The fans thought Butch's time had come and passed when they flew that banner, too. They were wrong. There's even a chance that they're wrong now, but I guess we'll all find out.
The fans also wanted Coker and Shannon gone. The ones that didn't sound exactly like the ones that defend Golden now.
Remember the outrage directed at JJ when he took Howard's team and went 8-5? Or when Dennis showed up with the 1-Back offense?
Yep, the fans have been wrong plenty of times. They may or may not be wrong now.
Yeah, I remember very well. I remember that JJ after that first year put in the 4-3 which was easy to learn, easy to coach, easy to play, allowed the aggressive Miami players to dominated on defense, and was able to take advantage of Miami skills and speed.
I see Al's trying to put in a two-gap 3-4 which the Pros say is a bit slow, doesn't allow for aggressive, attacking defenses, and that it's extremely difficult to implement. Since this will be Al's fourth season with this slow, reacting defense, and it hasn't worked worth a **** yet, I think his head is bigger than his brain.
I'd say the fans that have figured out he's in the dark on defense are some mighty canny folks.