Canes vs Irish


I didn’t read this thread until this morning and some of these posters are either just miserable humans or have no clue what they’re looking at. We’re sitting at 14-1 and have looked good doing it. Sound, gritty, mentally tough squad.

Miller sucks and his game is trash? Funny how @SouthParkCane went quiet after Miller picked it up. Maybe stick to football and recruiting bruh…

Miller has been nothing but a smooth glue guy with skills ever since coming over from GM.
We are 13-1 first and second the first half was pretty bad aside from Omier and Pack. So yea we all had a right to get a little emotional.
Not looking to get in the back and forth over Miller but he's are second leading scorer. Same for rebounds. If he's a glue guy, he is the deluxe version.
Someone has to produce at the spot. I’m not looking to go back and forth but if he’s your second leading scorer and rebounder by necessity you’ll have trouble come tournament time. For example.. Houston‘s glue guy is Jarace walker. A lotttt different in talent and responsibilities but we can end the convo I just don’t like his game. Don’t know why I got dissed for my opinion
Someone has to produce at the spot. I’m not looking to go back and forth but if he’s your second leading scorer and rebounder by necessity you’ll have trouble come tournament time. For example.. Houston‘s glue guy is Jarace walker. A lotttt different in talent and responsibilities but we can end the convo I just don’t like his game. Don’t know why I got dissed for my opinion
It's okay to not like his game, but there's no denying the important role he's been playing in the team's success this season and many times last season as well. Jordan isn't great at one thing, but he's good at a lot of things. He's an athletic, hybrid forward who can attack a game multiple ways. Offensively, if he's got a slow defender, he can put it on the floor and get to the rim. If he's got a smaller defender on him, he's not afraid to post them up and score over the top. His 3pt shooting is still a work in progress, but he's got a solid midrange game scoring from any where inside the 3pt line. Defensively, he's shown he can defend 3-4 positions and isn't afraid to get on the boards. Personally, not sure what there is not to like about his game, but to each his own I guess. IF the kid keeps developing and gets his 3pt percentage up to 40%, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised see him playing for a lot of money in a few years. GO CANES!!!
This team for some of the added new elements has a uncanny chemistry it’s what I think will be the difference this year. Of course the new additions add talent but with Wong and Miller we have leadership to add on to a interesting developing story.

