MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

If this hasn’t been posted already, Jim Phillips (ACC boss) is 1 of 3 top candidates for Big 10 Commissioner.
I think this (not the Phillips part, but that the Big 10 Commissioner left) is likely to slow things down. The former Big 10 commissioner seemed really set on aggressive expansion and apparently a lot of schools in the Big 10 were not that thrilled with it. It's probably unlikely that the next commissioner is as aggressive as he was.

And the SEC seems just fine with staying where they are with OU and TX at least for a bit and were only looking at further expansion to counter the Big 10. If the Big 10 is no longer being aggressive, I imagine they would be just fine where they are now.

Hope that I am wrong on this as things staying where they are will only worsen our financial standing comparatively.


Unless this is a temporary situation until ND and its separate TV agreement can be merged into the ACC, this would be the death knell for the ACC. The Big 12 tried to get away with Texas getting more $$ than other conference members and it led to Nebraska jumping ship, then Missouri, and how does Texas repay the Big 12? By jumping ship to the SEC.
FSU and Clemson aren’t dumb- they will use this as a way to get to the SEC.
Many of the schools in the conference just want the ACC to survive because they know they don't have a home outside of the ACC.

But FSU, Clemson, and Miami (maybe UNC, Louisville, VT) wouldn't let this happen without some major advantages and getting an easier out clause as well to jump to the SEC or B1G.
Looks like a big game of Musical Chairs.
When the music stops, we will be left standing.
Where's Rad?..
Only if we could trade NC St, Wake and Vtech for Auburn, Vandy and Miss st. Everybody wins in that scenario. SEC gets into Carolina, Virginia and gets conpetitive in basketball. ACC gets into new markets and better in football.
Is there any avenue where poaching the best remaining Pac 12 teams is beneficial for the ACC? It seem they’re going down the road of having one of the worst TV deals after losing USC and UCLA. I know it doesn’t make much sense landscape wise but UW, Oregon and Utah are strong programs that I’m sure some conference wants to add.
Is there any avenue where poaching the best remaining Pac 12 teams is beneficial for the ACC? It seem they’re going down the road of having one of the worst TV deals after losing USC and UCLA. I know it doesn’t make much sense landscape wise but UW, Oregon and Utah are strong programs that I’m sure some conference wants to add.
Throw a 4th team in like Stanford and you can have a west quad
Or those schools can all join the B10, and then the SEC and B10 can pillage what is left of the ACC and just let the ACC die...
B10 is unlikely to expand further without Kevin Warren who was the real motor behind all of that.

Apparently, the school presidents are against it and will choose the new commissioner accordingly.

Also, the 12-team playoffs (and the new TV deal that will come from that) really stopped this round of expansion and will keep alive the Big 12 and the ACC a little longer than it looked this time last year. I think the Pac-12 is toasted, but maybe Oregon and Washington are okay to be the big fish in the small pond and go to the playoffs every year, they will add some teams that would make geographical sense and strike a TV deal similar to the Big 12.

The ACC has his hands tied as we all know, it sucks, but the only game changer for them is Notre Dame and the unequal revenue sharing in order to keep the big guys happy.
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