Brian Hartline

Nothing to see here.


I was waiting for something like this to surface. I suspected this was the case. Couple this with the rumors of him being a lush from some of our members, and it's clear as day to me that he likes to drink and drive.

If that's no biggie to the molders of men out there in Columbus, that is their prerogative. I wouldn't want my son around him...

Nothing will come of this.

I think something will happen. Might be between "nothing" and "firing", but something will come out of this (voluntary, on Taint's part).

But I don't think there will be any sort of NCAA penalty, possibly not even a legal penalty, though I'm not quite sure about that. You can definitely get a DUI on non-public roadways. The news article says that the alcohol smell was strong IN THE HOSPITAL. That means it MIGHT be chargeable.
We shouldn't cast too many aspersions here though as it's only a matter of time before Guidry crashes an airboat directly into the side of the Miccosukee casino. The nurses at Kendall Regional will say this crazy gringo smells like Abita, Rumple Minze and cigarettes.

He's not a smoker but that stench just rubbed off on him when he collided with the outer walls of the bingo hall portion of the casino.
It would be used against us...

How so? Those scumbags negative recruit us any chance they get, never seems to hurt them. The fake classy **** is for the birds. This is big business, and the staff should use everything they can to get recruits we are competing against them for.

BTW: Highlighting the obvious, Hartline being a drunk driving lush, reflects poorly on OSU, not us. we'd be remiss not to mention it. After all, is that the caliber of man you want your young impressionable 18-21 year old sons with 1000s of miles away from home?
No clue but wouldn't it be all county officials?? Delaware County not like Franklin.
idk how Ohio works but normally each county has their own state attorneys that handle that county. this would fall under traffic and DUI I think and it would be up to the SA to decide if he or she wants to move forward once they receive the police report.
How so? Those scumbags negative recruit us any chance they get, never seems to hurt them. The fake classy **** is for the birds. This is big business, and the staff should use everything they can to get recruits we are competing against them for.

BTW: Highlighting the obvious, Hartline being a drunk driving lush, reflects poorly on OSU, not us. we'd be remiss not to mention it. After all, is that the caliber of man you want your young impressionable 18-21 year old sons with 1000s of miles away from home?
Read what I quoted, I was agreeing with the poster, and saying that if the situation was reversed it would be used to negative recruit against us.
I think something will happen. Might be between "nothing" and "firing", but something will come out of this (voluntary, on Taint's part).

But I don't think there will be any sort of NCAA penalty, possibly not even a legal penalty, though I'm not quite sure about that. You can definitely get a DUI on non-public roadways. The news article says that the alcohol smell was strong IN THE HOSPITAL. That means it MIGHT be chargeable.

I don’t know if there will be any criminal charges because I don’t know anything about that type of situation where you are on private property, but I do know if I was him, I would more concerned about civil liability, he had a passenger, and I believe he was hurt.

As far as taint, I seriously doubt it’s anything. Maybe suspend him for a game? Make him attend a few hours of some type of sobriety program? But I don’t think they’ll do anything significant, if at all. They’ll give it lip service like they’ve had a stern discussion with him, and so on and so forth, but I think that’s where it ends as far as the school. Remember Urban Meyer and Ohio State, this is the OSU, where antisocial and criminal behavior is overlooked. They are the University of Florida of the rust belt.

Let’s see what happens.
He'll likely have to attend some alcohol abuse **** and be done with it. Getting tore up and hopping in a UTV, ATV, etc is pretty par for the course with those who own them.
its stupid but at least he was stupid on his own property.

For sure and he's lucky his friend is okay. It won't be the only time he drinks and drives one I'm sure. Anyone I've ever know to have an ATV or UTV with some property, we've ridden them after drinking.

Add golf carts to that list. If they ever did sobriety checks at the 18th hole, they'd rack of a **** load of money from fines. ****, give a guy a boat day with some waverunners, etc, same thing.

None of which is right, but they unfortunately go hand in hand a lot. Just don't mess with dirt bikes while loaded.