MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations


A lot of people analyze this **** in a binary fashion. "Oh, Oregon hax X as a viewer base".

But this is actually 7D chess. Lots of moving parts, lots of angles.
Some:But but but Washington and Oregon - usc and ucla need a pod

Me/others: what if I told you USC doesn’t want them in a perfect world- that they want exclusivity with ucla on recruiting california in a good conference vs Oregon with meh

that said if it goes to 24 for some reason, usc wouldn’t get the consideration. Not sure what happens if phil knight were to enter the chat, but that said, they did last year and here we are, Oregon sad
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These things are always crazy but I think it’s possible. It’s 3d chess. But here is just one example on a lower level. SMU - costs them $17 mil I believe to go to pac 12 before July 1 and 3x that after. If you don’t see them gone by that date it’s a good sign that pac12 is dying faster. I only put that in as I’m theory there is a world where pac 12 and big 12 are trying to reign for third, though I think big 12 has already screwed them. That’s just one set of bottom up dominos vs top down dominos in play.

there will be denials, nothing in writing, but anyone thinking that schools like Miami and fsu and Clemson don’t have an idea of landing spots is delusional. Wild card as always is Notre Dame and if they decided to go conference or not, which in every scenario (big ten/sec going to 20 or 24 - ans 22 is not an option btw) kicks one team out that could land, but it’s not going to hit the Miami fsu Clemson unc and likely uva in any way.

people keep saying acc isn’t going to see teams go to big 12. That’s just wrong if acc implodes which it’s going to at some point.

Personally think we are in endgame now, it’s hard to go back to being nice for those schools in the ACC.

And the carriage fees are more important for these networks than people are thinking. 1 million more homes for the BIG10 network would gain an additional $18 mil a year for the league. Plus advertising dollars going up proportionally. I’m not saying they would get that many new households- depends on if they get it as part of tiers or as a separate have to ask for it service. Could be a lot lower or substantially higher.

Appreciate your insights… my views and interpretations align with yours

Based on where rumors of dialogue is being had, it’s a pretty safe bet that espn has already moved on from modifying the current deal to keep the acc/accn intake, correct

Any negotiations with SEC, espn is aware of
Leaving the ACC should be this programs number one off season priority. The sooner the better. I don’t know how or why the conference believes it can hold itself together with how badly they’re outpaced financially by the BIG and SEC. If Phillips can’t figure out a way to renegotiate money for the ACC schools so they’re competitive, he might as well just dissolve the conference himself.

I hope the 7 programs (maybe 8?) have a future destination willing to accept them so this has an actual chance of being a way out of the ACC and its God awful Grant of Rights. Seems like it would be logistically difficult to shift 8-14 schools to new conferences and rework all that scheduling.
Long time ago people told you Clemson and Miami were always talking and I’m pretty sure that despite the word leaking that it was fsu and Clemson, that’s more spin and moving in silence. But all three closely aligned.

This. All this. I was told this last summer.

Page 12 of this thread, this guy knows something:
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