MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

its top heavy. you have two marquee opponents that draw huge numbers (Mich OSU). then you have an okay opponent (MSU). then you have your historical tie in (NEB). then you have a lot of nothing that would make a casual fan tune in (Indiana, NW, Minny, etc.). it'll be a change in the beginning bc of the newness of the opponents but once the south Floridians get a taste of the bad of the b10, it'll revert back. it'll be nice to have something diff tho
Let's just look at matchups (not EVERY year, but on a rotation).

ACC Currently: FSU, VT, UNC, occasionally Clemson, occasionally ND
B1G (in my scenario): FSU, Clemson, ND, OSU, PSU, Mich, MSU, Wisc, Neb, VT, USC, UCLA

Just 4 of those a year on a rotation and it's MUCH more marketable year to year. Yeah you're still going to get a handful of less attractive schools—no disagreement there—but it's inevitable and, I'd say, necessary.
No one is stopping moving conferences because they care about helping out Wake Forest....
I'm sure its mostly the money. But if you don't think UNC and probably UVA aren't considering the fallout of WF, Duke and NCSU you are naive.
its top heavy. you have two marquee opponents that draw huge numbers (Mich OSU). then you have an okay opponent (MSU). then you have your historical tie in (NEB). then you have a lot of nothing that would make a casual fan tune in (Indiana, NW, Minny, etc.). it'll be a change in the beginning bc of the newness of the opponents but once the south Floridians get a taste of the bad of the b10, it'll revert back. it'll be nice to have something diff tho
On any consistent measure, Mich hasn't really been "that good" for decades, nor PSU.

Big10 is basically Ohio State as routine contender.
Phillips should be on a place heading west right now. I've always thought the Pac 12 and ACC should have merged. Not a slam dunk, but it's the only to save both conferences long term. The opportunity may have presented itself again.
Because with these huge conferences there are fewer opportunities for out of conference games. And they'd want to use those for smaller schools as most do now. Just look at UF. Stopped the annual rivalry with us. Yeah, it COULD happen, but I could also see it not happening. Just keep us in conference and avoid the whole thing.

Am I the only one really sick of FSU? Just looking at their colors makes me want to vomit. If I had to choose one to play every year, it'd be the Gator.
Phillips should be on a place heading west right now. I've always thought the Pac 12 and ACC should have merged. Not a slam dunk, but it's the only to save both conferences long term. The opportunity may have presented itself again.
There is no saving both, long term. Without the kind of media deal that the 10/sec get, the rest of college football will be a bunch of also rans. And the merger of the acc and the husk of the p12 don't command that kind of media deal.
Let's just look at matchups (not EVERY year, but on a rotation).

ACC Currently: FSU, VT, UNC, occasionally Clemson, occasionally ND
B1G (in my scenario): FSU, Clemson, ND, OSU, PSU, Mich, MSU, Wisc, Neb, VT, USC, UCLA

Just 4 of those a year on a rotation and it's MUCH more marketable year to year. Yeah you're still going to get a handful of less attractive schools—no disagreement there—but it's inevitable and, I'd say, necessary.
clemson is oging to the SEC not big 10.

FSU i think is going to SEC but thats up for debate.

I dont see VT going to the big 10. I see ND doing a scheduling agreement w b10 again.

im not saying the big 10 doesnt give us higher ratings, but out of the teams you listed - ND, OSU, Mich, USC, and FSU would move the needle for the casual fan imo. i think in general the big 10 favors us more than any conference just based on our student profile and where the alumni are. we have a lot mroe alums in the b10 markets than we do anywhere in the SEC. it would be fun.

this gets better by the second, hahahaha

@TheOriginalCane @Wake_Cane @Cribby

you always try to remain silent on the choice of law or agree to the law in the state youre based in. because this was an agreement signed by many diff schools in diff states, i expect that they all wanted to remain silent here and you cant have like 15 diff agreements with 15 diff schools with diff terms. you want to remain as consistent as possible.

to add, this is not uncommon with agreements. the only time where choice of law often times doesnt get moved to silent is when the institution is international.