I’m not sure we are that good yet to bypass the 3 teams we play and not think we won’t be tested before Syracuse as some here seem to think. We are still a work in progress albeit a work that’s shaping into something possibly very special.
It's okay to not like his game, but there's no denying the important role he's been playing in the team's success this season and many times last season as well. Jordan isn't great at one thing, but he's good at a lot of things. He's an athletic, hybrid forward who can attack a game multiple ways. Offensively, if he's got a slow defender, he can put it on the floor and get to the rim. If he's got a smaller defender on him, he's not afraid to post them up and score over the top. His 3pt shooting is still a work in progress, but he's got a solid midrange game scoring from any where inside the 3pt line. Defensively, he's shown he can defend 3-4 positions and isn't afraid to get on the boards. Personally, not sure what there is not to like about his game, but to each his own I guess. IF the kid keeps developing and gets his 3pt percentage up to 40%, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised see him playing for a lot of money in a few years. GO CANES!!!
And this was respectful.. dude sneak dissed me for my opinion like I smashed his girl or something. I personally don’t like his game and I feel L’s done a phenomenal job putting him positions to succeed. But NBA wings are much different. I would love to see him get an nba check but I don’t even see how he would handle an nba freshman in cam whitmore. But to each his own like you said
And this was respectful.. dude sneak dissed me for my opinion like I smashed his girl or something. I personally don’t like his game and I feel L’s done a phenomenal job putting him positions to succeed. But NBA wings are much different. I would love to see him get an nba check but I don’t even see how he would handle an nba freshman in cam whitmore. But to each his own like you said
John Salmons had a 12yr career in the NBA, I see a lot of Salmons in Jordan Miller. Coincidentally both 6’7” too
John Salmons had a 12yr career in the NBA, I see a lot of Salmons in Jordan Miller
I love salmons.. today’s nba wings are different Man. I seen someone make a rip Hamilton comp too.. those guys don’t survive with nba wings today. durant, Tatum, Paul George etc are nba wings
I love salmons.. today’s nba wings are different Man. I seen someone make a rip Hamilton comp too.. those guys don’t survive with nba wings today. durant, Tatum, Paul George etc are nba wings
You do realize you’re reeling off superstars there, whereas I’m thinking a role player / rotational guy will still make millions. ****, Haslem still cashes in millions each year as a 12th man who doesn’t see the court.
You do realize you’re reeling off superstars there, whereas I’m thinking a role player / rotational guy will still make millions. ****, Haslem still cashes in millions each year as a 12th man who doesn’t see the court.
Haslem also hasn’t played nba minutes in a solid few years. And when he originally debuted in the nba the game was different. And okay I named superstars. My favorite wing in the nba who isn’t a superstar but was in college is mikel bridges. I dont think Jordan has the measurables or all around game to hang in todays league. I could be wrong and hope I am. I also don’t think he’ll test that well athletically
Haslem also hasn’t played nba minutes in a solid few years. And when he originally debuted in the nba the game was different. And okay I named superstars. My favorite wing in the nba who isn’t a superstar but was in college is mikel bridges. I dont think Jordan has the measurables or all around game to hang in todays league. I could be wrong and hope I am. I also don’t think he’ll test that well athletically
Jordan Miller or Tyreek Stevenson which one do you like?
Miller is our most important player
He is very important but not our most important player. All of our guys in this system that we run are important. We have figured out how be 12-1 without Miller ever taking over a game. There will be a game or 2 where he goes off for 25 but we have a lot of guys that can do that on any givin night. Wong is our most important guy IMO.
We are actually at our best when Miller can initiate the offense and ND let that happen by running their zone. Let’s see what he does against Cuse
5 teams have figured out the Cuse zone some of you are overthinking this almost seems silly since L will have a game plan to free up players one will be Miller.
coach L just has to make it clear that he has a big red light in terms of shooting unless its a layup or somehow the ball finds him with the shot clock running down. If the latter is the case than thats on his teamate for passing him the ball in that situation
Dude, he is shooting 42% from 3. He had a bad night with some questionable shots but he has been very solid
I think the most realistic way to beat UM, short of just an off night by 3-4 guys, is to have great length. This reduces Omier’s effectiveness on the offensive rebounds and can make it harder for our guys to shoot over. Maryland is the obvious example.
I think the X factor against what I just wrote is Casey Because he has the additional size that UM needs For those certain teams. If Casey can do 3 things effectively this year, UM has a chance to make a deep run: defend, rebound and dunk off set ups from the guards.

But back to our original point, Miller, Wong and Pack are fantastic decision makers and give them the ball at the free throw line, in space playing 3 on 3 against a zone and its a wrap because teams can’t defend all the options. All 3 players can shoot, drive and are good passers. Let’s see what happens against ‘Cuse.

Maryland was a buzz saw that day and we didn’t come with fire in the belly. Agreed that a long and super athletic team that can switch 1-5 is what could really slow us down… but that’s maybe (maybe?) 3 or 4 teams in the whole country.

I’m interested in the Cuse game too… and wlso with you in hoping that Casey continues to develop.

Happy New Year and bring on 2023!!
...some of these posters are either just miserable humans or have no clue what they’re looking at. We’re sitting at 14-1 and have looked good doing it. Sound, gritty, mentally tough squad.
You can't beat success and that's where we are right now. But we did not exactly "looked good" doing it; at times far from it. Guys posting here that mostly seem to watch every minute of every game rightly point out when one or more players are "lapsing" (to put it kindly) and it happens quite a lot for a high-seed team (perhaps)...

...also they point out when guys are awesome and contribute immensely to the wins, which are far from comfortable most times. Much of the credit goes to Coach L and the staff making adjustments and shuffling the line-up, thankfully no injuries this year so far of note. So mope or berate all ya want, but Happy New Year and hopefully a highly enjoyable "dancing" year ahead.