MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

I haven't kept up with every page or post, (so excuse me if im re-hashing things) but a few things popped out.

The possibility that there was no consideration for the extension of the GOR. Huge red flags for the ACC if true.

Also, someone mentioned the possibility of removing teams from the ACC. Has anyone verified whether there is a mechanism for that? I'm not sure why schools would agree to a provision like this. But assuming it does, that would present major problems for the ACC now
I haven't kept up with every page or post, (so excuse me if im re-hashing things) but a few things popped out.

The possibility that there was no consideration for the extension of the GOR. Huge red flags for the ACC if true.

Also, someone mentioned the possibility of removing teams from the ACC. Has anyone verified whether there is a mechanism for that? I'm not sure why schools would agree to a provision like this. But assuming it does, that would present major problems for the ACC now
Everybody is speculating ... the only GOR anybody has seen is the original 4 page document. The revised document is said to be a 30-40 page document. The "consideration" was establishing the ACC Network ... ESPN agreed with the conference to establish the ACCN if the ACC Conference agreed to the extension period. As far as "mechanisms" for certain actions ... again people are speculating as almost nobody has seen the document. One journalist las summer said HE had read the document and stated that there were distinct terms / conditions for different programs ... and that several of the major football programs DID HAVE clauses calling for "comparable remuneration to similar programs in other conferences". He felt that in that regard the agreement was malleable and that at least several of the programs DID have a genuine basis for leaving and keeping their media rights.
Everybody is speculating ... the only GOR anybody has seen is the original 4 page document. The revised document is said to be a 30-40 page document. The "consideration" was establishing the ACC Network ... ESPN agreed with the conference to establish the ACCN if the ACC Conference agreed to the extension period. As far as "mechanisms" for certain actions ... again people are speculating as almost nobody has seen the document. One journalist las summer said HE had read the document and stated that there were distinct terms / conditions for different programs ... and that several of the major football programs DID HAVE clauses calling for "comparable remuneration to similar programs in other conferences". He felt that in that regard the agreement was malleable and that at least several of the programs DID have a genuine basis for leaving and keeping their media rights.

Yes, and the funny thing is that the TV deal was concluded prior to the GOR extension.

Which shoots a massive hole in that argument. I'm not saying it's YOUR argument, I'm saying that the fact that the TV deal was signed PRIOR TO the GOR extension undermines the necessity of the GOR, as a legal argument.

That's why the consideration is suspect and the GOR may prove to be unenforceable.
ND is a full voting member of the ACC and they want out as much as UM does. That will vote for the dissolution of the conference - we are allies in that regard.
I'm too lazy to verify this- but just another reason to bolt. Im all in on the SEC- they would never allow this type of set up within their conference.

The ACC has that spineless feel to them like the old Big 12 commish displayed with the Texas revenue sharing setup or the BIGs cowardice stance on football during the fall of 20.

[BGCOLOR=initial]Plus the combo of football, basketball and baseball gives the SEC the lean here. [/BGCOLOR]
I haven't kept up with every page or post, (so excuse me if im re-hashing things) but a few things popped out.

The possibility that there was no consideration for the extension of the GOR. Huge red flags for the ACC if true.

Also, someone mentioned the possibility of removing teams from the ACC. Has anyone verified whether there is a mechanism for that? I'm not sure why schools would agree to a provision like this. But assuming it does, that would present major problems for the ACC now

I’m not busting his balls (this time), but I recommend you check @TheOriginalCane ‘s posts from the last week or so…maybe 2 weeks starting with the AAU announcement

Or read from the beginning 😎
I'm too lazy to verify this- but just another reason to bolt. Im all in on the SEC- they would never allow this type of set up within their conference.

The ACC has that spineless feel to them like the old Big 12 commish displayed with the Texas revenue sharing setup or the BIGs cowardice stance on football during the fall of 20.

[BGCOLOR=initial]Plus the combo of football, basketball and baseball gives the SEC the lean here. [/BGCOLOR]
"The lean" from a few fans but not from the conferences and most likely the university. The B10 wants Miami and the SEC reportedly does not. The B10 is the #1 federal funds research conference in the country and Miami will most likely have access to incremental Federal research grant funds annually that could potentially dramatically exceed the incremental media payout from the B10. The B10 just makes all kinds of sense for Miami.
"The lean" from a few fans but not from the conferences and most likely the university. The B10 wants Miami and the SEC reportedly does not. The B10 is the #1 federal funds research conference in the country and Miami will most likely have access to incremental Federal research grant funds annually that could potentially dramatically exceed the incremental media payout from the B10. The B10 just makes all kinds of sense for Miami.
I'm not sure you, or anybody else on this board has any real credible insight into possible conference movement for Miami.

And for your latter point- hilarious- fans truly couldn't care less about that- they don't spend money on athletic events with that thought in mind. You're in that boat primarily alone- or at least accompanied by a few tax geeks.

