Canes vs ***** - Honey Boo-Boo Bowl

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Announcers surprised we don't play more man to man coverage. Someone finally realizes something we've known from the start.
This is completely on Coley! The C minus oline is doing its best, but what about a screen, short pass, use the TE, wr screen. Mix it up a little bit, SC are not morons.

Common on!
Idc if Coach Coley can recruit. He either needs to improve his playcalling tenfold or get the **** out. Terrible playcalling.

You do realize its not Coley? It's Golden the amount of time taken for that 3rd down wasn't on Kaaya it was on getting the play called in usually OCs have the next play ready to go unless a coach voids that call making the OC go back into his play book, Coley and Golden are different, Golden likes to do his bull**** *** don't play to lose while Coley likes to go out guns blazing aka first quarter of the FSU game..
I'm absolutely shocked at the amount of resolve and fight this team is showing right now.

Pleasant surprise and really nice to see.
What's gonna be needed to Bring Butch Back ?

The way I see it, that team SC just suck and not would we not beat them, but they beat up by anything, it has to mean that


english version please
bush gently pushes the receiver.....that's our coaching right there. No hit, no physicality....just a push.
This is completely on Coley! The C minus oline is doing its best, but what about a screen, short pass, use the TE, wr screen. Mix it up a little bit, SC are not morons.

Common on!

It very well could be or it could be golden telling him to pound the ball.
Don't kno how #17 TM didn't get a flag for dat. Glad he didn't tho.
Tyriq could have had like 8-9 sacks this year if our ******* scheme didn't tailor to patty cake.
Man to Man coverage is ***!

This is completely on Coley! The C minus oline is doing its best, but what about a screen, short pass, use the TE, wr screen. Mix it up a little bit, SC are not morons.

Common on!

Maybe a deep ball to Dorsett, could open something up. We've only done it once all game. We need to throw to him deep 4 times every game, no matter what.
1st down! Play action toDorsett. Please!!!
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