big 10 market would make our away game attendance even better.
I hear ya that makes total sense.
This is the gift that keeps on giving for the media types. "Everything has changed", to "nothing has changed" in an hour.
It's almost as if these simpletons get paid to generate clicks.

Need more clicks! Everything changed after midnight! Need even more clicks! Actually nothing has changed. Mission accomplished.
the last time we were good in a marquee game our tv number wasn't where it should have been. bama-ole miss and uga-AU outdrew us the same day
That was 1 season. These are prolonged relevant teams. We didnt have great players or a great team, just had a good season
That surprises me. There was SO MUCH buzz for that game with the historical rivalry, top 10 matchup, turnover chain phenomenon, etc.
Sure... but that is between the two fanbases. Let's say Nebraska was having a really good year and had a game against Texas would you say to yourself 'I really need to see that game'? I might tune into it for a bit if nothing else was on, but really doubt I would watch the whole thing. And I am sure it didn't help the ratings that the game was a blow out.
Yeah... this whole 'it is not enforceable' take doesn't make sense - or at least not in that it is cut and dry. If FSU, Clemson, Miami, etc were convinced that it was a slam dunk that they could get out, I have to imagine they would have left by now. I could see them possibly believing they have a way out, but they have at least a decent amount of doubt - enough that is not worth them risking losing - and that is why they haven't left yet.
Dont totally agree. U have to wrok out where everyone will land and when, including the teams who wont be in the SEC or BIG. All these conferences are not working on tge same timelines. The SEC for example seems totally fine chilling after Texas and OU
eh that was a primetime ABC slot with two top 10 teams (3 vs 7). it should have been the most watched game that day esp for the time slot since UGA AU was at 330. I just think viewership has changed over time thats all. we aren't a draw. obviously, If we get back to being the 80s canes that changes as a lot have said, but I dont think well ever be that again. maybe we win a title or two in the next 20 years, but I dont ever see us being the 4 in 10 year span
If you're consistent with it, sure it helps, but at that point, people didn't rate Notre Dame that much. Its an old rivalry and Notre Dame isn't as marketable as people may assume.
That was 1 season. These are prolonged relevant teams. We didnt have great players or a great team, just had a good season
I mean ok.

that was a top 10 matchup in our biggest game of the year w college game day and the most known college brand in the world and still drew third. anyways, this is an argument no one will win because we all have our sides on where we think we are in the landscape of the tv balls
If you're consistent with it, sure it helps, but at that point, people didn't rate Notre Dame that much. Its an old rivalry and Notre Dame isn't as marketable as people may assume.
NDs brand is large but I will agree that they aren't the most watched out there.

look, if were the 80s canes, people watch us like they watch bama now. bama wasn't drawing huge numbers when they didnt have saban and stunk forever from the bear days. that also rings true for any team. look at the FSU ratings with Jameis or UF ratings w Tebow. on average, we draw what we draw (which is third in the big 3) which is fne. that isnt going to matter to the big 10. were headed there no matter what we draw.

realistically speaking, I dont ever see us repeating the 80s so to me its all moot. the hope is youre consistently 10 wins where you get the 4-4.5 mill number but I dont think we have a. large enough fanbase to hit that. the casual fan down here will still only tune into big games.

Sure... but that is between the two fanbases. Let's say Nebraska was having a really good year and had a game against Texas would you say to yourself 'I really need to see that game'? I might tune into it for a bit if nothing else was on, but really doubt I would watch the whole thing. And I am sure it didn't help the ratings that the game was a blow out.
AU-UGA was a blowout and they had the highest number of the weekend.