Canes vs ***** - Honey Boo-Boo Bowl

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Idc if Coach Coley can recruit. He either needs to improve his playcalling tenfold or get the **** out. Terrible playcalling.

You do realize its not Coley? It's Golden the amount of time taken for that 3rd down wasn't on Kaaya it was on getting the play called in usually OCs have the next play ready to go unless a coach voids that call making the OC go back into his play book, Coley and Golden are different, Golden likes to do his bull**** *** don't play to lose while Coley likes to go out guns blazing aka first quarter of the FSU game..

Well whatever the case may be. Coley needs to grow some balls and tell Al to **** off.
I agree. Fat Al never fires assistants. Coley should do his job and let chips fall where they may.
this team is cursed... we have a dumb *** BOT and AD, plus with a president that is simply stealing money! **** Shame!
I love how we don't want interceptions.... We are taught never turn around and look for the ball..
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