Clemson vs Ohio State

Horrendous decision. I haven't seen a decision that bad watching FSU play since....well.....never mind.....****
That's karma. Remember the freak play Olson scored off the helmet back in '14 against us?

Same deal.
fisher overrated

what a dumbass, your defense is ****ting on them and instead of pounding cook and shortening the game you keep throwing
Two comments; one, I cannot cheer for FSU under almost any circumstances so the first half is a disappointment, and two, I hope Dalvin Cook goes pro and ends up in Tampa Bay.

FSU, Dalvin Cook and a Tampa Bay can all **** off. Michigan and Harbaugh too. I'm sick of hearing about the Big Ten as ESPN tried to replace the falling SEC with these phonies.

Well, good for you.

Cook's pro exploits are of no concern to me. I am a Miami Hurricane fan. Not a fan of SFL athletes.

My only interest in Cook is as a TB fan, and TB needs a RB.

He could be from New Hampshire and playing for Rhode Island State for all I care.
It's all assignment football with these guys.

You must be disciplined, or you pay. Michigan just paid.
I don't care if Cook is being shutdown, you figure a way out to give him a chance, not throw with your freshman QB who has been sucking most of the game bar 2-3 passes.

Dude has lucked into Winston and Cook, guy was already exposed before Winston came in losing few games a year he shouldn't have.