MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

And bingo was his name-o.
Scheduling agreement maybe. No merger. Not enough rights money increase to make members Like fsu or Miami or Clemson accept new members or new merger or new GOR. once again only wash and Oregon MIGHT add value $ increase to a deal
All of a sudden the media narrative is that the Big Ten just didn’t want to expand when just yesterday they were saying that Oregon and Washington had been vetted and approved. It’s like they don’t want to admit that just maybe Oregon isn’t as valuable as they think.
If i'm a Big Ten exec and looking at full ACC schools, Its Clemson because of recent success, then Miami not FSU. FSU is a proxy SEC school like Clemson, without the recent success. Miami fits there academically, culturally and also has dormant rivals like Penn St and bad blood with Ohio on the field and on the trail. The schools that are quiet may know exactly where they intend to go. FSU to me sounda like drumming up interest because the SEC more than the BIG seem content with just adding Texas and OU for now and feel ok. FSU may end up in the Big 12. I dont see them going to the BIG as a first option but as an addition to Clemson, or Miami.

Just my take on it. If they are so close to leaving why all their people blabbing on and on. Man who leaving just pack their bags and release it like UCLA and USC, even Colorado. Silence

unimpressed michael keaton GIF
If i'm a Big Ten exec and looking at full ACC schools, Its Clemson because of recent success, then Miami not FSU. FSU is a proxy SEC school like Clemson, without the recent success. Miami fits there academically, culturally and also has dormant rivals like Penn St and bad blood with Ohio on the field and on the trail. The schools that are quiet may know exactly where they intend to go. FSU to me sounda like drumming up interest because the SEC more than the BIG seem content with just adding Texas and OU for now and feel ok. FSU may end up in the Big 12. I dont see them going to the BIG as a first option but as an addition to Clemson, or Miami.

Just my take on it. If they are so close to leaving why all their people blabbing on and on. Man who leaving just pack their bags and release it like UCLA and USC, even Colorado. Silence
FSU has better TV ratings compared to us.
I assume this would be for x amount of years and until they become a full paid member.

Even without the full payout consideration, if they are currently being offered 20M a year, I can't see how an extra 15-20M wouldnt be enough to cover additional travel expenses. Plus, are they even going to still get 20M a year if a bunch more schools leave the PAC12? Seems like a no brainer to me.
no Oregon to b10

So, the Big10/SEC bluebloods against expansion should be very worrisome for Big10/SEC conference. That's moat thinking, not growth thinking.

Remember my analogies to 1600s Europe? They are making same mistakes as British, French, and Ottoman empires.

Hear me out...

IF the payout per school can "get it right enough", a combined ACC-PAC12-Big 12 could make sense. There is enough schools to work with that can make their programs nationally competitive (just like upper half of SEC and Big 10). This new coast-to-coast conference encircles SEC and blunts Big10 flanking designs. Yormark, who knows media and "****" cod be best suited to play a key role.

I seem to recall a team in SoFL that "bluebloods" scoffed at during the 80s.

Miami fundamentally changed college football landscape then and could possibly be a part of doing it again...
FSU has better TV ratings compared to us.
Which is why it makes sense that both go together. These things typically happen in pairs. To nab one of the best CFB rivalries and to get a strong foothold in Florida is so much more valuable than taking just one. If we go, I hope they go, too. I don't want to lose that rivalry. IF we can maintain that while gaining Penn St, OSU, USC, UCLA, Nebraska, Michigan, and possible ND and VT (among others), to me that is just as good as an SEC lineup when it comes to rivalries and tradition.
It has been for some time now.
people overestimate Miamis tv ratings. we draw well for the big games like a lot of other teams but our average reach isnt as expansive as people think it is. we aren't worthless but we aren't more watched on average than the other in state schools (UF and FSU). part of why UM is valuable in expansion talk isnt bc of our football or hoops team, but its the market you gain access to.