After all, this whole thread is truly dedicated to potential athletic matchups related to a potential move, and not the availability of federal funds. But thanks for ruining the great sports discussion.
Are we really believing the report the SEC was not interested in Miami? That report has a bad source orrrrrrrrr its agenda driven because they knew Miami were not going meet the SEC’s conditions and decision to Big 10 was all but done. It’s PR stunt to discredit Miami and the Big 10. Same will happen if FSU or Clemson do not end up in SEC.
I'm not sure you, or anybody else on this board has any real credible insight into possible conference movement for Miami.

And for your latter point- hilarious- fans truly couldn't care less about that- they don't spend money on athletic events with that thought in mind. You're in that boat primarily alone- or at least accompanied by a few tax geeks.

After all, this whole thread is truly dedicated to potential athletic matchups related to a potential move, and not the availability of federal funds. But thanks for ruining the great sports discussion.

One, yes people on this board have credible insight.

And two, as an alum of the school, as lots on here are, the availability of research funds to boost the school's academic reputation actually is relevant to more than just a few tax geeks. God forbid people can care about both football and academics. Where does it say this whole thread is only dedicated to potential athletic matchups? This thread is about discussing a potential B1G/SEC move for the entire university, not just the athletics program, and I can certainly guarantee research money is a major consideration our leaders are looking at when weighing the two options, if both offered. Please.
I'm not sure you, or anybody else on this board has any real credible insight into possible conference movement for Miami.

And for your latter point- hilarious- fans truly couldn't care less about that- they don't spend money on athletic events with that thought in mind. You're in that boat primarily alone- or at least accompanied by a few tax geeks.

After all, this whole thread is truly dedicated to potential athletic matchups related to a potential move, and not the availability of federal funds. But thanks for ruining the great sports discussion.
Have you read ANY of this thread? There are specific individuals who are close to the B10 conference who DO have credible insight into conference realignment and the strong interest BY the B10 in having Miami as a member. And what is your nonsensical comment regarding "tax geeks"? Are you 10 years old? There are UM alums involved in this thread discussion who are very aware of the importance to the university of research involvement by the university and that has been one of the "realignment criteria" that has been a discussion point.

The B10 is the largest Federal Research Grant receiving conference in the country. They prefer, if not mandate . AAU accreditation for conference members ... and both ND and UM just received AAU accreditation within the past month. That is a huge accomplishment for Miami and part of the criteria is RESEARCH INVESTMENT AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS. That is another reason the B10 wants Miami, in addition to the powerful football brand, having Miami in the B10 increases the potential for incremental research funds for the conference and conference members. Federal research grant money dwarfs the media revenue from all sports.

As for the topic of this thread ... it is "conferences to watch" ... discussing the REALITIES of which conferences might be the destination for specific programs ... and the reasons behind those selections. It isn't about "potential athletic matchups". It is about INCREMENTAL MEDIA REVENUE ... more money by being in either the B10 or the SEC vs stagnating in the ACC. When you look at the B10 opportunity in it's entirety the potential incremental revenue becomes a multi faceted opportunity and that is a huge consideration for the president of UM. Football matchups as part of the B10 would be prime time record setting matchups. Miami vs ND, Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State, USC, UCLA, Michigan State.
Are we really believing the report the SEC was not interested in Miami? That report has a bad source orrrrrrrrr its agenda driven because they knew Miami were not going meet the SEC’s conditions and decision to Big 10 was all but done. It’s PR stunt to discredit Miami and the Big 10. Same will happen if FSU or Clemson do not end up in SEC.
You think this is all shaping up so that we are playing in a new conference starting 2026? Or earlier/later? Announcement will likely be a year earlier than we actually leave Id assume.
Trust me- these little narratives about the mindset of the almighty SEC being content on standing pat in relation to addl expansion or having NO interest in Miami (or even a few other schools) EVER is LAUGHABLE.

The SEC will get proactive REAL quick the moment they feel the least bit threatened regionally by the B1G. They might* be a slight victim of their own arrogance right now in possibly underestimating the ability of the B1G to operate in near silence but they certainly wouldn't remain flat-footed or loyal to perceived current mindsets when the inevitable arms race of full 2 super-conference realignment does actually go down.
I'm not sure you, or anybody else on this board has any real credible insight into possible conference movement for Miami.

And for your latter point- hilarious- fans truly couldn't care less about that- they don't spend money on athletic events with that thought in mind. You're in that boat primarily alone- or at least accompanied by a few tax geeks.

After all, this whole thread is truly dedicated to potential athletic matchups related to a potential move, and not the availability of federal funds. But thanks for ruining the great sports discussion.
you must be right.
absolutely no one, including me, has any insights to add on possible conference movement.

the gig is up the truth is out they finally found me
you must be right.
absolutely no one, including me, has any insights to add on possible conference movement.

the gig is up the truth is out they finally found me
Take a breath, relax and go back to watching your WNBA game.
Take a breath, relax and go back to watching your WNBA game.
greece looks GIF