MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Neither can you. It’s Maude’s or Maudes or something like Maub. I have no idea what that word you wrote is but I know what and who it isn’t.
Whatever @Tony4Miami
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 this…


Yesterdays performance doesn't predict tomorrows performance.

You're also ignoring the elephant in the room that WE are different. We have an entirely different Commitment from the top down, a much higher level of investment, an entirely different coaching staff who will have us loaded with more talent and far greater culture than we've had in those 2 decades of underachieving.

Then in your list of schools we should apparently fear or have no hope of outperforming or getting into the CFP over, you list Michigan St, South Carolina, Mizzou, ******* Purdue, etc. lol. Like try to tell me that isn't a complete joke.
Thank you for countering his statement with facts not insults and hyperbole.
I don’t agree with his opinion on joining the Big 12 over the BIG 10 either but lets keep it to the merits, or lack thereof, of the argument.

This started with one poster calling him an idiot which is not something that should be said to him, and now you saying his comments are beneath him or whatever but he’s giving his opinion. When challenged he gave his reasons, agree with them or not. And when people don’t like his opinion, they get upset more than they would with any other poster, which is why he stops posting at times - because he’s held to a different standard. Now that standard was earned because he’s a smart guy and an all time great here in my opinion - he’s in my top 5, and number one on football. But just challenge the claim and backup with your own.

For real, we’d be crazy to go anywhere but the Big 10 1st.

Easy Top 5. When he stops posting, the board is a lesser place. Very few others reach that level…
I don’t agree with his opinion on joining the Big 12 over the BIG 10 either but lets keep it to the merits, or lack thereof, of the argument.

This started with one poster calling him an idiot which is not something that should be said to him, and now you saying his comments are beneath him or whatever but he’s giving his opinion. When challenged he gave his reasons, agree with them or not. And when people don’t like his opinion, they get upset more than they would with any other poster, which is why he stops posting at times - because he’s held to a different standard. Now that standard was earned because he’s a smart guy and an all time great here in my opinion - he’s in my top 5, and number one on football. But just challenge the claim and backup with your own.

For real, we’d be crazy to go anywhere but the Big 10 1st.

In case it wasn't clear, I agree with your points on not calling @Memnon an "!d!ot" and I'm fine with him having an opinion and trying to justify it.

All I'm saying is that in THIS discussion, I am surprised and disappointed by @Memnon 's take. I DO expect better of him, but I'm also not ripping him for falling short this time around.

The entire reason we are willing to pay our $120M exit fee is because we know that the ACC/Big 12 level payouts are an eventual death sentence. So to analyze the winnability of the Big 12 AND ADVOCATE FOR US BEING A PERFECT MATCH FOR THAT CONFERENCE is just strange and out of character for a poster who is normally much better at understanding the reality of situations (compared to useless hypothesizing about what combination of 14 teams would be the easiest to beat).
In case it wasn't clear, I agree with your points on not calling @Memnon an "!d!ot" and I'm fine with him having an opinion and trying to justify it.

All I'm saying is that in THIS discussion, I am surprised and disappointed by @Memnon 's take. I DO expect better of him, but I'm also not ripping him for falling short this time around.

The entire reason we are willing to pay our $120M exit fee is because we know that the ACC/Big 12 level payouts are an eventual death sentence. So to analyze the winnability of the Big 12 AND ADVOCATE FOR US BEING A PERFECT MATCH FOR THAT CONFERENCE is just strange and out of character for a poster who is normally much better at understanding the reality of situations (compared to useless hypothesizing about what combination of 14 teams would be the easiest to beat).
I think he’s looking at it narrowly or was in the sense of the overall picture - research grants, expanded playoffs…
It’s all good, as you can see I’m not even engaging with him because it’s not necessary.

But it’s hilarious how people immediately respond with insults to a difference of opinion, something I never do, but then want to make me out to be the bad guy lol.

Instead of arguing the point they attack me because that’s their issue, it’s not the opinion, it’s who it’s coming from.
This type of interaction has been cultivated on this board for some time with the protected class of posters being allowed to run wild with disrespect and insults. You stepped into a thread where someone that allegedly has some information, even though nothing that isn’t an obvious part of a chain of events since texas/ou announced has been said, feels emboldened.
I don’t agree with his opinion on joining the Big 12 over the BIG 10 either but lets keep it to the merits, or lack thereof, of the argument.

This started with one poster calling him an idiot which is not something that should be said to him, and now you saying his comments are beneath him or whatever but he’s giving his opinion. When challenged he gave his reasons, agree with them or not. And when people don’t like his opinion, they get upset more than they would with any other poster, which is why he stops posting at times - because he’s held to a different standard. Now that standard was earned because he’s a smart guy and an all time great here in my opinion - he’s in my top 5, and number one on football. But just challenge the claim and backup with your own.

For real, we’d be crazy to go anywhere but the Big 10 1st.
Step 1: mope.
Step 2: Mope about being called a mope
Step 3: take a timeout from this site
Step 4: get handled with kid gloves
Step 5: Mope even harder? Yay, this site has improved now!

Its funny cause the same way you're saying he gets treated differently when he mopes because he's such a highly thought of porster, is actually why you are defending him for an absolutely dumbass take (that 100% deserves to get trashed in a MIAMI HURRICAN FORUM) over an insult 10x tamer than mods have absolutely ignored in this thread and website as a whole. Just take a second to imagine what @TheOriginalCane would have said had that been literally anyone else, including me lol.

So from my perspective, he's been treated far better BECAUSE he's viewed as a good poster - not worse.
I think he’s looking at it narrowly or was in the sense of the overall picture - research grants, expanded playoffs…

Fair enough. I though his post was the 13 current Big 12 members, and then a comment about Miami being a perfect fit and how winnable the Big 12 would be.

Regardless, the Big 10 and SEC are going to be harder and harder to win, if not just because of "quality", then at least due to the "quantity" of teams now.

It's going to be hard for ANYONE to dominate those conferences and win consecutive championships, even if you are Alabama or UGa or Taint.
Step 1: mope.
Step 2: Mope about being called a mope
Step 3: take a timeout from this site
Step 4: get handled with kid gloves
Step 5: Mope even harder? Yay, this site has improved now!

Its funny cause the same way you're saying he gets treated differently when he mopes because he's such a highly thought of porster, is actually why you are defending him for an absolutely dumbass take (that 100% deserves to get trashed in a MIAMI HURRICAN FORUM) over an insult 10x tamer than mods have absolutely ignored in this thread and website as a whole. Just take a second to imagine what @TheOriginalCane would have said had that been literally anyone else, including me lol.

So from my perspective, he's been treated far better BECAUSE he's viewed as a good poster - not worse.

In fairness, I usually point out that someone's ARGUMENTS are "idiotic", without calling the actual person an "idiot".

You also overlook that a terrible take is uncharacteristic for @Memnon and "more common" for some other posters that I could name.

Hate the words, not the...worder?