Bryan McClendon comin'...aaaannnd he's gone

When you see a car crash, you can't help but look. It's not right, but it's human nature. You're like a 50 car pile-up in the snow all by yourself. I can't help but enjoy watching you put your foot in your mouth and contradict yourself each and every day. You're my mopey mope mascot.
Except I have never once put my foot in my mouth. You on the other hand, do drive by disses. Then scurry away to a thread with more mod activity for protection after I embarrass you.

Mean Girls Shut Up GIF
Let’s assume the “homecoming” angle that some in here are pushing is true for a second. That he’s only interested because it’s his alma mater. Just like Mario was with us. Yada, yada, yada.

What happens if Clemson or Texas or USC comes calling and he agrees to interview with them, too?

Is it still a “homecoming” thing? Or does he just want to badly get out of Miami?
No. It just means he's keeping his name out there. Guys that have a desire to move up the ranks in the coaching game, interview all the time. They want to put themselves in front of as many AD's and Head Football Coaches as possible.... regardless of whether they get the job or not. Anybody to help me advance my career, the fastest. They realize that one day, some of these head coaches, are probably gonna be AD's and some of these OC/DCs are gonna be Head Coaches, and so on. You guys (we Fans) gotta stop comparing these coaches, to people in the regular work world. This coaching **** different, mane. Look.... If you interview for another job in your field, it probably means that you're not happy with your current gig. That's the real world. In the coaching world, happiness ain't got a **** thing to do with whether you interview for other positions. If a coach is looking to move up the chain, he almost have to interview, a lot. Most of the time, he knows whether he getting the job or not, before he ever turns in his resume. Coaches talk. We hear the rumblings. We know whose more than likely the guy to get the job. ANNNNDDDD most of the time he's told his current boss (in this case, Mario), that he's gonna interview for the job. Therefore it won't be any surprises. So I'm pretty sure Mario knows he interviewed for the UGA gig.
Might as well replace him now. If he’s already looking 3 weeks into the job, he’ll be gone next offseason.

It’s amazing how this is somehow a controversial take.

He didn’t come here in 2015 when Richt badly wanted him and now he’s looking to leave after three weeks on the job.

It’s pretty clear he doesn’t want to coach at Miami for whatever reason.
It’s amazing how this is somehow a controversial take.

He didn’t come here in 2015 when Richt badly wanted him and now he’s looking to leave after three weeks on the job.

It’s pretty clear he doesn’t want to coach at Miami for whatever reason.

I mean if this wasn’t his alma mater I highly doubt he even interviews.

I still don’t think he’s at the top of the list as a candidate and stays at Miami.
Except I have never once put my foot in my mouth. You on the other hand, do drive by disses. Then scurry away to a thread with more mod activity for protection after I embarrass you.
lol there you go again. You literally have your wingman right here protecting you! Just like in the thread where you were clapping on Mario and half the board was killing you. 😂 believe me, I have no angels on my shoulders here.

I think I’m right about your condition. I think you actually believe your own bull****. Whoa.

Btw, your tell is how you can’t help yourself and project every time. In case you were wondering. Mope.