No point in hiring Rumph if he can't pull Heritage kids. Could have hired a great defensive mind or a real ace recruiter. Hugely disappointing.
I am not going to judge him off the AH kids from this class. WAY too late in the game. Buddy was hired as our DB coach a week ago and yall think he can sway kids who had absolutely ZERO interest in us to all of a sudden come? Wishful thinking.
Now I WILL judge him off the two DB prospects that will be coming out of AH soon...Tyson Campbell and Surtain Jr...if we are not in the game with those two then something is up. DBs at the position you are coaching should be open and shut.. Campbell is a stud. But I heard LSU is his leader right now..
I will also judge him off Slaton. The big time OL. We have to keep him home.