CMR recruiting style

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Your going to ****

Jews don't believe in ****, so YOU'RE (not your) wrong

cause they've been living in **** since the beginning of time.


Seriously, meaning?

The bible does not teach there is a burning **** where unrepentant sinners suffer forever but it does teach the end of existence for those people.

Here is the verse that use to be flashed all the time at football games (havent seen it much lately)

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Notice it says "perish" ,not burn in **** for a trillion ,gazillion years.
Being a Christian does not mean you live like a Saint. We are sinners. There's just an understanding that our higher power died for our sins.

This religous stuff is getting overblown.

Nah, it is just people without self control and a strong moral compass using an easy out to justify their inability to be reasonable in the face of desire and a shorter path without having to accept responsibility.

Without God,there is no moral standard and so what is right and wrong morally can be argued endlessly.

Woah, um, no. God or religion does not own morality.

The moment I stopped following a religion everything seemed to get better for me and my family. Religion will always pull people apart and "Segregate". We just believe in God and doing what we believe is the right thing. It seems more and more people are pulling away from religion. I see it in the schools with other families.
I'm one that believes you allow people to exercise their rights and form their own beliefs and opinions. To me there is nothing more polarizing than religion, race and politics. Many young black kids are confused and conflicted by family, religion and the social/financial realities they experience everyday. Many say things because they are the norms and socially acceptable, although the life they live is in total opposite of what they say. I mean even rappers thank god when they win a meaningless award for their profanity laced lyrics expressing their total belief and practice of drug dealing, criminal activity and mistreatment of females. The least religious people are the ones who feel it necessary to convince you they are.
Being a Christian does not mean you live like a Saint. We are sinners. There's just an understanding that our higher power died for our sins.

This religous stuff is getting overblown.

Nah, it is just people without self control and a strong moral compass using an easy out to justify their inability to be reasonable in the face of desire and a shorter path without having to accept responsibility.

Without God,there is no moral standard and so what is right and wrong morally can be argued endlessly.

Woah, um, no. God or religion does not own morality.

The moment I stopped following a religion everything seemed to get better for me and my family. Religion will always pull people apart and "Segregate". We just believe in God and doing what we believe is the right thing. It seems more and more people are pulling away from religion. I see it in the schools with other families.

Completely agree ! When you identify with any of the big denominational religions you are basically told what to believe. If you are a leader in one of them then you can only teach the doctrines of your church despite your own studies that may point in a different direction. Worse still ,some people believe they are heaven bound just because they belong to such and such a denomination. Many others close their ears to anything at all that contradicts what they have been taught as gospel truth.
Jews don't believe in ****, so YOU'RE (not your) wrong

cause they've been living in **** since the beginning of time.


Seriously, meaning?

The bible does not teach there is a burning **** where unrepentant sinners suffer forever but it does teach the end of existence for those people.

Here is the verse that use to be flashed all the time at football games (havent seen it much lately)

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Notice it says "perish" ,not burn in **** for a trillion ,gazillion years.

So Jews don't go to heaven... Got it. Back to football for me then as this is a matter of religious opinion.
Think we're done here. Premise wasn't great to begin with and now there's virtually no semblance of football being discussed.
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