MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Jim Phillips' math doesn't work for the schools, much as he'd like to trick folks into thinking it does.

The SEC and B1G revenue pies are about to grow much larger as their new media deals and the revamped CFP shares kick in; the ACC's is stagnant.

Phillips can give UM, FSU and Clemson larger media shares, but it still won't amount to a hill of beans in closing the gap with UF, South Carolina, Bama, UGA, etc.

What it does do is increase the financial disparity facing the less valuable and less resourced members like Wake, BC and so on
Need to wait and see exactly WHAT "GOR and Revenue" changes are being agreed to. This could mean the GOR / Revised media deal ends in 2030, with the "Brand Value" incremental money being distributed to the top 3-4 media value teams (FSU, Clemson, Miami, UNC) getting us somewhat closer to SEC money ... until the next actual realignment in 2030 .. when we move to the B10.
ESPN picks up the option, ACC moves to give big brands more money and Miami is among those brands, lawsuit will settle with neither Clemson or FSU going anywere anytime soon, and now we can offically declare Genetics, the guy from West Virgina, all the Nolie "insiders" and everyone else who predicted the demise of the ACC by next season as ****-stirrers and morons. Eventually, things will change, but for now we can go back to regular programming.
Well, the deal is better than originally negotiated in that prominent brands receive a grater percentage of the deal. As do teams that make the playoffs, which will ostensibly help UM one day. But even so, all the ACC has done is made lemonade out of lemons relative to the Big 10 and SEC deals.
I like what I hear so far. Side deal with Miami, Notre Dame, Clemson and FSU.
So we are guaranteed substantially less than the SEC and B1G teams for over a decade more. In addition, the big boys will get 4 each guaranteed spots in the CFP. Welcome to the kiddie table.................................