MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

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This is a little confusing. It seems like he has Oregon going to both the Big 12 and Big Ten.
Not confusing. This is accelerating need for big 10 to **** or get off the pot regarding Oregon (Oregon wants some chair to sit on) is essentially what he means, so timelines are being blown up apparently
So 30 million per year paid out to the ACC to leave the conference and let's say the annual payout per year from the BIG or SEC is 70 million...why would FSU agree to that when the ACC just paid out 37 million per team this last year. If they owe 30 from the 70 thats 40 leftover so they do all this for 3 million difference? Make it make sense.

In other words, they can pay an ACC exit fee, and make three million MORE (year one).

That makes sense, especially when they will be pulling in at least 70 million per year when they finish paying the ACC out.
I for sure thought we were going to the Big 10 but if that rumor is true and it’s Oregon Washington FSU and Clemson that’s a nightmare for UM as I just don’t think the SEC would EVER take UM.
We are not a “cultural fit” for the SEC. We are not going to the SEC.

We are not being left behind either and will become a member of the BIG10 conference (unless things have significantly changed over the weekend).

Sit back and enjoy the off-season. It’s what we do best at CIS.
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Funny how everyone has different ideas what’s going to happen. Reading 20 or 24 schools in three conferences. All I see is one more Pac 12 to Big 12 this week. After that no one knows.
I know we are probably included, but it does bother me a bit the recent tweets don't include Miami.
Wondering if FSU and Clemson specifically trying to force SEC’s hand. If it comes out that more than just those two are coming from the ACC, I think we have the answer
In a highly oversimplified explanation...

ESPN is paying the ACC for a bundle of games, true. Then they SEPARATELY (and unnecessarily) "required" us to sign over our rights.

So let's say UM and F$U joined the Big 10 in 2024, and then the ACC invites UConn and WVU to join (gettin' the old Big East band back together).

Assuming that ESPN continues to pay the ACC the same amount of money for games (and since the ACC TV contract is so BELOW fair market value, I fail to see how UConn and WVU would force ESPN to pay even less), then The Worldwide Leader could still pay the same to the ACC that they've always paid...

AND they would have the rights to broadcast UM and F$U home games. But the MONEY would go to whichever conference UM and F$U are in.

And before your head explodes, realize that this is the MOST LIKELY outcome when a conference goes and does stupid **** like creating two separate contracts to do what ONE contract should do in the first place.

Here are the two big issues:

1. Yeah but...ESPN doesn't currently have a contract with the Big 10. EXACTLY. Which is why they might want to do this, to get their foot back in the door with the Big 10.

2. But but but, what about the AMOUNT of money...this one is interesting. ESPN has the RIGHT to broadcast Miami and F$U home games...but for how much? The same peanuts they were offering the ACC? Probably not. A Miami-Ohio State or F$U-Pedo State matchup is going to be worth more money than Miami-BC or F$U-Syracuse.

3. And and and, what about the ACC? Again, if the ACC negotiated a TV deal ON BEHALF OF THE CONFERENCE FOR XX NUMBER OF GAMES EACH YEAR, then assuming ESPN still offers to pay the SAME (which is what they did with the Big 12 a few years ago when Nebraska/Mizzou left), then the ACC has not been harmed IN ANY WAY by the change of teams, at least for the TV deal.

On this third point, I have some experience, as the NASCAR TV deal with Fox/NBC/ESPN and/or whoever else had various rights (Speed Channel when it existed) was for RACE WEEKENDS. Therefore, if we moved race dates around between various racetracks, then the networks couldn't come back and say "hey, we want to renegotiate". Thus, if you move a race date from, say, Los Angeles to, say, Kansas, the networks can't say "but we're going to get lower ratings for a second race in Kansas that doesn't bring in the celebrities like LA does".

Events. Games. Time slots. As long as the ACC delivers those and ESPN pays for those, then there is no TV DEAL HARM that impacts the ACC if they have to take UConn/WVU to replace Miami/F$U. In other regards, sure, which is what the $120M exit fee is designed to pay for.

And then ESPN gets back into bed with the Big 10 (albeit for more money).
Brother @TheOriginalCane This post made a lot of sense. Appreciate u and the others breaking the variables of this topic down so fellas like me who are straying a bit far from their business wheelhouse can comprehend what is going on.

Thank You