MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Are we talking about Gary Ferman or someone else?
I was talking about that MHver guy that’s always posting realignment info on twitter. He has been around for a while, and none of his so called inside scoop ever comes to fruition. If you let him tell it, the ACC, B1G, and SEC all have West Virginia at the top of their expansion board.
Hearing when UT & OU comes over to the SEC, Bama & Auburn are going to the SEC East, which means if that happens, we won’t be hearing from UF no mo! It will be all UGA, Bama, & UTenn.
Huh, I thought they were leaning to move away from divisions like the ACC did - you are hearing that is no longer the case?
Huh, I thought they were leaning to move away from divisions like the ACC did - you are hearing that is no longer the case?

There’s a couple of CFB guys out that way that have podcast that r tapped in. The rumor was the SEC was planning on doing away w/ divisions by 2025, but now that UT & OU are arriving earlier, another adjustment has to be made, & that’s the new rumor.
Im late to this thread but if we were to move from the acc where would it be and why? Quick explanation, dont mean to derail the current convo
There’s a couple of CFB guys out that way that have podcast that r tapped in. The rumor was the SEC was planning on doing away w/ divisions by 2025, but now that UT & OU are arriving earlier, another adjustment has to be made, & that’s the new rumor.
Im late to this thread but if we were to move from the acc where would it be and why? Quick explanation, dont mean to derail the current convo

Posts 143-167, 755-761, 855, 1031, 1337-1341, 2000-2011, 2711-2831, 2999, 3409, and 3412. Read those and you'll be properly ramped up!
Im late to this thread but if we were to move from the acc where would it be and why? Quick explanation, dont mean to derail the current convo
I was wondering the same thing. I just read through a good amount of posts and don’t really see anything new or imminent.